Chapter Five: Influencing Subjects in The Waking State

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Chapter Five

So if the subject did not respond to first test, the chances of
getting a positive
response to the second are even less likely. Why risk it? The first
failure can
easily be attributed to the subjects own inability to concentrate,
the second time
it begins to look like the operators failure, desperation, or lack of
Whatever the reason, your prestige will begin to suffer and no
hypnotist can
afford that.
This is entirely different than a subject passing one test and
failing the next.
Subjects who pass each test may continue to be tested, until they
failat which
point, that person should be eliminated. Lets say, for example,
that you are
in the enviable position of having more than enough subjects to
work with, but
youre having a hard time thinning the field. By all means, give
the successful
candidates another more difficult test as a group. Those who fail
will not reflect
badly on you, since the audience will see many who do succeed.
The same
goes for the rehypnotization technique explained in Chapter
Three. The
audience understands this screening process will enable you to
give them the
best show possible by identifying the stars in the group.
Influencing subjects in the waking state is always more difficult
than working
with them under hypnosiseven in a light state. And so, to be
successful, you
must take a more forceful approach. It begins with eye contact.
Whenever facing

a subject, you must appear to look directly into the subjects

eyes. In actuality,
you stare at the bridge of the noseright between the persons
eyes. The effect
is almost hypnotic. Look in the mirror and try it for yourself. Next,
you must
give each suggestion with complete confidence and self
assurance. In your
own mind, picture the subject carrying out the suggestion (ie.
falling backward,
struggling unsuccessfully to open his or her eyes, etc.). Never
give a thought to
failure. It cant happen. The resulting confidence will show on your
face and be
heard in your voice. Finally, make sure to keep the subjects mind
locked around
a single idea (ie. you cant open your eyes, your hands are stuck
together, etc).

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