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Letter-Writing : Postcard

Teacher Name: Kristen Giris

Student Name:



Salutation and

Salutation and
closing have no
errors in
capitalization and

Salutation and
closing have 1-2
errors in
capitalization and

Salutation and
closing have 3 or
more errors in
capitalization and

Salutation and/or
closing are missing.


The letter contains at The letter contains 3- The letter contains 1- The letter contains
least 5 accurate
4 accurate facts
2 accurate facts
no accurate facts
facts about the topic. about the topic.
about the topic.
about the topic or is
in English.

Grammar &

Writer makes 5 or
Writer makes 6-10
fewer errors in
errors in grammar
grammar or spelling. and/or spelling.

Writer makes 11-16

errors in grammar
and/or spelling

Writer makes more

than 17 or more
errors in grammar
and/or spelling.


Ideas were
expressed in a clear
and organized
fashion. It was easy
to figure out what the
letter was about.

Ideas were
organized, but were
not very clear. It took
more than one
reading to figure out
what the letter was

The letter seemed to

be a collection of
unrelated sentences.
It was very difficult to
figure out what the
letter was about or
the letter was in

Ideas were
expressed in a pretty
clear manner, but the
organization could
have been better.

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