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Writing-to-Learn: Literacy Interview- Abeer

1. As you made the map, what did you learn about yourself as far as literacy?
Answer: I think I have progressed over the years and have learned and understand
more from practice.
2. Who affected you the most as a writer/communicator in high school?
Answer: I was scared to write and had no ideas. My teacher, Seth, encouraged me to
write, not to think about it too much, and motivated me in every assignment. He gave
me self-confidence, no matter how much time it took.
3. What is your favorite literacy experience?
Answer: With my teacher, Seth. He really helped me with writing.
4. What was your worst literacy experience?
Answer: When making presentations. I get scared, cant speak clearly, and
become tongue-twisted.
5. How would you describe your access to literacies?
Answer: It was easy. Back home, the university and college are free. I just worked
hard to get a high GPA to enter the university and accessed material through websearching and books.
Mine and Abeers interviews were actually very similar. We both chose to
ask many of the same questions and our responses were similar. We both
discovered that through practice, our literacies have progressed over the years. We
also both had easy access to literacy and resources. One thing that was different
was our influences on our literacy. My influence was my older sister- being my
role model. Abeers influence was her teacher, Seth, from the English institute.
Seth worked with Abeer to help her just write and build her self-confidence.
Something that came up while we talked was the graduation project I had
to do in high school. At first, it was terrible for me. Now, it is probably my
favorite literacy experience because I can say I accomplished writing a ten page
paper, with an A I might add. Abeer and I both agreed that practice and being able
to learn/understand certain things over time helped with our literacy. The
collective text for us would have been me talking about the graduation project and
Abeer talking about her struggles with writing and speaking publicly. This made
me realize that literacy isnt just an academic or school matter. It is an everyday
thing. Many of the situations or events that happens in someones life deal with
literacy. It also showed me that it is not an individual matter. Many people dont

realize that others around them are going through the same thing. Whether it be a
struggle in school or outside of school.

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