Goal Statement

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Goal Statement
Alexis Bee
CIS 110

goal satement 2

When I was little I always dreamt that I would grow up to be nurse just like my mother. I
would pretend my dolls were sick and take care of them, I even practiced CPR on a few of my
dying dolls. I knew how to do this because I would watch my role model, my mother, very
intensely so that I could be just like her. Growing up I was immensely exposed to the medical
field, with both of my grandparents and mother being a part of the nursing profession and my
uncle being doctor, the medical profession was always surrounding me. My family was a big
motivator of my dreams, loving the fact that I was following in their footsteps. My parents
supported everything I did telling me no matter what you do always strive to be the best and put
in all one hundred and twenty percent of your effort. My parents are what motivate me to
succeed and be the best at what I do. They have also taught me to be kind and to take care of
others. I would do any act of service for someone in need. We as humans should be supporting
and taking care of each other, never putting others down. We should all be giving to others what
was given to us and always taking care of those who have nothing given to them. Currently I am
working towards getting admitted into the school of nursing next year. The school of nursing at
The University of Kentucky only takes two hundred students a year, one hundred in the fall and
one hundred in the spring. The fall admission is a 4.0 to 3.79 GPA and the spring is 3.79 to about
a 3.58 GPA. I am currently working to get a 4.0 GPA so that I will accepted into the fall. In five
years my goal is to still be in nursing school and working hard to be the best in my specialty. I
want to be a pediatric intensive care unit nurse. This profession is quite specialized and requires
many years of schooling so in five years if I am still in nursing school then I am on the right
track to reaching my goal. To reach this goal I first have to get straight As In order to get
admitted into nursing school. Once admitted I have to continue getting straight As so that I can

goal satement 3
graduate with my RN. After that I will apply to further my nursing education so that I can
become a nurse practitioner, the highest nursing degree you can get. I will then use that degree to
get a job and start helping children in need.

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