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Discovering Invertebrate and Vertebrate

Shannon Seleg

Date: December 2, 2015

Subject: Science

Grade: 4th Grade

3a. Use technology tools to enhance learning, increase productivity, and promote creativity
3b. Use productivity tools to collaborate in constructing technology-enhanced models,
preparing publications,
and producing other creative works.
4a. Use technology to locate, evaluate, and collect information from a variety of sources.
4b. Use technology tools to process data and report results.

Timeline/structure of lesson:
Opening/Framing the Lesson/Introduction/Early Assessment
Students will have had prior learning experience with the
subject of vertebrates and invertebrates. To open this
lesson, we will talk about our prior knowledge of this
subject. We would open also do a quick overview about
how to properly use the iPads and chrome books within our

The Lesson Structure: Activities

Students will be broke into groups of 2-3. They will
then be assigned an invertebrate or vertebrate that
they are responsible for researching.
Using the chrome books, the groups will research
their animal and come up with 5-10 facts that their
classmates need to know. They will also find a
picture to put with their information. They will only
be allowed to use approved sites from research.
The students will use their Google accounts and
create a Google doc in which they will input
information into. By using a Google doc, all group
members will be able to contribute to the project.
Students should also remember that in order to use
their Google doc as a URL for their QR code they
will NEED to publish their document.

Using the website, they will

input their published document URL address. By
pushing the enter button, it will automatically
generate. They will then be able to print their QR
codes off.
We will then hang the codes around the classroom.
The next day the students will be given ipads that
have the QR code app downloaded. They will go
around the classroom and view the other QR codes
that their classmates have created. They will need
to take notes so that they can create their end
presentation of the material they have seen.

Students will be asked to
share facts that they know
about these animals. They
will also be asked about
proper etiquette they
should be using when using
During this process the
teacher will be around the
classroom helping students
with what they need.
Students will be able to
work on collaboration and
use collaboration through
technology. Students will
have previously already
been assigned Google
accounts in which they will

Students along with their partner or partners will go
back to using the chrome books and they will create a
presentation of their information either using another
Google doc or Google Slides. By doing this the teacher
will gain a better understanding of how students
comprehended information that we presented by their

There is no specific homework for this assignment. It students
desire they are able to work on their presentations from home
using their Google accounts.

Self Evaluation of the Lesson

To be done after teaching of lesson.


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