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Interview the Main Character of Your Book

Date: 11/30/2015

Subject: English/Language Arts

Grade: 4

Students will create an interview script indicating a deeper understanding of characters within a story.
Demonstrate this understanding through Adobe Voice presentation
Creativity and Innovation

Common Core
Refer to details and examples in a text when explaining what the text says explicitly and
when drawing inferences from the text.
Determine a theme of a story, drama, or poem from details in the text; summarize the
Describe in depth a character, setting, or event in a story or drama, drawing on specific
details in the text (e.g., a character's thoughts, words, or actions).
Compare and contrast the point of view from which different stories are narrated,
including the difference between first- and third-person narrations.
Make connections between the text of a story or drama and a visual or oral presentation
of the text, identifying where each version reflects specific descriptions and directions in
the text.
Compare and contrast the treatment of similar themes and topics (e.g., opposition of
good and evil) and patterns of events (e.g., the quest) in stories, myths, and traditional
literature from different cultures.
Timeline/structure of lesson:
Opening/Framing the Lesson/Introduction/Early Assessment

Assess all students current reading levels if this

hasnt been done already. Gather all knowledge of
students current reading ability and determine which
reading level will challenge each student enough for
On day one, we will take a class trip to the library
where students will choose a novel they think they
may enjoy. The only requirements are that the books
are novels and theyre at the students current
reading levels. They will have two week to complete
their book.
The Lesson Structure: Activities

1) Students will have 2 week to read their

books. While reading, they will have

Allow students to have
some say on which book
they read. This will create
more interesting reports
and will allow the students
to connect better with the
characters, yielding better
interview questions. I will
ensure all books are at
students reading level or
slightly higher.

Make frequent short

comments on students
notes as they read. Ask

2 weeks

1 hour
Day 1

3 Hours
Days 2-4

1 Hour
Day 5

worksheets enabling them to takes notes

on the characters. Worksheets will be
done electronically on Google Docs. Each
student will be required to read for 20
minutes per night and then make a couple
short notes about their characters on their
Google Doc afterwards.

2) Once students have finished reading, they

will being writing an interview script on
Google Docs. Within their imaginary
interview, the student will be the
interviewer and one of the characters will
be the interviewee. They may select
whichever character they wish from their
story. They will need to create at least 10
questions such as.
a. How did you feel when ______ happened to
b. What was your side of the story during this
c. Would you say you were the main
character? Why or why not?
d. What would you say the theme of your
story was? Was there a lesson to be
3) Once students have completed their
interview questions, they will begin
illustrating, acting, and recording their
interview using Adobe Voice. Each student
will take 20 photos, 10 of themselves
interviewing the character, and 10 of them
dressed up as the character responding to
their questions. Students will partner up
and assist one another take photos to
make the process go faster.
4) After all of the pictures are taken, they will
create their videos using Adobe Voice.
Photos of themselves will be accompanied
by their own voice asking each question.
Photos of themselves dressed up will be
accompanied by their own voice altered to

questions leading them in

the direction of a deeper
understanding of their
characters. For example, I
can tell by your notes that
the main character has red
hair, however what can you
tell me about her
This will help them when
creating their interview
questions down the road.

Having students write their

interview questions
collaboratively on Google
Docs will allow me to
assess their quality of
questions and give
feedback much more
quickly. I will ensure all
questions push the
students to think more
deeply about the character,
their feelings, and their role
in the story.

Walk around classroom as

students begin to take
photos. Ensure that all
photos are appropriate and
students are staying on

As students begin
recording, walk around
classroom and assist as
needed. Ensure that all
students are remaining on
task and moving fairly
quickly through their

match what they think the character would

sound like.
Make sure all students are
being respectful of each
others work.

5) Students will present their video to the



Teacher will upload all videos onto class website.

Students will read 20 mins per night at home and make a few
short notes each night on their Google Doc. If they have extra
time in class, this can be done in the classroom as well.
If students do not complete their interview questions within
the time allotted, they can also finish these at home through
Google Docs.
They will be required to bring in desired costumes for picture
day from home.
Self Evaluation of the Lesson
Students will evaluate each others videos using warm-cool feedback.
Adobe Voice
Google Docs
Clothes for dressing up

Make comments on all

homework via Google Docs

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