BCP Weather Watchers

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Name: Catherine Rodriguez

ID# 7

Catchy, positive title: Weather Watchers

Undesirable Behavior Targeted: Students are not transitioning in an appropriate fashion They are taking extreme amount of time
moving from one activity to another which takes away learning time.
-Students still have materials on the desk from previous activity
-Students are walking/running around
-Students out of their seats talking with friends, getting another materials (sharpening pencil, getting other folders, books)
-Students are talking and playing in line (laughing, talking, hand games with friends, standing to the side of their friends)
Desirable (expected) Behavior Targeted: Students will transition to the targeted activity in an organized manner in the appropriate
time needed.
-Put away previous materials (from previous activity)
-Has a clear desk/ with only material needed for new activity
-Sitting in chair
-Standing behind desk waiting to transition to special areas, lunch, dismissal, library etc.
-Complete transition when music is finished playing
Types of positive reinforcements Behavior Reinforced when & how?
1. Immediate R+: Through every transition students will receive a sun sticker when they successfully meet the behavior
requirements on their weather recoding log (sticker chart on desk).
2. Delayed R+ (For every students sticker received for that day a cotton ball will be added to our class cumulus cloud. When
students fill up the class cloud students will earn their class interactive learning activity.
3. Overall R+ - Novel Interactive Learning Activity: As a class students will have the chance to record the weather from the
week and have a chance to present the weekly forecast through a weather report video. After, as a class students can
watch their video while enjoying movie popcorn.
4. Explain how you will quickly & easily administer all R+ without interrupting teaching.
In order to quickly administer all R+ I will have a chart with students names and days of the week. Here I will give a tally for
each time they met the expected goal throughout the day. During D.E.A.R time) (silent reading)/at during down time (end of
the day) I will add the stickers to their weather chart. For the Class Reinforcement I will add tallies to my chart and will add
the cotton balls to our class cumulus cloud, during D.E.AR or down time.
Interactive Learning Activity
Every day students have a weather log that they complete before we began our science lesson.
-When we finally reach our class goal. For a whole week during science students will take out their weather log and work in
groups to create a weather report using their data that they recoded/collected which includes the temperature, wind conditions,
precipitation and cloud coverage.
-Once students have practiced and rehearsed their weather report/forecast, the will then record their weather report using different
props, audio, costumes or any creative idea that will make their report interesting and fun.
-After they complete their project on Friday we will have a viewing party and watch each groups wacky weather forecast with
movie popcorn.
TEK: 2nd Grade Earth and Space 8(a) Measure, record, and graph weather information, including temperature, wind conditions,
precipitation, and cloud coverage, in order to identify patterns in the data.
Explain HOW you will teach the Desired Behaviors: I will start off by talking about what we will be learning today.
-I will then pretend to having all my materials missing and spread out in different places around the room cause me to
continuously get up during my lesson to find the materials.
-When students realize that Im getting frustrated, distracted and wasting their time I will turn it into a question.
I cant find any of my materials to do our lesson and we are going to be late for recess. What could I do for next time so my
lesson can run smoothly and we can get to recess on time?
-Students will give suggestions and I will write them on the board.
-Then I will introduce and teach the desired behavior by having students watch a video based on class transitions.
After video, we will talk about what it looks like, sounds like and feels like to transition smoothly in the classroom and around
-Lastly, as a class we will practice desired behavior in a variety of scenario which will help students understand what Im
looking for when transitioning throughout the day.
Explain HOW you will teach the Plan:I will explain the purpose for our behavior plan and I will talk step by step of each part of
the behavior plan. Soon after I will have a practice session where students will show me the appropriate ways to earn our points
and the inappropriate ways not to earn points.
Possible Options Once we have mastered the desired behavior we can then move on to another behavior that may need some work.
Demonstrate all Necessary Items: Cotton balls, large outline of cloud, weather forecast chart for stickers, sun stickers (weather
stickers), weekly weather logs, video recording (computer, tablet, iPad, iPod, and phone), YouTube, projector, and popcorn.

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