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Leasing Consultant Handbook

Opening and Closing Shifts.(1-2)

On-Call Duties.(3-4)
Leasing Season....(5-6)
OneSite Navigation/Help Email..(7-8)
Amenities Reservations..(9)
E-Drive Filing and Important Procedures.(10)
Housing Fairs(11)
Tours & FAQs..(12)
Contact Info..(13)

Opening and Closing Shift Duties

Weekday Opening Duties:
! Put personal belongings away
! Grab tanning keys and tanning & package inventory clipboards from Chris
! Gather all delivered packages
! Set up front desk (computer, phone, Scentsy, lay clipboards & keys out, etc.)
! Check emails
! Log into OneSite
! Check-in all packages by filling out the Package Release Tracking Form
o Leave the initial box empty until you send the email out; this helps
you keep track of who has been notified
! Send out bulk email to those who have received packages
o (To send out Bulk Emails: Click the Administration tab in the upper
right hand corner, select Bulk Functions on the left, select Bulk
Email, type each individual name and select, then edit email.
o Once emails have been sent, place packages in the closet (in general
try to have last names A-G (first shelf) F-L (second shelf) M-T (third
shelf) U-Z (last shelf). If someone has multiple packages, keep them
together to stay organized.
! Check voicemail!
o To check the voicemail, click the envelope button on the phone and
enter the numbers when prompted
" Mailbox Number: 3012
" Mailbox Password: 8651
! Open model room and turn on all lights, tidy up if needed. Do this to be
prepared for tours given throughout the day.
! Be aware that there is a 40-minute time limit on tanning
o It is for tenants ONLY

Weekend Opening Duties:

! Repeat all steps above
! Once desk is set up, do a walk-through of all common areas (Game Room,
Gym, and Rooftop) **Be sure to take the tanning keys with you to check
rooms/empty the trashcans
! During walk-through, check to make sure all areas are clean and free of trash
o Report any damages or issues to John by leaving a note or calling him
if it is severe.
Closing Duties:

Clear front desk

Put away in LC closet
Put keys and clipboards away in Chris office
Compact trash (key found in key box behind copier/printer, top row, with a
green dumpster tab)
Key to the key box is in pen holder drawer on Chris desk
Be sure to put BOTH keys back when finished
Lock model unit
Make sure dollies are away
Put tanning keys back. These must be in before you leave!
Lock Chris office!!!
Be sure the on-call phone is with the appropriate person (either LC or
Security Guard)

On-Call Duties
Standard Procedures

Pass code if phone is locked: 8651

! Be sure phone is on anytime between the hours of 6pm and 10am SundayWednesday
! Have phone near you at all times
! Maintain within 10-15 minute radius of the building
! If you are on call starting Sunday morning, be sure to pick up the phone
from the office no later than 9am
! The Security Officer has the phone Thursday-Saturday nightbe sure to get
the phone Friday & Saturday mornings by 9am
! Answer any and all phone calls!
! Appropriate issues to respond to:
o Noise complaints
o Emergency maintenance (flooding, fire, alarms, etc.)CALL JOHN
ASAP (540)746-0425. In the case of a fire or dangerous situation, call
police immediately.
o What is NOT emergency maintenance (clogged drains & toilets, air
conditioning issues, internet and TV problems, etc.)
o Some issues are at your discretion to decide how to respond
How to Respond to After Hour Phone Calls
! Noise complaints:
" Take down apartment number tenant believes is causing the issue
" Walk through that floor to scope the area to see if you believe it is
excessive as well
" Once this is done, knock on the door of the noisy apartment and notify
them they have been given their first warning and that a noise
complaint has been filed (all information is confidential. NEVER

release name of tenant in which the complaint is received OR the

apartment that was actually noisy)
" If noise continues, and another complaint is filed, give the apartment
their second and final warning.
" After the final warning, if noise continues contact the police and
notify them that the apartment has been given 2 warnings and has
failed to comply
! Non-Emergency Maintenance Issues:
" Take down work order information (name of tenant, apartment,
bedroom unit, issue at handmore details is always better).
" 1st thing in the morning either call or go to the office yourself to
enter the work order for John.
" If call is on the weekend, notify tenant that John will not be in until
Monday morning and will take care of it as soon as hes back.

Leasing Season
! Leasing season starts! Prepare and be ready to give multiple tours per day.
Positive energy goes a long way!
! Keep in contact with all prospects that you acquire. Put in One-Site and be
on top of emails reminding them of when our leasing kick-off day is
(sometime in October)
! Whenever you give a tour, be sure to take down their name and email
address to add them as a prospect! Send them an email after they leave to
thank them and create a relationship.
! Key Facts about 865 East that you might be asked:
o We are a controlled access building with a courtesy officer ThursdaySaturday evenings who roams the parking lots as well as inside the
building at peak hours
o Parking IS included in the lease, and the spots are based off when the
leases are signed. The early you sign, the better the parking spot you
will receive.
o Each lease is SEPARATE, and comes completely furnished with all
utilities included with the exception of electric.
o Having a balcony is an option. If you choose to have a balcony, living
room space is compromised
o We have 272 beds in our building
" 96 units
o 10 1 bedrooms
o 34 2 bedrooms
o 12 3 bedrooms
o 40 4 bedrooms

! This is when leasing season is in full progress and our leasing kick-off
! When giving tours, let them know about the $100 Application Fee, $50
Administration Fee, and $250 Security Deposit (a total of $400) that needs
to be given to us in order to give them a number on our waitlist
o Let them know that the security deposit is able to be returned upon
their move out in the instance that there is no damage to the apartment
and not cleaning needs to be done.
! The waitlist will begin the morning of the kick-off party and will be first
come, first serve
! What we need from each prospect in order to receive a number in line:
o Leasing Application
o Guarantor Application
o $400 check or money order (we DO NOT take cash or credit cards)
! Once they receive a number on the wait list, we will notify them if they
receive a bedroom a week or two after.
o Once we have the renewals we will be able to start placing people for
the following year
! After Chris has assigned tenants to apartments, then it is time to start
scanning in information, filing it in the cabinet, and emailing the SIGNED
lease to the upcoming tenant
o Scan the signed lease, application, guarantor application, and any
other information we have (Wait List Addendum, Roommate
Placements, etc)
o Email ONLY the signed lease to the tenant for their records
o I would scan the lease separate from all other documents to make it
easier to send only the lease
! The cabinets are separated by current year and previous year. Each
apartment has an individual folder in which the apartment number is written

at the top of the tab. All documents for all tenants living in this unit will be
filed here.
! In order to apply to live here, tenants must fill out a Rental Application, their
parents must fill out a Guarantor Application, and they will sign the lease in
the instance that they will receive an apartment. Money must be turned in
order for the application to be considered complete.
! Rental Applications can be filled out on site.
! Guarantor Applications can be found on our website and can be
electronically submitted directly through our website.
! When filling out a lease, be sure to go over all terms with them.
! We are responsible for filling out their name, year, financial information
(monthly rent, total rent, etc.)
! Once we explain these terms to them, allow them the opportunity to read
over the lease and initial at the bottom of EVERY page as well as sign the
last page.
! Tell them that this is not final until we receive all renewals and are able to
judge the availability. In the case that they are not offered an apartment, we
will shred the lease and their check or money order will not be valid.
Entering Info into OneSite
! Once leases are set, we are able to enter their information into OneSite.
! Current Leasing Consultants will go over this in person.

OneSite Navigation/Help Email

How to Use:
! Onesite can be confusing at times, but just take the time to familiarize
yourself with the data base and it will become extremely easy to use.
! The steps to navigate OneSite are as follows:
o Sign in with the username and password assigned to you
o Once signed in, you will see all of the different tabs available at the
o Switch to the Residents tab
o This is where you can look up tenants by their Unit or Name. Just be
sure to switch the option when you are searching.
o After searching a tenant, there are two options to the left of their
name: view or more
" By clicking view, you can see their summary, ledger, contacts,
parking, and more.
" By clicking more, you can send them emails, enter work-orders
for them (new service request), and more.
" This is where you will send them emails to notify them that
they have packages
! To find their forwarding address, click View then edit next to their name
in Contact List
! Under the Facilities tab you can see all open service requests, start a new
request, or complete service requests
o To open a new, click the new button and fill out all highlighted
fields (this is another option rather than entering it from their tenant
o John is in every from 9am-3pm so if the request is made after that
time notify them that their request will be serviced the next day

o To complete a service request, next to the name of the open request

click more and select complete
" This is where you will type all of Johns notes and Enter Time
" Also fill out Responded on Date/Time tab in the upper left
hand side
" Both of these must be completed before the work order can be
! Onesite also has the option to send Bulk Emails; to do this, Click the
Administration Tab in the upper right hand corner, then select Bulk
Functions, then select Bulk Email
! Always check OneSite for everything! If you have questions, majority of the
time can be answered through an aspect of OneSite. Check here first!!
! Whenever you speak to a tenant, be sure to record any discussion points in
their activity tab. This will help us to be consistent with all things said and
all agreements made.
Help Email
! When sending emails from the Help email in Outlook:
o Simply go to the Master List which can be located in the E-Drive in
the Leasing folder.
o Select the leasing year that you are in and open that folder
o There is a Master List excel doc with everyones email.
o Select the person/people you need to send an email to and copy their
email address
o Paste this into the recipient line of the email
o Continue with email and send


Amenities Reservations
How to Reserve:
! Whenever you receive an email asking to rent either the Game Room or
Rooftop, check availability in the blue Reservations Binder in Chris office
! Next, send over the Amenities Reservation Guide and have them read it over
and sign the final page
o This guide can be found under the Amenities Reservation folder in
the E-drive
o A hard copy of this can also be found in the blue Reservations Binder
! An example of an email to send is:
o I have gone ahead and attached the short guide that you will have to
read through before completing the Reservation Application. At the
end of the guide (second to last page) is the pricing break down and
the last page needs to be filled out and submitted to our office. If you
have any further questions please do not hesitate to contact us again!
! The only way the reservation is set in stone is if when they give a deposit
check. Prices are different for this depending on if they are a tenant. They
are also higher on peak weekends.
! Read through this guide to familiarize with the different rules for each room
as well as all other accommodations we offer

! When recording payment for the event, be sure to write paid, the check
number, and the amount.


E-Drive Filing
Filing of Leases:
! Each apartment should have their own folder in the E-drive, organized by
year, floor, and then apartment
! Within these folders, each tenant should have their own folder as well
labeled with their first & last name and unit within the apartment
o Example: (C) Alexandra Vermillion
! Once tenants have all paperwork turned in (Guarantor Form, Lease
Application, Lease, etc.) scan all documents into an email
o Save documents from the email to their prospective folder
! To save these, use the tenants last name and specific title of the document
o Example: Vermillion Lease, Vermillion App & Guarantor, Vermillion
! This helps to keep everything uniform and organized
Important Documents
! All documents can be found in the E-Drive and are sorted by folders
! They are all sorted logically so it should be easy to locate
! Within each folder there could be subfolders or documentsall of which are
! Always check here first! If you cannot locate what you need, ask the other
LCs before asking Chris
! Parking is filed in the E-Drive in the Parking Folder. Once you open this,
there is a document titled Master Parking 2015-2016
! This is where every tenants assigned parking is documented.
! Guest spots are highlighted in yellow and can be reserved by tenants
o If they want to reserve a spot for the weekend earlier than the day
their guest is coming, note on the doc the date they will be picking it
up. Notify them that they can pick it up on that date.

o This helps to keep the space available for the days leading up to their
requested date.
! When entering information into excel, be sure to include first name, last
name, and dates valid NOT just the end date.
o Example: 1/24/14-1/26/14
! If there are no more guest spots, let the requestor know that they can get a
guest pass for their own spot if they wanted to move their car elsewhere
(such as Devon Lane)
o If this occurs, be sure to note this next to their name in the excel
spreadsheet. Simply state guest pass for own spot until
! To give a visitor pass, get the yellow tag from on top of the cabinet and fill it
out accordingly.
o Space number on the right AND left of the top part, the date that it
expires in both VALID UNTIL boxes. Include the space number on
the bottom half as well.
o Fill out the name portion only with first initial and last name.
" Example: L. Vermillion
o Be sure only give the requestor the top portion of this! Tell them it
must be hanging from their rearview.
o File the bottom portion in our parking pass box. This serves as a


Documents/Procedures to Go Over in Person

How to fill out Move-In and Move-Out forms
How to fill out a lease
How to enter prospect information into the system
Updating of vehicle information
Explanation of how to read tenant ledgers
Entering lease information into Onesite


Housing Fairs
What to expect:
! JMU housing fairs happen each semester and are 3-4 hours in length
! All complexes in the area attend and set up tables
! These fairs occur in the fall for regular leasing season and in the spring
for transfer students.
! They are extremely upbeat and fast pace
o There are times when a rush of people will come to the table for
information and giveaways
o Prepare a pitch that you are ready to give over and over throughout
the day
o Familiarize yourself with fun facts and answers to FAQs
What to take:
! The essentials for housing fairs are:
o Tri-fold board
o Table cloth
o Brochures and price sheets
o Candy bowl
o Giveaways (t-shirts, sunglasses, coozies, etc.)
o Stand up poster
! All of these items should be together in the back 2 closets!
! Be sure to always order enough giveaway items at the beginning of each
yearthese go extremely fast!!!
! Think of new and fun ideas for future fairs! Anything that will make us
stand out more than the others is always good


Tours & FAQs

What to Expect:
! Each tour is typically 15-20 minutes in length
! The influx of tours depends on what time of the year it is
o You will give significantly more tours in the beginning of the year
than you will during second semester
o Expect more tours during the weekends because peoples parents
are visiting and are able to take the tour with them
! Be sure to give the tour in a happy and excited manner each time!
o You may have done this a million times but remember that it is
their first!
o Smiles and positive energy are always good during tours!
! Start in the lobby, go to the model, then basement, and end with the
rooftop. This has been a easily flowing loop for me and seems to work
out well
! You are selling this property so be as informative as you possibly can.
Facts to Mention:
! Be sure to mention what utilities we cover (water, cable, internet,
! When you let them know that they pay electric, word it in a way that
sounds awesome:
o At 865 we take care of all utilities except for electric! or Our
tenants are only responsible for electric and we take care of the
o Also let them know that the range for electric is between $30-50 a


! Also mention that all apartments have their own Wi-Fi router, as well as
all of the common areas of the building (lobby, basement, computer lab,
! Let them know that each apartment has their own washer and dryer as
well (model unit has a front loading washer but all other units in the
building have top loaders)
! All furniture is included
o Dressers are two separate pieces and can be disassembled to place
under bed if more space is desired
! Explain that apartments with balconies compromise their living room
space for an outdoor patio and that apartments without balconies still
have French style doors that open up to the outside.
! All amenities in the basement are open 24 hours except when being
! Rooftop is open until midnight Sunday-Thursday and until 2AM Friday
& Saturday
! We have 96 units and 272 beds
! Explain on-call staff and courtesy officer
! Parents enjoy the facts about our non-combustible building, feel free to
touch on those
! NEVER say we are a secure building but rather a controlled access
o Explain this at the beginning of the tour and show them your fob
o Explain that this key is access to all common areas as well as
apartment front doors and individual bedroom doors
! When you leave them at the lobby let them know your name again and
take down their contact info
o Enter them as a prospect when they leave
o Shoot them a recap/thank you email later that day!
o This establishes the relationship

Contact Information
865 Office: (540) 442-8885
Chris: (757) 344-7522 / (540) 246-1524
John: (540) 746-0425
Ali: (484) 947-9178


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