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Date: 12/2/2015

Subject: Language Arts/Technology

Grade: 4th

Orient the reader by establishing a situation and introducing a narrator and/or characters; organize an event sequence that
unfolds naturally.

Use dialogue and description to develop experiences and events or show the responses of characters to situations.

Nets Standards: 1.a- Create original works as means of personal or group expression.
2.b-Communicate information and ideas effectively to multiple audiences using a variety of media and formats.
3a-Use technology tools to enhance learning, increase productivity, and promote creativity.
Timeline/structure of lesson:
Opening/Framing the Lesson/Introduction/Early Assessment


The teacher will introduce to the students the assignment.

The Common core standards are focused on students
writing and recognizing characters, and sequencing
events. The students have been working on many learning
and technology tools as well as defining characters and
sequencing events. The teacher will explain to the students
the lesson. The teacher will then begin the lesson by
discussing well-known stories and having the students
discuss the sequence of events in a story. If needed the
teacher will read the students a short story or picture book
to better help the students understand sequence of
events? One the teacher is sure the student understand
the assignment the teacher will begin by having the
students pull out their chrome books and start
brainstorming with each other different story ideas,
concepts, character, plots, and sequence of events of
different stories.
The Lesson Structure: Activities
The students will continue brainstorming concepts with
each other on their chrome books using Google classroom.
This way if needed the students can continue
brainstorming at home with each other. While still in class
the teacher will ask the students to go onto Storybird and
choose an image to start creating a story. The students will
share their image with the rest of the class so there are no
duplicates. The students can then continue brainstorming
their story ideas. Once the students have their idea the
teacher will have the students create an outline that
sequences the events of the story, names the main
characters, the plots, the setting, and character situations
(the students will continue using Google classroom to
complete this outline therefore the teacher can check the
students outline and ensure that the students are
understanding sequence of events and providing a narrator
and characters) The teacher can check the students work
through Google Classroom, after the teacher has approved
the students will move on to writing the story. The students
will then start writing their story through Storybird and
Google Classroom. The story needs to consist of at least 10
pages; it also needs to include characters, an organized

By using Google classroom
the teacher will be able to
monitor the students
discussion and
brainstorming activity.

By using the Google

classroom the students can
continue to brainstorm with
each other. The students
can use storybird to chose
an image and brainstorm
and create their story with
approval from the teacher
after they have finished
their outline that sequences
the events in the story and
explains the different

sequence of events, and dialog that responds to character

situations. The students can check each others work and
can help each other if needed. The students will finish their
story by using Storybird and adding different images to
complete their story.


Once the students have each completed their story, the
students will be asked to publish the story and present it to the
class. The students will take turns reading their story and
explaining the characters, plot, and story sequence. The
students will be assessed on using the different learning tools,
as well as be assessed on their character recognition and story
sequences. The teacher and students will have short discussion
on the different stories.

The students will present

their stories, as well as
have a whole group
discussion on the different
stories and characters.

Self Evaluation of the Lesson
The students and the teacher will discuss how they feel about the lesson. The students will explain their favorite parts
about the lesson, which parts they struggled on in the lesson, and how they would change the lesson. This can be done
throughout Google classroom where the students and classroom can have a discussion online and the teacher can
produce feedback for the students. The students can also post their problems and feedback throughout the project if
they need to. The students and teachers will discuss the different technology they used and whether or not they enjoy
that technology.

Chromebooks- Students will use Chromebooks to access Google classroom and Storybird.
Google Classroom- Students will use Google Classroom to brainstorm characters, story plots, and story
Storybird- Students will use Storybird to create a story and implementing characters, story plots, and
story sequence of events.

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