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Megan Doose

The brain is like a school. With both there are many different parts that
have to keep it running. In school you have a principal who has to keep the
whole school under control which is like the cerebral cortex that is the bodys
crucial control center. There is also the library, where you have books upon
books of knowledge and other peoples recollections. Just like a library the
hippocampus holds and contains our memories. The Cerebellum helps us
with movement and balance and in physical education we do a lot of action
and games that involve movement. Teachers in the school keep us moving
and motivated to be in class and they get our hearts racing by calling on
random students to answer questions, which is like the medulla that keeps
our heart pumping and us breathing. The front office is the main core of the
school by keeping track of students who come and go. Like the front office,
the brainstem is the core of the brain and is also the oldest. The reticular
formation made me think of the student network and how they go from class
to class through the hallway. Reticular formation is a network of nerves going
place to place. In any classroom teachers will get you thinking and learning
and sometimes you have to speak in front of the class. The association areas
involve your mental functions to be higher in order to learn, speak, and think
in the classroom. The friendships you create in school change. Sometimes
the friendship is ruined and you have to either rebuild that friendship or
create a new friendship. I made the connection between friendships and
plasticity because plasticity is the skill the brain has to change after
destruction and has to reconstruct a pathway by using past experiences.

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