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Stefanie Boyne

5100 Fort Sumter Rd. Apartment 18A Raleigh, NC 27606 (919) 434-4263
Work Experience
2015 Present
2015 Present

Sylvan Learning Center

Certified K-12 Tutor in Reading, Writing, Math, and Study Skills.
Great Harvest Bread Co.
Baker/Customer Service.

Cary, NC
Cary, NC

2011 2015

5 Star Awards
Cary, NC
Operations Assistant for an independently owned corporate awards business.
Laser cutting and engraving, glass etching, and layout Design.
Maintenance of business website, paper and electronic filing systems, and phone system.
Earned Industry Scholarship ARA ARIEF Presidential Scholarship

Spring 2013

Vanderbilt University Dining

Cashier and server at campus pizzeria and main dining hall.

2009 2010

Gonzalez Law Firm

Cary, NC
Established and maintained phone correspondence with Spanish-speaking clients.
Maintained mailing lists and filing system

Nashville, TN

Spring 2015

North Carolina State University

Degree In Progress: M.A.T in Secondary Social Studies Education

Fall 2013
Fall 2014

North Carolina State University

Raleigh, NC
Degree Earned: B.A. in History with Teacher Education Concentration
Cumulative GPA: 4.0, Summa cum laude Honors: Highest Academic Achievement in History
Graduation Speaker
Deans List
CHASS Merit Scholarship

Fall 2011
Spring 2013

Vanderbilt University
Majors: Secondary Education and History
Credits Earned: 74
GPA: 3.789

Raleigh, NC

Nashville, TN
Honors: National Merit Scholar
Arts & Sciences Merit Scholarship
Deans List

Volunteer Tutoring Experience

Fall 2012

Mentor TennisSee
Nashville, TN
Provided homework help and basic tennis instruction to at-risk middle school students.

Fall 2012

Tutoring at Martin Luther King Jr. Magnet High School

Nashville, TN
Provided tutoring in all subjects to students at MLK Jr. Magnet High School.

Fall 2012

The After School Program at 14th Ave Baptist Church

Nashville, TN
Served as a student mentor to an at-risk 4th grade student to improve literacy.

Leadership Experience
2013 Present

Student North Carolina Association of Educators

Triangle Regional Representative on State Executive Board
North Carolina State University Chapter President

North Carolina State University Chapter Treasurer

Raleigh, NC

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