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INDIA's 'PARAM-10,000'

PARAM 10000 is
one of the latest
and the fastest in
the series of
PARAM range of
developed by CDAC.

Mera Bharat Mahan

PARAM Anant is a low-cost
supercomputing solution based on
C-DAC's unique OpenFrame
architecture for scalable and highperformance computing that
incorporates well-known Cluster of
Workstations (COW) and Massively
Parallel Processing (MPP) concepts.
The entire system including the
compute nodes, network elements
and the system software are
upgradeable at the system,
component and technology levels
to suit the needs of the users.
With PARAM Anant,
supercomputing is now accessible
to the education, research and
business communities at an
affordable cost.

Mera Bharat Mahan

India's Hi-Tech expertise

The restrictions imposed by the United
States of America on the transfer of knowhow in frontier areas of Technology
It was again the refusal of the U.S.
administration to clear the shipment to
India of a Cray X-MP super computer.
India to build one of the most powerful
super computers in the world.
Mera Bharat Mahan

India's Hi-Tech expertise

In fact, the unveiling of the "PARAM10,000" super-computer, capable of
performing one trillion mathematical
calculations per second, stands out as
a shining example of how 'restrictions
and denials' could be turned into
impressive scientific gains.
Mera Bharat Mahan

India's Hi-Tech expertise

In fact, the "PARAM-10,000", based
on an open-frame architecture, is
considered to be the most powerful
super-computer in Asia, outside
Japan. So far, only U.S.A. and Japan
have built up a proven capability to
build similar types of supercomputers.
Mera Bharat Mahan

India's Hi-Tech expertise

For the Pune-based Centre for
Development of Advanced Computing
(C-DAC), which built this supercomputing machine, it was a dream
come true

Mera Bharat Mahan

India's Hi-Tech expertise

To be sure, Europe is yet to build its
own super-computer in this category.
As it is, "PARAM-10,000", has
catapulted India into the ranks of the
elite nations that, already, are in the
rarefied world of tera flop computing
which implies a capability to perform
one trillion calculations per second
Mera Bharat Mahan

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