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Describing People A Few Examples

Use with verb Be (am, is, are):

I am short.
She is average height. or
They are tall.

She is medium height.

I am thin.
She is average weight.
They are heavy.
He is muscular.

My daughter is three feet two inches.

My husband is six feet.

She is serious.
She is a serious person.
She is hard-working.
She is a hard-working person.
She is kind.
She is nice.
She is quiet.
She is friendly.
She is happy.
They are generous.
They are talkative.
They are helpful.
They are easy-going.

He is silly.
He is a silly person.
He is lazy.
He is a lazy person.
He is unkind.
He is mean.
He is loud.
He is shy.
He is unhappy.
We are stingy.
We are quiet.
We arent helpful.
We arent easy-going.

Use with verb Have (has, have) OR Be (am, is, are):

I have green eyes.
He has brown eyes.
She has blue eyes.
They have dark brown eyes.


My eyes are green.

His eyes are brown.
Her eyes are blue.
Their eyes are dark brown.

I have short, black, straight hair.
He has medium-length, brown, wavy hair.
She has long, blond, curly hair.
They have no hair.


My hair is short, black, and straight.

His hair is medium-length, brown, and wavy.
Her hair is long, blond, and curly.
They are bald.

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