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Lauren Hall

Creepy Carrots Ending

Grade/Subject: 6 / L.A.

Dec. 2/15

Lesson Duration: 60 min


General Learning Outcomes:
Specific Learning Outcomes:

Students will:
1. Brainstorm possible endings to Creepy Carrots
2. Write their own ending to Creepy Carrots
3. Draw pictures to illustrate their ending

Class discussion


* Work sheets
* Story book

Introduction (__min.):
Objective: Today we are going to work on writing endings to stories. I am going to read you ____ only Im not going
to read the ending. Instead you are going to write what you think happens in the book. I want you to be creative and
use your imaginations.
Expectations: Your endings should only be 2-4 sentences for each page and should be about 3 pages long. If we have
time Ive left space for you to illustrate your ending as well. Your endings must somehow relate to the story line
(should have the same characters and should relate to the plot.) Your story must be punctuated and spelling must be
done coorectly!
Agenda: Read the story, talk about key features of the book, as a class talk about what makes a good ending, in desk
pods brainstorm possible ideas for endings for this story, write your story, if we have time share their stories and then I
will read the real ending.

Body (__min.):
Learning Activity #1: Read The Story
-Have everyone go to the carpet.
-Before reading the book be sure to tell them things to pay attention to for when they write their own story
-Is it in first, second or third person
-who are the main characters
-style of the authors writing (lots of description,
-Read the story

Learning Activity #2: Discuss & Brain Storm

-As a class discuss some of the important features of the story
-first person or third person
-who are the main characters
-style of the authors writing
-Class discussion on what makes a good ending
-Ending with dialogue
-Connect the beginning to the ending
-End with a description of the setting
-Reflect on the lessons learned

Lauren Hall

Dec. 2/15

-In their desk pods have them brain storm possible ideas for endings. WRITE THEM DOWN! Let them know that
they will be sharing the ideas they have come up with as a class.
Learning Activity #3: Independent Work Time
Pass out sheets and have them start working on their story.

Closure ( __min.):
Consolidation/Assessment of Learning: Have students share their story and then read the real ending
Feedback From Students: Give compliments
Feedback To Students: Give compliments

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