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Pittsburg State University Clinical Experience~ Field Placement Ti Evaluation For: (Print PSU Student Name) ron oi ease tlie hi Mid-Term Evaluation Due: Friday, October 17th valuation is being completed atthissime. Final Evaluation Due: Friday, November 21st "NOTE: As candidates progress rom their early Field experiences through student teaching, itis expected that ther teaching performance will ‘become more sophisticated and refined In mast ends, a rating of or 2 is indicative of satisfactory progress in early field experiences: rating of? ‘or 3s indicative of satisfactory progress in fate filed experiences: and a rating ofS is indicative of satistatory progress in student teaching. Most candidates will not receive 4's, Ratings of 1 of 4 must be nocompanied hy comments explaining WHY the student received these satings, However, andre hespfl tour candidates : oe ‘eitmnens may be entrs¥at any opel of perfomnanc DEVELOPMENT. LE: NA 1 Novice 2 Progressing 3 Effective “4 Advanced Nocopportniy provided for | Candidate sions awareness | Candidate sills ast Candidate peformsasa | (Above Average preformance nat witnessed | and beginning skits seacnes loves ae tfndent teacher atthe end of | Petformance) evening. seeparcion ‘Cand peforon asap PRORESSIONAT RESPONSINILITS ‘s dependable, flexible, and punctual. ‘The student has been punctual each assigned time. NINO Number of tardies ‘The student has been present each assigned time. NN IFNO Number of absences ‘The student notified me of any absences N ‘The student has made up all absences. [Y) N ‘fF NO Number of absences not completed __ Malifains a consistiRgl po silive atid prelsional demeunor Complies with confidendaity laws and policies regarding students, paren, and personel -Connmianieaies NUHLy Tine appropriale ad svainiatiealY Sonect iawn lagi ‘Sccks to implement the recommendations from evaluations of professional performance Bribtices self-ealiaiion nd veflection ip enhace insthigifanal elfectiveness «(0° SPY Candidate's ress and personal hygiene ae appropriate fo a school sting Shai terest anGefithuslase for teachin’and lea i ‘COMMENTS: Please explain any areas of concern inthe category of “Professional Characteristics”. THE LEARNER AND LEARNIN ‘Conveys high expectations that al stadents will succeed and tearm NA 124 ‘Models and exthusiastic behavior nd a cat attitude tpvards all students” LNA 1 23@ Demonstrates positive rapport with a diverse stodent population NA122@ Lisiens carefully 4 all students then respons in a professional manner” fa 127@a: Has a positive presence in the classroom NWA123@ “Monitors students” behavigrs and activities in the classi at all fimes “NA a1 2@)4 Handles multiple task, intrusions and distractions while maintaining the flow of he lesson na 1204 Provides a learning environment wil includes high time ou-tisk and ative engagement nw 1 2@a COMMENTS: Please explain any areas of coucera in the eategory of “Learner and Learning”. Updated Aogut 2018 INSTRUCTIONAL PRACTICE 2@a Has knowledge of and plans developmentally appropriate instruction NAA Accomplisies smooth and arderly transitions between parts of the lesson NAL 2@a Gives cee dretions nai 2@Da | Ss noes cose with he aes of eo tetas Creates lessons that encourage student think creatively nd criticlly NAL2@4 Cont sn wit poak cattanes odeabeaas miaBe Presents lessons in clear, logice! and sequential roanner NA12@4 | | Encourages participation from all students through ffective questioning strategies NA 2 24 ‘Responds to student questions in a concemed and effective manner NA 1 26)4 Proyides focus on mporant points and chsels for understanding “ NAL. 2@4 COMMENTS: Please explain any ares of concern in the category of “Instructional Practice”. RINAL EVALUATION: (cicle appropriate responses) ——~ ‘The recoiled ae fr if pada! ss» Rass) |, « This student should conine in he eacher preparation program: FES Questionable no Oveiallferforiatiowot thid candidates ye 7S ES Meer © inefiéetive Final Comments (continue on back or add a page, if more space is needed): KReestion ta doing 6 freak yobs. ble fas heom a cng practi ba tek h on orm Otecblen'y « Tle Stindinle pratt heck up & hen ak Cre Atcing Aid tm Gym CLeae, be elewnga— br th erierlic, al peety Te go fle kao beet : é pagepod mek Whe Student. ak 2 olvage fet Tinn * ieee SS aot hee Md nase Bs Lame 7 Ldn pare LOL 1S Cooperating Teacher (Please Print) _ Ketch loveies Phone or email Acyrtence (2g itank 248-079 school AU Y Cader lear Elan.) visor USO 24 Grate} 27 (COOPERATING TEACHER: Please make and rtsn copy for your files and return the signed oriinal to PSU the envelope provided. Offic of Teacher Edveation 110 Hogher Halt 1701S. Broadway Plasbarg, KS 65762 Undated August 2014

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