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DEPARTMENT OF ENGLISH DEPARTMENT OF ENGLISH Faculty of Arts and Sciences Facultad de Artes y Ciencias University of Puerto Rico Universidad de Puerto Rico ‘Mayagtiez Campus Recinto Universitario de Mayagitez PO Box 9265, Apartado Postal 9265 “Mayagiiez, Puerto Rico 00681-9265 z Mayagtiez, Puerto Rico 00681-9265 (787) 265-3847 — Ext. 3064 (787) 265-3847 ~ Ext. 3064 May 19, 2015 Kelsins Santos UTD Observation Dear Kelsins This letter serves as documentation of my observation of your INGL 3104 section on February 24, 2015, at 7:30am in CH222. As a second semester Graduate Teaching Assistant, in general | found your teaching skills to be appropriate for our teaching environment. During my observation of your class you demonstrated knowledge of the content that is stipulated in the course syllabus and that you were covering in the class. ‘The strengths of your elass were: = The strategies used for the discussion of the short story were appropriate and successful in eliciting conversation among students. — You seemed to have good rapport with your students and they appeared to feel comfortable in your classroom. Likewise, I sensed an environment that fostered respect for you as the instructor and for your students. — Students were engaged in the class and participated in the discussion. — Good class management skills were also observed. Areas for improvement: While you demonstrated to be knowledgeable of your class content and confident in you teaching, there were some areas in which [ would like to make some recommendations. — Try to always provide a brief summary of what happened in the previous class and what will be happening in this one at the beginning of the class. This can also help you explain how the class ties into other discussions or class content. — When giving an assignment it is always a good idea to not only what the assignment is but also to also write it on the board or project the instructions on the screen so there is clarity in what you are requesting. PATRONO CON IGUALDAD DE OPORTUNIDADES EN EL EMPLEO — MFI [AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER - M/FVIHT — Explore other possible topics from the reading for the analysis. Always try to bring the discussion to contemporary days and to students’ own contexts. Form my observation of your class I believe you are complying with the course requirements as is expected and are developing wonderful teaching techniques. The class was well planned and aligned with the course objectives. | am confident that you will continue to improve on what already are great teaching skills. Sincerely, Sandra L. Soto Santiago, PhD University Teacher Development, Professor Coordinator of INGL 3101-02 Department of English University of Puerto Rico Mayaguez read this evaluation and believe it is a fair assessment of my performance during the above mentioned observation. ud Santos Date bithic PATRONO CON IGUALDAD DE OPORTUNIDADES EN EL EMPLEO - MPV "AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER - M/PViHt

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