Bahasa Inggris Paket 1 + Pembahasan

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This is SD Permata Bunda. The students of this school come here everyday.

They do a lot of
activities. They learn different kinds of subjects, such as Mathematics, English, Biology, and
Indonesian language.
Everyday they wear the school uniform, white and white for every Monday, white and red for
Tuesday until Friday, and the scout uniform for every Saturday.
1 . What days do the students wear the white and red uniform?
A . Thursday
C . Sunday
B . Saturday
D . Monday
Kunci : A
Penyelesaian :
Monday (white and white)
Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday (white and red) Saturday, (the scout uniform)
2 . The students wear .... every Monday.
A . white and red
C . batik
B . the scout uniform
D . white and white
Kunci : D
Penyelesaian :
Monday (white and white uniform) : Senin memakai seragam putih-putih.
3 . They learn different kind of subjects. The italic word means ........
A . animal
C . books
B . lessons
D . scheduls
Kunci : B
Penyelesaian :
subjects sinonim dengan lessons : mata pelajaran.
4 . Usually they do the scout practice for every ........
A . Sunday
C . Friday
B . Wednesday
D . Saturday
Kunci : D
Penyelesaian :
The practise scout for every Saturday,
sebab hari Sabtu mengenakan pakaian seragam pramuka.
5 . They have ...kinds uniforms.
A . one
C . three
B . two
D . four
Kunci : C
Penyelesaian :
They have three kinds uniform; white and white, white and red, and the scout uniform.
6 . Is this a butterfly? ........
It's a bird.
A . Yes, it is
B . Yes, it is
Kunci : C
Penyelesaian :

C . No, it. is not

D . No, it is

Gambar seekor burung, bukan seekor kupu-kupu.

Is this a butterfly? No, it isn't. It's a bird.
7 . The boys are in the field.
They are (play) fotball.
A . play
C . plays
B . playing
D . played
Kunci : B
Penyelesaian :
Bentuk present continous, yaitu pekerjaan yang sedang dilakukan [verb+ing]: They are
playing football.
8 . There are ... books on the table
A . one
B . two
Kunci : B
Penyelesaian :
Gambar dua buku di alas meja.
There are two books on the table.

C . three
D . four

9 . Mr. Koko is explaining us how to product 23 and 43.

He is a ... teacher.
A . English
C . Mathematics
B . Sport
D . Biology
Kunci : C
Penyelesaian :
Materi perkalian 23 x 43 terdapat dalam mata pelajaran Matematika maka Pak Koko
adalah guru Matematika. He is a mathematics teacher.
10 . Rudi and Hasan ... playing computer game.
A . has
C . are
B . am
D . is
Kunci : C
Penyelesaian :
Rudi and Hasan = They (bentuk jamak).
Rudi and Hasan are playing computer game.
11 . Marni ... two pens.
A . are
C . have
B . is
D . has
Kunci : D
Penyelesaian :
Marni (bentuk tunggal) : menggunakan has.
Marni has two pens.
12 . My mother .... in the kitchen everyday.
A . learns
B . sports

C . sleeps
D . cooks

Kunci : D
Penyelesaian :
My mother (orang pertama tunggal) : [verb + s]
My mother cooks in the kitchen.
Dapur tempat dilakukan kegiatan memasak.
13 . Do you like a candy?
No, ........
A . I done
B . I don't
Kunci : B
Penyelesaian :
Do you like a candy? No, I don't

C . I didn't
D . I doesn't

14 . Ronaldo is an Brazilian athlet. He is a .... player.

A . football
C . swim
B . tennis
D . athletic
Kunci : A
Penyelesaian :
Ronaldo adalah seorang pemain sepakbola asal Brazil.
Ronaldo is a football player from Brazil.
15 . Where can you get any food if you hungry?
I can get some food in ........
A . school
C . library
B . restaurant
D . airport
Kunci : B
Penyelesaian :
Jika kita merasa lapar, biasanya tempat yang dituju adalah restoran: I can get some food in
16 . Mr. Iyus is delivering a letter to someone everyday.
He isa ........
A . teacher
C . lecture
B . postman
D . doctor
Kunci : B
Penyelesaian :
Pak Iyus mengantarkan surat pada seseorang. Biasanya, profesi seperti Pak Iyus adalah
tukang pos (Postman).
17 . has - breakfast - Sunarti - want - to.
A . Sunarti has to want breakfast
B . Sunarti want to breakfast has
C . Sunarti breakfast to has want
D . Sunarti want to has breakfast
Kunci : D
Penyelesaian :
Sunarti want to has breakfast.

18 . This food is ........

A . jelly
B . water
Kunci : C
Penyelesaian :
Gambar kue (cake). This food is cake.
19 . We are watching the film in ........
A . the cinema
B . the market
Kunci : A
Penyelesaian :
Menonton film di bioskop (=cinema).
We are watching the film in cinema.

C . cake
D . ice cream

C . the hospital
D . the restaurant

20 . My grandfather has many duck. His duck give him some ........
A . pens
C . grass
B . books
D . eggs
Kunci : D
Penyelesaian :
Gambar beberapa butir telur bebek (some eggs)
21 . are - playing - the yard - Udi and Alan - in.
A . Playing the yard Udi and Alan are in
B . Udi and Alan are the yard playing in
C . The yard are playing Udi and Alan in
D . Udi and Alan are playing in the yard
Kunci : D
Penyelesaian :
Udi and Alan are playing in the yard.
22 . The musical intstrument comes from West Java. It's made of wood. It is ........
A . arumba
C . Clarinet
B . angklung
D . piano
Kunci : B
Penyelesaian :
Alat musik dari Jawa Barat yang terbuat dari kayu, salah satunya disebut angklung.
It's angklung.
23 . The animal has four legs. It called the king of jungle. It is ........
A . lion
C . snake
B . ant
D . piano
Kunci : A
Penyelesaian :
Binatang yang dijuluki si raja hutan adalah singa (=lion) It's a lion.
24 . We can see a lot of kinds animals in the town in ........

A . library
C . zoo
B . school
D . mosque
Kunci : C
Penyelesaian :
Kita bisa melihat berbagai jenis binatang di tengah kota di kebun binatang (=zoo).
25 . He is in the living room. He .... news on tv.
A . watched
C . will watch
B . watches
D . is watching
Kunci : D
Penyelesaian :
Dia ada di ruang keluarga, berarti dia sedang melakukan sesuatu di ruang keluarga itu.
He is watching news on tv.
26 . Mr. Komarudin brings a plane. He is a ........
A . pilot
C . will watch
B . watches
D . is watching
Kunci : A
Penyelesaian :
Pak Komarudin sedang menerbangkan pesawat maka beliau seorang pilot: He is a pilot.
27 . Sudrajat is elever. He is not ........
A . angry
C . stupid
B . careless
D . handsome
Kunci : C
Penyelesaian :
Lawan kata dari clever (pandai) adalah stupid (bodoh)
28 . How many days in the week?
A . four
C . six
B . five
D . seven
Kunci : D
Penyelesaian :
Dalam seminggu ada tujuh (seven) hari, yaitu Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday,
Thursday, Friday, and Saturday.
29 . January, February, ... , April, May, June, July, august, September, October, November,
A . March
C . Marc
B . March
D . Marcht
Kunci : B
Penyelesaian :
January, February, March (Maret), April ... , December.
30 . Indonesian freedom day ceremony on ........
A . July
C . April
B . March
D . August

Kunci : D
Penyelesaian :
Hari kemerdekaan Indonesia terdapat pada bukan Agustus (=August).
31 . Tangkuban Parahu is located in ....
A . East java
C . Central java
B . West jave
D . Bali
Kunci : B
Penyelesaian :
Tangkuban Parahu terletak di Jawa Barat (West Java).
32 . The day after Saturday is ........
A . Sunday
C . Tuesday
B . Friday
D . Wednesday
Kunci : A
Penyelesaian :
Setelah hari Sabtu (Saturday) adalah hari minggu (Sunday).
33 . save - you - money -your - in - the bank.
A . You save your money in the bank
B . Your money save you in the bank
C . Your money you save in the bank
D . The bank save you your money
Kunci : A
Penyelesaian :
You save your money in the bank.
Kamu simpan uangmu di bank.
34 . We do not learn in the market, but we learn in the ........
A . bank
C . mountain
B . mosque
D . school
Kunci : D
Penyelesaian :
Kita belajar di sekolah (school).
35 . Mrs. Susanti is ... , but Mrs. Wiwi is short.
A . high
C . fat
B . tall
D . stupid
Kunci : B
Penyelesaian :
Susanti tinggi, tetapi Wiwi pendek.
Mrs. Susanti is tall, but Mrs: Wiwi is short.
36 . Mosque is a place for ........
A . swim
B . pray
Kunci : B
Penyelesaian :

C . sport
D . stupid

Mesjid tempat bersembahyang (=pray).

Mosque is a place for pray.
37 . 18, 19, ... , 20.
A . twelve
C . twenty
B . thirteen
D . fourty
Kunci : C
Penyelesaian :
18 (eighteen), 19 (nineteen), 20 (twenty), 21 (twenty one).
38 . It's Monday. Tomorrow is ........
A . Saturday
C . Tuesday
B . Sunday
D . Thursday
Kunci : C
Penyelesaian :
Sekarang hari Senin (Monday), besok Selasa (Tuesday).
39 . A cat catches a ........
A . elephant
B . rat
Kunci : B
Penyelesaian :
Kucing menangkap tikus (=rat).
A cat catches a rat.

C . dinosaurus
D . horse

40 . A, B, C, D, E, F, ... etc. These are ........

A . letters
C . fruit
B . animal
D . books
Kunci : A
Penyelesaian :
A, B, C, D, dan seterusnya dinaman huruf (=letters).

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