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30 March 2010

Today’s Tabbloid

FISCALLY CONSERVATIVE BLOG FEEDS Oh, and it’s not just Iraq. “Like Iraq, Afghanistan will require roughly
50,000 U.S. combat troops, probably rebadged as advisors, for many
TLF Celebrates 5,000 Posts more years before it is able to stand on its feet.”

[Cato at Liberty] It seems cruelly ironic that Pollack, whose most recent book is titled A
MAR 29, 2010 05:07P.M. Path Out of the Desert, seems only to have a bottomless stack of plans to
keep America stuck on the treadmill in the desert he urged us onto more
By Jim Harper than seven years ago.

The TechLiberationFront blog is celebrating its 5,000th post. If you’re I’ve only skimmed the piece, so maybe there’s more going on here, but
interested in free-market technology policy, it’s a good read. this drip, drip, drip of Beltway elites urging the president to stick around
for several more years is cause for alarm. (And cause for me to start
thinking about drawing up odds about whether we’re going to actually
Keep in mind, the president doesn’t have anybody who vocally opposed
Are We Really Going to Leave the Iraq war in the upper echelons of his administration, so there likely is
nobody on hand to challenge the logic that “success in Iraq is vital to U.S.
Iraq? (part III) [Cato at Liberty] interests.” It’s like it’s 2002 all over again. With the economy in the front
MAR 29, 2010 03:49P.M. of the president’s brain, he seems much more likely to outsource foreign
policy decisions to Hillary Clinton, Joe Biden, and the gaggle of “strategic
By Justin Logan class” foreign policy elites they brought into office with them. And the
American people seem less likely to punish him if he does so.


Thoughts on Five-Day Mail

[Cato at Liberty]
MAR 29, 2010 03:47P.M.

By Tad DeHaven

The USPS has taken the first step toward reducing mail delivery to five
days a week by sending a request to the Postal Regulatory Commission.
However, it will be ultimately up to Congress whether or not Saturday
I’ve been asking this question for a while now (see here and here). Now delivery is eliminated.
the influential liberal foreign policy analyst Kenneth Pollack and
coauthor worry that the United States is headed for “premature The USPS, which is in a death spiral, views the elimination of Saturday
evacuation” [.pdf] in Iraq. Pollack and coauthor argue that “if the United mail delivery service as a step toward regaining its financial footing. Not
States turns away from Iraq prematurely, it would have dire surprisingly, the decision is proving controversial among some members
consequences for Iraq, whose fragile government will be more likely to of Congress.
fail, and for the United States, because success in Iraq is vital to U.S.
interests.” Accordingly, the United States needs to aim at “securing a Here’s a better idea: give Americans the freedom to choose the mail
new agreement with the Iraqi government that would allow U.S. military services they want by repealing the USPS monopoly. That way
forces to remain in the country beyond 2011.” consumers and businesses could choose to provide and use mail services

Today’s Tabbloid PERSONAL NEWS FOR 30 March 2010

zero days a week or seven days a week. FISCALLY CONSERVATIVE BLOG FEEDS

Online movie rental services like Netflix offer a small example. A lot of First to the “Top” [Cato at
folks time their Netflix rentals so that they have movies for Saturday
night. Eliminating Saturday delivery will necessarily degrade the quality Liberty“Top”]
of online movie rental services that people are paying for. With MAR 29, 2010 01:58P.M.
competition, Netflix could offer Saturday (or even Sunday) delivery
through a private alternative. Perhaps there would be a surcharge, but at By Neal McCluskey
least consumers would be allowed to make that choice.
Congratulations Delaware and Tennessee — you’ve won the Race to the
Supporters of the government mail monopoly regularly cite their Top beauty contest! Of course, the grading was subjective and will be
amazement that they can drop a letter in a mailbox and it will arrive disputed by lots of states that haven’t won. Well, haven’t won yet —
unharmed in another mailbox clear across the country. As a $70 billion there’s a second round to this, remember.
operation with the largest workforce in the country, I would hope the
USPS can pull off such a feat. So what do the victories for Delaware and Tennessee mean? The edu-
pundits will no doubt be reading deep into the results over the coming
I find it more impressive that I can go into a grocery store almost days, trying to determine what they portend for the future of RttT,
anywhere in the country and be met with an incalculable number of federal education policy generally, and politicians across the country.
choices. Take Coke products for instance. I recently made a list of the And there are some juicy political leads worth following, including the
various Coke products available to me at a local grocery store. The possibility that the winning states were chosen because they
following is just a sample: regular Coke, Diet Coke, Caffeine-Free Coke, have Republican congress members who could be pivotal in getting
Diet Caffeine-free Coke, Coke Zero, Coke with Splenda, Coke with Lime, bipartisan support for the administration’s No Child Left Behind
Coke with Lemon, and Diet Coke Plus. Don’t like Coke? There’s a similar reauthorization plans.
array of Pepsi products. Don’t like either? The grocery stores also offer
pricier micro-brands with all sorts of unique flavors. All of this, though, will ultimately miss by far the biggest point
about RttT: The most beautiful promises and laws mean nothing unless
These choices reflect the awesome power of the market, which provides they are implemented, and history offers little reason to believe that even
nearly all the goods and services people want without any direction from the finest parts of the RttT winners’ applications will be brought to bear.
officials in Washington. It would interesting to see what sorts of
innovations and products private mail deliverers would come up with if Despite over forty years of federal education interventions, and nearly
the government’s mail monopoly didn’t exist. Instead, Americans are two decades of state-level standards-and-accountability reforms,
stuck with a government operation whose floundering business model academic achievement has stagnated. Long-term National Assessment of
will require it to raise prices while simultaneously reducing its services. Educational Progress scores in mathematics and reading for our schools’
So much for freedom of choice. “final products” — high-school seniors — have been almost completely
flat since the early 1970s, and fourth and eighth-grade “main NAEP”
reading scores released just last week demonstrate the same awful trend
since the early 1990s. This despite a 123-percent increase in real, per-
FISCALLY CONSERVATIVE BLOG FEEDS pupil funding since 1970.

Monday’s Daily News [The Club Quite simply, no degree of legislative tinkering within the system has
produced lasting improvements because those who would be held to high
for Growth] standards — teachers, administrators, and bureaucrats — have by far the
MAR 29, 2010 02:02P.M. most political clout in education, and they’ve hollowed out anything
“tough” that’s been tried. The only thing that will move us powerfully
The Repeal pledge is becoming a GOP s actually a labor shortage in forward — as extensive research on educational freedom demonstrates –
China. Over 2,000 Capitol Hill staffers make 6-figure salaries. Here are is empowering parents to bypass education politics by freely choosing
the submitted earmark requests for this year. schools that have the autonomy needed to compete and innovate.

Unfortunately, that kind of reform wouldn’t gain a state so much as a

point in the Race to the Top. And the limited choice — charter
schools – that could get a state some points? According to the Center for
Education Reform, Delaware only gets a B for its charter school law — a
grade based generally on how free and competitive charter schools can
be – while Tennessee gets an atrocious mark of D.

Today’s Tabbloid PERSONAL NEWS FOR 30 March 2010

There’s nothing beautiful about that. we make, and a system of preferences would create an unseemly
incentive to—either cynically or subconsciously—drift in the favored
direction. There is, I think, something clearly distasteful about a
professional environment in which (say) a mainline Protestant reporter
FISCALLY CONSERVATIVE BLOG FEEDS is perpetually awkwardly aware that his chances at promotion might turn
on whether he’s prepared to declare himself “born again.”
Dimensions of Diversity [Cato
Second, because religion and political ideology are identities
at Liberty] fundamentally grounded in belief, they necessarily go beyond the
MAR 29, 2010 01:52P.M. reportorial desiderata of being able to understand and get access to a
community you cover. They entail a commitment to seeing one group as
By Julian Sanchez systematically in the right in an array of different types of conflicts or
disagreements with other groups. Making that kind of intellectual
David Boaz posed some questions about diversity promotion in commitment a prerequisite of covering certain beats might run contrary
American newsrooms in a post yesterday: to the norms of objectivity good newsrooms try to cultivate.

But if reflecting the community is essential, why are race and So that might be a legitimate reason for papers to aim for some level of
gender the only categories to be considered? Alexander representativeness along racial, gender, or sexual orientation lines, but
doesn’t mention sexual orientation. Does the Post have gay omit religion and ideology—from the newsroom, at any rate. Those
(and lesbian and bisexual and transgender and questioning…) arguments don’t apply as strongly to the editorial page—where, indeed,
journalists in the correct proportions? we do often see conscious (if not always competent) attempts to
maintain some semblance of balance among perspectives.
And how about ideological diversity? In the 2008 exit polls,
23 percent of voters described themselves as white,
Protestant, born-again or evangelical Christians. A survey of
American religion said that 34 percent of Americans describe FISCALLY CONSERVATIVE BLOG FEEDS
themselves as evangelical or born-again. How many editors
and reporters at the Post would describe themselves that High Interest Rates, Not
way? I’ll bet that born-again Christians are the most
underrepresented group in elite newsrooms. Deficits, Cause Inflation [Larry
I think David mostly means to offer these as a reductio of preference Kudlow’s Money Politic$]
policies generally, but I think they’re fair enough questions on MAR 29, 2010 12:52P.M.
face—possibly because I’m less confident than David that there’s a useful
operational concept of “merit” in reporting that can be disentangled from Treasury rates jumped last week as the 10-year bond moved up to
identity given some intransigent social facts about 21st century America. around 3.85 percent, about 20 basis points or so in the last week or two.
Past some threshold level of competence, a gay reporter is just going to Former Fed head Alan Greenspan calls this the “canary in the coal mine,”
be able to do a better job of reporting on the gay community than I am, and he blames budget deficits and the huge overhang of the federal debt.
and a black reporter is going to have an easier time covering Anacostia. Ask almost anybody in the money business, including the bulk of the
And yes, a white evangelical will probably have an easier time covering investor class, and they will tell you that budget deficits drive up interest
white evangelicals—though it’s no mystery why editors might be more rates. I’m here to tell you that is wrong. It may seem reasonable, but it’s
skittish about an active preference for historically privileged groups. In a still wrong.
better world, identity might be less important, but in the one we’ve got
it’s likely to bear on a reporter’s effectiveness in certain beats. The This “deficit causes high rates” theory embraced by Alan Greenspan, and
principle has its limits—Gay Talese or Tom Wolfe are going to be by David Stockman during the Reagan years, and by Robert Rubin
brilliant covering just about anyone—but among mortal reporters you’d during the Clinton years, has no statistical basis in fact. Actually, one
expect some effect. could make the case that higher deficits are consistent with declining
interest rates, since the worst deficit numbers typically occur when the
That said, I can think of a couple reasons why religion and (especially) economy is in recession and there is no private credit demand. During
ideology might be less desirable diversity targets than immutable economic recoveries, deficits shrink as tax revenues come pouring in.
characteristics like race, sex, or orientation. First, outside the realm of But interest rates rise during expansions as real investment returns
screwball comedies from the 80s, there’s not all that much reason to improve.
worry about aspiring reporters trying to “pass” as black or Hispanic or
(Jack Tripper notwithstanding) gay in hopes of securing a professional The real cause of high interest rates? Inflation.
advantage. Religion and politics, by contrast, are fundamentally choices

Today’s Tabbloid PERSONAL NEWS FOR 30 March 2010

If prices are rising, investors demand higher interest rates as inflation conspicuous warnings. A further irony will not escape
premiums to compensate for their money-value loss. Basically, long- historians. For two years, Obama and members of
term interest rates fell from 1980 all the way through 2009 — 30 years as Congress have angrily blamed the shortsightedness
the inflation rate dropped from 14 percent to roughly zero. That’s three and selfishness of bankers and rating agencies for
decades of deficits going up and down and up and down. Rates causing the recent financial crisis. The president and
continued to fall. his supporters, historians will note, were equally
shortsighted and self-centered — though their quest
Let me add that a stable King Dollar holds down inflation. That is a much was for political glory, not financial gain.
more powerful tool for interest rates than business-cycle swings in the
budget deficits. I hope Samuelson is wrong, but it’s probably a good idea to behave as if
he’s right, and repeal ObamaCare’s new entitlement spending.
Oh, by the way, deficit/interest-rate mongers fall into a tax-hike trap.
The real issue for holding back deficits over the long run is to curb
excessive federal spending and to keep marginal tax rates low enough to
spur incentives for economic-growth-producing tax revenues. In other FISCALLY CONSERVATIVE BLOG FEEDS
words, the Laffer curve.
Medicare Fraud: 1, Anti-Fraud
Lower tax rates mean a stronger economy. A stronger economy means
more tax revenues. More tax revenues mean lower deficits. And keep Measures: 0 [Cato at Liberty]
King Dollar intact to hold back the inflationary tide. MAR 29, 2010 12:48P.M.

Of course, the real problem here is federal spending, not taxes. By Michael F. Cannon

As the nation contemplates the new health care entitlements that

Congress and President Obama just created, it is worth noting an article
FISCALLY CONSERVATIVE BLOG FEEDS in today’s Washington Post, which reports on the performance of past
efforts to eliminate fraud in another health care entitlement:
ObamaCare’s New Entitlement
More than a decade ago, Congress set out to squeeze the
Spending “Sows the Seeds” of a fraud out of Medicare billing at nursing homes, requiring
more precise justifications for costs. It created new “ultra-
Budget Crisis [Cato at high” billing categories intended to be used for only 5 percent
of the patients needing highly specialized care and
Liberty“Sows the Seeds” of a rehabilitation.

Budget Crisis] But within a few years, nursing homes flooded the ultra-high
MAR 29, 2010 12:51P.M. categories with patients, contributing to $542 million a year
in potential overpayments, federal analysts found.
By Michael F. Cannon
Since then, the numbers in the ultra-high categories have
From Robert J. Samuelson’s column in today’s Washington Post: quadrupled, and the amount of waste and abuse could reach
billions of dollars a year…
When historians recount the momentous events of recent
weeks, they will note a curious coincidence. On March 15, The article ends with the ominous implication that eliminating fraud in
Moody’s Investors Service — the bond rating agency — entitlement programs like Medicare will ultimately require government
published a paper warning that the exploding U.S. agencies to decide whether certain services are medically necessary.
government debt could cause a downgrade of Treasury
bonds. Just six days later, the House of Representatives Death panels, anyone?
passed President Obama’s health-care legislation costing
$900 billion or so over a decade and worsening an already-
bleak budget outlook.

Should the United States someday suffer a budget

crisis, it will be hard not to conclude that Obama and
his allies sowed the seeds, because they ignored

Today’s Tabbloid PERSONAL NEWS FOR 30 March 2010


Crist Fiscally Responsible? Not Justice Sunstein? [Cato at

So Fast [Cato at Liberty] Liberty]
MAR 29, 2010 11:46A.M. MAR 29, 2010 11:41A.M.

By Chris Moody By Tim Lynch

He did it again: Florida governor and senatorial candidate Charlie Crist Glenn Greenwald takes a look at the prospect of Obama nominating Cass
cited Cato’s 2008 Governors’ Report Card as evidence of his fiscal Sunstein to the Supreme Court. Whereas Randy Barnett has championed
conservative credentials, this time in a Fox News Sunday debate with his a “presumption of liberty” whenever a constitutional controversy is
primary opponent Marco Rubio. unclear, Sunstein seems to champion a “presumption for the state.”

Trouble is, the report card’s author, Chris Edwards, has gone on the More on Sunstein here.
record again and again explaining how Crist has fallen hard off the fiscal
responsibility wagon since the report was released two years ago.

The Florida media has publicized Edwards’ correction of the record FISCALLY CONSERVATIVE BLOG FEEDS
numerous times since Crist began citing the Cato rating in his political
ads. It is difficult to believe that Crist can be unaware of that. A Columnist Sentenced to Three
Here’s Edwards in October 2009: Years in Prison in Ecuador
Since I wrote the report in mid-2008, the governor seems [Cato at Liberty]
to have fallen off the fiscal responsibility horse. MAR 29, 2010 10:39A.M.

In particular, Crist approved a huge $2.2 billion tax By Gabriela Calderon

increase for the fiscal 2010 budget, even though he had
promised that $12 billion in federal “stimulus” money Ecuadorian President Rafael Correa has long labeled the free press as his
showered on Florida over three years would obviate the need “main enemy.” His attitude has unfortunately resulted in official
for tax increases. intolerance of individuals critical of the government.

About $1 billion of the tax increases are on cigarette The latest example is that of Emilio Palacio, the editor of the op-ed page
consumers, which will particularly harm moderate-income of El Universo — the newspaper with the highest circulation in the
families. The rest of the increases are in the form of higher country — who was sentenced on Friday to three years in jail for an op-
costs for often mandatory services, such as automobile ed he wrote in August 2009. Palacio accused Camilo Samán, director of a
registration, which is really just a sneaky form of tax state-owned bank, of having sent protesters to El Universo’s offices after
increases. the newspaper reported on possible acts of corruption at the bank. The
President has repeatedly stated that Palacio should be punished for what
Watch the exchange below. Crist cites Cato at 8:43: he wrote. In a country where everybody knows that the courts are not
independent of political power, it’s not surprising that the ruling went
Watch the latest news video at against the editor.

Transcript here. I have known Palacio since I began writing op-eds for El Universo in late
2006. Although we hardly ever agree on policy issues, I certainly don’t
believe he (or anyone else) deserves to go to jail (and possibly pay a fine
of $3 million) for expressing an opinion. (The court actually found
Palacio guilty of libel, but even if we were to agree with that finding, the
punishment surely does not fit the crime.)

Correa’s government has accused at least 31 people of offending “the

majesty of the presidency,” jailing many of them for short periods of
time. To do so, the President revived a law that the first military
dictatorship of the 1970s put into place that made such an offense a

Today’s Tabbloid PERSONAL NEWS FOR 30 March 2010

crime and that was never taken off the books. for Superman. But more than two dozen nations around the world have
implemented a flat tax, so hope springs eternal.
The government regularly vilifies its critics including journalists,
university students, businessmen, and indigenous leaders. For example,
during his weekly national radio shows, the President has attacked
Carlos Vera and Jorge Ortiz, the two most popular news anchors in the FISCALLY CONSERVATIVE BLOG FEEDS
country. The government’s frequent nationally televised messages (that
every TV station on public airwaves is forced to broadcast) usually have Podhoretz on Palin [Cato at
the sole purpose of attacking a person or group that opposes official
policy. Sometimes these messages were broadcast during Vera’s and Liberty]
Ortiz’s programs, thereby keeping their viewers from watching them. In MAR 29, 2010 09:57A.M.
2008 Correa took over several privately owned TV and radio stations.
Last year, he apparently had his eyes set on Teleamazonas, another TV By Roger Pilon
station on public airwaves. In December, the government shut down
Teleamazonas for three days and now has a frivolous legal case pending Today Politico Arena asks:
against it.
Comment please on Podhotetz on Palin
Sadly, Correa is following the pattern of his fellow populist Hugo Chávez
in curtailing freedom of speech, though receiving virtually no My response:
international scrutiny.
To complete Norman Podhoretz’s thought in this morning’s Wall Street
Journal, “I knew Ron Reagan. Ron Reagan was a friend of mine.
Governor Palin, you’re no Ron Reagan — but I like you all the same.”
FISCALLY CONSERVATIVE BLOG FEEDS And that distinguishes Podhoretz from those “conservative intellectuals”
whose antipathy to Sarah Palin and “the loathsome Tea Party rabble” is
The Flat Tax: Good for America, ultimately explained, he believes, by “the same species of class bias that
Mrs. Palin provokes in her enemies and her admirers.”
Bad for Washington [Cato at
To be sure, that “class bias” explains a good measure of the hostility Mrs.
Liberty] Palin has faced, especially among that often diverse band called
MAR 29, 2010 09:58A.M. neoconservatives. For like their counterparts on the left, most
neoconservatives find their roots in progressivism, not in limited
By Daniel J. Mitchell government classical liberalism, and hence in the idea that society
should be “run” by elites trained at the “best schools” — the difference
America’s biggest fiscal challenge is excessive government spending. The being that in engineering society the neoconservatives march to different
public sector is far too large today and it is projected to get much bigger drummers than modern liberals. Both camps have greater faith in
in coming decades. But the corrupt and punitive internal revenue code is government than does ”the common man,” who is distrusted by both
second on the list of fiscal problems. This new video, narrated by yours camps (not always without reason), although Podhoretz seems more
truly, explains how a flat tax would work and why it would promote trustful than most in his band.
growth and fairness. Something to keep in mind with tax day in just a
couple of weeks. Where he errs, I believe, is in his too breezy comparison of Palin to
Reagan. There are similarities of course – especially in the reactions of
There are two big hurdles that must be overcome to achieve tax reform. elites to both, on which his essay dwells — the most important of which
The first obstacle is that the class-warfare crowd wants the tax code to is that both show a certain common sense approach to the world and to
penalize success with high tax rates. That issue is addressed in the video public affairs. Their intuitions seem sound, that is. But it takes more
in a couple of ways. I explain that fairness should be defined as treating than sound intuition to be a successful president. Ronald Reagan was
all people equally, and I also point out that upper-income taxpayers are always underestimated. Unlike so many of his elite critics, left and
far more likely to benefit from all the deductions, credits, exemptions, right, he came from humble beginnings, but he was an autodidact his
preferences, and other loopholes in the tax code. The second obstacle, whole life. He read and understood economists, political theorists,
which is more of an inside-the-beltway issue, is that the current tax historians, and biographers. That knowledge, coupled with a wealth of
system is very rewarding for the iron triangle of lobbyists, politicians, experience, including two successful terms as governor of the nation’s
and bureaucrats (or maybe iron rectangle if we include the tax largest state, distinguishes him from Mrs. Palin. Both have that common
preparation industry). There are tens of thousands of people who make sense that enables them to speak to “the common man,” but the
very generous salaries precisely because the tax code is a playground for similarity ends there.
corrupt deal making. A flat tax for these folks would be like kryptonite

Today’s Tabbloid PERSONAL NEWS FOR 30 March 2010

Perhaps Mrs. Palin will find the life she has carved out since leaving the FISCALLY CONSERVATIVE BLOG FEEDS
governorship of Alaska will be attractive enough to encourage her to
continue in it. My sense, however, is that the millions of Americans who Why Congress Should Repeal
today are deeply troubled by the direction the country is taking under the
Obama administration are still looking for candidates who combine the the Individual Mandate [Cato at
understanding, the common sense, and the humility that Ronald Reagan
so clearly embodied. Liberty]
MAR 29, 2010 09:45A.M.

By Michael F. Cannon

Pot, Protectionism, and Unions

[Cato at Liberty]
MAR 29, 2010 09:48A.M. Earmark Requests Going Online
By David Boaz — In Wrong Formats [Cato at
Lobbying reporter Tim Carney notes that some California marijuana Liberty— In Wrong Formats]
growers are worried that a proposed legalization initiative could drive MAR 29, 2010 08:39A.M.
down the price of the product and adversely affect their incomes. They’re
holding meetings to deal with the threat. Some growers are just talking By Jim Harper
about creating an official Humboldt seal of approval. Maybe they could
even get legal restrictions on who can use the Humboldt name, like As required by rules instituted last year, members of Congress are
Champagne and Roquefort. But some local stores sport bumper stickers posting their earmark requests online. And in a small improvement over
reading “Save Humboldt County — keep pot illegal.” past practice, t he House Appropriations Committee is p o s t i n g
links to all th ose pages ( in alphabetical
The story reminds Carney of this video featuring a order andb y s t a t e ). The Senate
spokeswoman for the purported American Marijuana Growers Appropriations Committee is doing the same.
Association, who urge smokers to buy only American-grown bud:
So, great. You can go line-by-line and figure out what requests your
And that video reminds me of this classic Saturday Night Live video, member of Congress has put in. But what’s the total number of your
from those heady days in the ’70s when television shows could joke members’ requests? What’s the total amount of his or her requests? Who
about marijuana, featuring the American Dope Growers requested the most earmarks, in dollars or in number? Where in your
Union reminding viewers that when you buy pot from Mexico or district is the money supposed to go?
Colombia, “you’re putting an American out of work.” (The SNL sketch
was based on a much-broadcast commercial by the International Ladies HTML pages and PDF documents are very hard to work with and don’t
Garment Workers Union singing “Look for the Union Label,” to allow us to answer these questions. The project is
discourage Americans from buying foreign-made products.) asking Congress to produce information about what it’s doing in formats
that are useful for public oversight. Cato’s December 2008 policy forum
Union rules, protectionist laws, and sometimes even outright bans are all on this topic was called “Just Give Us the Data!”
ways of avoiding the rigors of competition, seeking to prevent consumers
from buying products and services where they’re cheapest. Sometimes The site has a petition people can sign to ask their
there are laws banning or taxing the purchase of goods from another representatives to produce good earmark data.
country. Sometimes there are appeals to compassion and patriotism, like
“Buy American” or “Buy Local” campaigns. Sometimes an outright ban
on the sale of a product actually products the market for established
illegal sellers, as the Humboldt County marijuana growers are thinking,
and as economist Bruce Yandle theorized in his work on “bootleggers
and Baptists.”

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