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Smith, Jeffrey. "Spilling

the Beans: Unintended
GMO Health Risks."
Spilling the Beans:
Unintended GMO
Health Risks. N.p., 1
Mar. 2008. Web. 20
Oct. 2015.

Robbins, Former ProGMO Scientist Speaks

Out On The Real
Dangers of Genetically
Engineered Food.

This article asks many questions regarding genetically
modified organisms in society today such as, why isnt the
FDA protecting us from these harmful organisms. The
answer to this question is that in 1992, the Food and Drug
Administration claimed that they had no information
showing that genetically modified foods were substantially
different from conventionally grown foods. Therefore these
foods were safe to eat. But internal memos made public by a
lawsuit revealed that political appointees under orders from
the White House, was staged to promote GMOs staged their
position. What I found surprising was that the FDA does not
require any safety evaluations for GMOs. Instead, biotech
companies, who have been found guilty of hiding toxic
effects of their chemical products, are now in charge of
determining whether their genetically modified foods are
safe. Monsanto, a soy based corporation plays a big factor in
GMOs production today.

Thierry Vrain is a retired research scientist, who worked for

ten years with Agriculture Canada. His main job here was
the designated scientist, which called for him to address
public groups and reassure them that genetically engineered
crops and foods were safe. Over the ten years working here,
his position towards engineered food changed. Vrain says he
opposes the claims of the biotechnology companies (such as
Monsanto) that their engineered crops produce more, that
they require less pesticide applications, that they have no
impact on the environment and of course that they are safe to
eat. Vrain also emphasizes many points on these companies
that produce genetically modified organisms, have a

I can look more into Monsanto, to find
out what the company has to say
regarding the genetically modified
organisms they produce.

Does the FDA have the power to ban

GMOs completely?

Many researchers who have worked

for companies who produce GMO
products have changed their opinions
towards the subject.

What environmental impacts do

GMOs have on the earth?

tendency to hide factual information in regards to the food

they create.
Smith, Jeffrey M.
"Institute for
Technology." - Doctors
Warn: Avoid
Genetically Modified
Food. N.p., n.d. Web.
27 Sept. 2015.

The American Academy of Environmental Medicine

(AAEM) has called on doctors to educate not only their
patients, but also the medical community and the public on
the health concerns surrounding genetically modified
organisms (GMOs). They have noticed that there is more
than a casual association between GMOs and health effects.
Research has shown that young children are at the most risk
When GM soy was fed to female rats, most of their babies
died within three weeks, compared to a 10% death rate
among the control group fed natural soy. Some of the worst
findings of all have come from human fed experiments.
Studies revealed that GMOs dont necessarily leave our
body long after eating them. That they have the potential to
stay inside us giving the pesticides the chance to flourish.
Doctors have noted the large increase in gastrointestinal
issues among patients in the past 10 years.

Lendman, Stephen
Potential health
hazards of genetically
engineered food.

Genetically engineered foods saturate our diet today. In the

US alone, over 80% of all processed foods contain
them. Today, consumers are kept in the dark and are part of
an uncontrolled, unregulated mass human experiment the
results of which are unknown. Lendman stresses that the
risks are enormous, but it will take years before we are learn
them. The industry is unregulated, and when companies say
their foods are safe, their views are unquestioned. Lendman
references many situations where research has not backed up
actions made by the FDA and other companies who thrive
through the use of GMOs. GMOs also pose other health
risks. When a transgene functions in a new cell, it may

What other groups is out there that

strive to get to the bottom of
genetically modified organisms?

This article has opened my eyes to

how little the public is educated on the
health risks gmos purpose.

This source helped me gain more

insight into how far companies will go
to get results through mass production.

This source connects with other

articles Ive read emphasizing how
once we find out the actual long term
health effects of GMOs, it might be
too late for those effected.

Sralini, Cellier, and

Vendomois, New
Analysis of a Rat
Feeding Study with a
Genetically Modified
Maize Reveals Signs of
Hepatorenal Toxicity.

produce different proteins than the ones intended. They may

be harmful, but theres no way to know without scientific
testing. Even if the protein is exactly the same, there are still
problems. Consider corn varieties engineered to produce a
pesticidal protein called Bt-toxin. Farmers use it in spray
form, and companies falsely claim its harmless to humans.
In fact, people exposed to the spray develop allergic-type
symptoms, mice ingesting Bt had powerful immune
responses and abnormal and excessive cell growth, and a
growing number of human and livestock illnesses are linked
to Bt crops. Biologist David Schubert explains that industry
claims are not only scientifically incorrect but exceptionally
deceptive, to make the GE process sound similar to
conventional plant breeding.

Biotech is the main source of GMOs

When it comes to products with the potential to devastate

the planet, Monsanto takes the cake, says Dr. Mercola. This
article touches on the negative aspects of the biotech
business, Monsanto. This company has single-handedly
created some of the most destructive products known to
man. They are also the world leader in producing genetically
modified seeds. Many scientists along with Dr. Mercola
believe that if we don't take action soon, the entire planet
could soon become contaminated. Dr. Mercola met and
interviewed Dr. Philip Bereano. Dr. Bereano has spent the
last three decades looking into genetically modified
organisms in foods, crops, animals, and humans, both here in
the United States, and internationally. In this interview Dr.
Bereano states The problem with calling genetically
engineered organisms safe is that there are no valid risk
assessments being done on them. There is no research,

What other unjustly acts has

Monsanto been apart of?

Why is it so hard to conduct research

on GMOs?

Does the government show little

interference because of how
productive mass-producing crops by
genetically engineering them?

Good for the economy?

really, being done into the health or environmental effects of

a genetically engineered organism. Corporations promoting
these things claim that they have done research, but you
can't get any information on it because it's all claimed to be
proprietary. Gmos are banned in many other countries such
as Hungary, Germany, and Ireland. Monsanto forces Farmers
to buy new seeds every year. There are multiple instances
that show Monsantos history of deception and drive for
hunger, such as suing small farmers for patent infringement
after Monsanto's GM seeds spread wildly into surrounding
farmers' fields contaminating their conventional crops.

Smith, J. M.
Genetically engineered
corn may cause food
allergies. Accessed
November 10, 2015.

Biotech companies insist that the pesticide they use called

Bt-toxin has a history of safe use. But Organic farmers tend
to think other wise. For example, they have used products
containing the natural form of Bt-toxin as a method of
natural insect repeal. These companies and genetic engineers
simply remove the gene that produces the Bt in bacteria and
insert it into the DNA of corn and cotton. Studies show that
not only can natural Bt spray cause harm to our bodies, but
that the GM Bt is much worse. This toxin is about 4,000
times more concentrated than the natural spray. It doesnt
wash off the plants like a the natural spray would and it is
designed to be more toxic to kill more insects that might
harm crops. This article also suggests that the pollen coming
from these genetically modified plants may cause allergies.
During the time when a Bt cornfield was pollinating, almost
an entire Filipino village that lived near by was sickness.
Many of the symptoms included headaches, dizziness,
extreme stomach pain, allergies and more. When the same
corn was planted in four other villages the following year,
the symptoms returned in all four area, and only during the
time of pollination. In some studies where lab rats have been
fed Bt corn, researchers have confirmed several GM crops
engineered to produce built-in pesticides provoke immune
responses in animals.

Jeffrey Smith is a large advocate

against GMOs.

Kunau, J. (Producer), &

Seifert, J (Director).
2013. GMO OMG
(Motion Picture).

Restrictions on
Genetically Modified

GMO OMG tells the story of a fathers discovery of

Genetically modified organisms in relationship to his 3
young children and the world that we live in. In this
documentary director and father Jeremy Seifert asks the
questions, how do GMOs affect our children, the health of
our planet, and our freedom of choice? One of the big
questions Seifert focuses on is it even possible to reject the
food system currently in place? Seifert takes his family on a
journey where they visit Hati, Paris, Norway, and even the
front door of the mass-producing biotech company
Monsanto. In Norway Seifert learned of The Svalbard
Global Seed Vault, which is a very secure seed bank on the
Norwegian island of Spitsbergen. Researchers built this
vault to preserve a wide variety of plant seeds that are
duplicate samples of seeds held in banks worldwide. The
seed vault is an attempt to insure against the loss of seeds in
other gene banks during large-scale regional or even
global crisis When attempting to gain information from the
large Bt company Monsanto, Seifert was ignored and asked
to leave by security. Which makes the viewers wonder, what
is Monsanto really hiding? This documentary also touches
on how 85% of all processed foods contain GMOs. These
chemically enhanced products are almost unavoidable.

What other documentaries are there on

this topic?

Monsanto hiding something?

Helped me gain insight to other

countries and their outlook on
GMOs-could look more into other
countries policies

Why cant the U.S. attempt to preserve

their land and foods like more
European countries?

This article focuses on the policy Norway has regarding

genetically modified organisms. Norway is one of the most
restrictive importers of GM products and does not produce
GMOs. Together, along with the Swiss, Norway is the most
GMO skeptical in Europe. One aspect Norway has taken on
when dealing with GMOs that all products containing them
must be labeled saying it contains genetically modified
organisms. In contrast to the United States and many other

Why cant the U.S label GMO


countries products in stores are not labeled.

GMOs. Accessed
December 3, 2015.

The highly praised Mexican based restaurant chain Chipotle,

is one of the only fast food chains to eliminate GMOs
from their menu. The corporation states that over the years,
as we have learned more about GMOs, weve decided that
using them in our food doesnt align with that vision.
Chipotle was the first national restaurant company to
disclose the GMO ingredients in our food, and now we are
the first to cook only with non-GMO ingredients. In this
article they state many reason for why they have chosen to
remove GMOs from their ingredients. One of the reasons is
because scientists are still studying the long-term health
effects of genetically modified organisms. While some
studies have shown GMOs to be safe, most of this research
was funded by companies that sell GMO seeds and did not
evaluate long-term effects. There fore more independent
studies are needed. For example, in October 2013 a group of
about 300 scientists from around the world signed a
statement rejecting the claim that there is a scientific
consensus on the safety of GMOs for human consumption.
These scientists would like to see more research conducted,
and theyd like more of the research to be conducted by
independent third parties, not the companies marketing
GMO crops themselves. Until such studies are conducted,
we believe it is prudent to take a cautious approach toward

Has Chipotles booming success come

from its removal of GMOs?

What other restaurants/food industries

chains eliminate GMOs from their

Scientists Warn
over Monsanto
Pesticide German
Press Coverage.

Is Monsanto slowly killing us all? Two major agencies

disagree over whether the world's most-used pesticide,
glyphosate, is safe. As the European Union debates the topic,
nearly 100 scientists from around the world have urged it to
heed safety warnings. The European Parliament debated the
topic. In the lead up to each side presenting their positions,
96 scientists from 25 countries published an open letter to
EU Health Commissioner, criticizing the EFSA's recent
decision that the chemical is "probably not carcinogenic."
The EFSA's finding counters an assessment earlier this year
by the World Health Organization's International Agency for
Research on Cancer, that glyphosate is a "probable human
carcinogen." Parliamentarians and European Commissioners
stressed a responsibility to public health in proper
assessment of the chemical's impacts, and the intention to
issue an appropriate ruling in response. Also present in
public discussion are warnings of a potential fall in crop
yields if approval for the pesticide, which European
agriculture is heavily dependent upon, were to be
withdrawn. Portier says he hopes the UN will reconsider
how it assesses chemicals. "We hope this letter improves the
ways pesticides are reviewed in the future,"

Will the research and findings in

Europe be brought to the US?

This pesticide- glyphosate can

potentially cause cancer to the entire

What other substances can you find

glyphosate in?

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