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Personal Statement

I have wanted a career in nursing since I was five years old. My Father was
admit to The University of Galveston Medical Branch (UTMB) for abdominal
pain. The doctors and nurses needed me to stay inpatient to help them with
communicating with my Father because the hospital did not have a
Vietnamese interpreter on staff. The nurse that cared for my Dad was
diligent, a hard-worker, and compassionate. She planted a seed inside of me
that grew. I am a nurse today because of her.
After graduation, I was hire by Ben Taub, a teaching hospital. I was pair with
a preceptor who had 25 years of ER experience. In one year, my nursing
knowledge and skills in critical care soared. Many new graduate nurses who
worked with me gave up because they could not handle the fast-paced
environment. I completed my orientation and was autonomous. I worked
Triage, Medical and Surgical holding area, Shock Trauma room, OB-GYN hall,
and Pediatric ER. My nursing assessments were thorough and quick. I
started IVs and administered life-saving medications under pressure. I was
very fast and efficient at prioritizing and using good time management to
help the ER flow. My nurse manager recognized me as a valuable team
player and awarded me with two blue heart pendants. I was teaching
nursing students, EMT techs, medical students, interns, and residents on how
to start IVs and start initiating the protocols for trauma and medical patients
bought in by the ambulance crew.
I followed my heart to UTMB ER, a teaching hospital. I was accept into the
RN-BSN program. I was successful in completing the first two semesters
while still being employed full-time in the emergency room. I thrived as an
ER nurse but my personal life unraveled in 1999, my mother passed away
due to heart breaking circumstances. Instead of dealing with the pain and
loss, I worked many over-time hours. I was burnt-out and was no longer able
to focus on my classes. I was dismiss after failing two classes.
Later, I realized that in order to be a good nurse, I had to take care of myself
by taking it easy. I left critical care to work as a telephone triage nurse. I
answered patients questions and concerns. I assessed the urgency of their
symptoms and decide if they can receive homecare, or go get evaluated by a
physician. I could not physically see the patient over the phone, so I have to
communicate effectively by asking the right open-ended questions to assess
the situation to give appropriate nursing care advice. I left the nurse coach
position because I missed patient interaction. I am currently a pediatric
home care nurse. I enjoy caring for one patient, collaborating care with the
family, clinical supervisors, and physicians. My ventilator patient is a

complex case. His room is set up similar to an ICU setting and requires 24
hours of skilled nursing care.
My life has changed dramatically for the better. After ten years of getting my
life back on track, I was given another chance to complete the UTMB RN-BSN
where I scored all As. I am thirsting for more knowledge. My goal is to get
my MSN and PHD and become a Nursing Professor at UTMB. I want to grow
more as a nurse and give back to nursing. I can already picture myself in a
classroom lecturing to students. I am a passionate nurse. I know I will be
passionate teacher.

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