LP 1 - Intro To Exploring Narratives

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Problem-Based Lesson Plan

Title of Lesson:
Grade Level[s]:
Date to be Taught:

Introduction to Exploring Narratives through Art

(Making and Telling Stories)
Tyler Riordan
PVO South
First Grade
April 2nd, 2015

Big Idea that drives Lesson/Unit:

Exploring Narratives Through Art
Key concepts about Big Idea:
How stories/narratives can change depending on the storyteller
How culture and location can affect how and why stories are told
There are many different ways to tell your stories
Why its important that narratives/stories are shared.

Fine Arts Goals Met by the Objectives:

25A & 26A Visual
25A Drama
and 25A
3-4 Essential Questions/Points:
Stories can be told in many different ways (oral, illustrative, performance, etc)
Stories can change depending on teller/narrator
Stories can be told as a community

Vocabulary Acquisition:
Story/Narrative: A telling of imaginary or real people and events told for education or
Storyteller/Narrator: A person who tells stories to other people.
Collaboration: Working together to create something as a team.
Key Artistic Concepts:
Collaboration in creating narratives/stories
How stories are told (dramatic emphasis, vocal inflections, etc)
Artmaking Materials Needed:

Blank white paper

Coloring materials
o Crayons
o Markers
o Or colored pencils

Problem-Based Lesson Plan

Contemporary/Historical/Multicultural exemplars:
Bedtime stories
Various samples of different books
Live/Radio readings (does teacher read to class?)
Personal Example: Super Howler Monkey
INTRODUCTION: (5 minutes)
o Introduce vocabulary
o What are some of your favorite stories? Why?
o Different kinds of stories exist (Hist/MC/Contemp examples)
o What makes a story (beginning, middle/climax, end)
o The story can change depending on whos telling it.

TELEPHONE GAME: (5 minutes)

o We will be making up/drawing a character, an object, or a place to use to tell a story as a
class later.
Description of what make a character (person, animal, something alive
o Show teacher made exemplars
Simple character (Seagull)
Simple place (Beach)
Simple object (sandwich)
DESIGN/WORK SESSION: (5-10 minutes)
o Students will be drawing a character, place or object for use in later verbal storytelling
game. Allow 5-10 minutes to draw with markers, colored pencils, crayons
o Call students over to form a circle on floor/in seats
o Teacher starts story Once upon a time there was a (character), and they lived at the
(place). They were playing with (object) when all of a sudden.
o Have students one by one go around circle and say something to add to the story, either
new characters, moving to a new place, getting a new object, etc.
CLEAN UP: (0 minutes, all verbal no mess)
CLOSURE: (5 minutes)
o Student input on what they liked/ learned about the topic
Ex. Something new about the different kinds of storytelling, working together to
make a story, story pieces (characters, places) etc.
o Students dismissed from circle, class is over.

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