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Pre-Interview Prep

The first items you should have ready are your credentials. The credentials you absolutely need for your nursing
job interview are as follows:
A copy of your complete rsum. Be sure to proofread for any mistakes.
Copies of your nursing license or, if you have them, a copy of your notice of passing board scores.
Two copies of a complete, typed list of all references and previous managers. You will need one copy for
the HR department and one for the hiring manager. Be sure to include their complete names, titles,
current addresses and telephone numbers.
You may be asked to give permission for a criminal background check. Be sure to have a list of your
addresses from the previous five to seven years.
You may also want to bring along a copy of your recent cumulative grade report to show that you are not
at risk for failing the licensing exam.
Prepare in Advance for Interview Questions
Below is a list of standard nursing interview questions you should be prepared to answer.
How would you describe your skills as a team player?
How will you deal with difficult doctors?
How will you deal with difficult patients and/or their families?
How will you handle unexpected circumstances, such as being short staffed and having to perform a
treatment you have not done before?
You should also practice answering the tough nursing interview questions ahead of time.
If you are a recent nursing graduate, you should be prepared to explain to your interviewer what qualities
you possess that will help you get up to speed quickly with the demands of your new unit.
You should be prepared to answer questions regarding any negative experiences you've had in the work
place, what you learned from them, and how you would use those experiences in a positive way in your
new position.
What type of nursing experience do you have?
What nursing journals do you read regularly?
Where did you get your training and what certifications do you have?
How long has it been since you worked in (ER, OR, ICU, or particular specialty area)?
What are your greatest strengths and weaknesses?
Why did you choose (ER, OR, ICU, LTC, FNP, or other specialty area of nursing)?
Why do you want to work in our hospital and/or community?
Why did you leave your last job?
Why did you choose (area of specialty i.e. coronary care) nursing?
Tell me about a time in which you had to handle an irate physician, co-worker, or patient. How did you
handle it and what were the results?
Describe a difficult decision you've made and the process you went through to reach that decision.
Do you belong to any nursing organizations?
Why makes you right for this job?
What nursing organizations do you belong to?
How do you stay current in your practice?

Have a list of your own interview questions to ask your interviewer.

Below are some examples of nursing interview questions you should ask a potential employer.

Can you explain the scheduling process?

What is your nurse/patient ratio?
Do you have 8/10/12 hour shifts?
How is the scheduling done for the unit?
What are the current challenges that your company faces?
What were the results of the last survey? When is the next survey scheduled?
Is call required for this position? If so, what are the call requirements?
What would be my primary challenges if I were selected for this position?
How often are performance reviews conducted and what is your process?
How does this organization feel about continuing education?
How does the administration view nursing in terms of importance to the hospital?
Are nurses allowed to suggest areas for research to improve patient care? If so, are they allowed to design
and carry out research projects with other professionals?
What unique challenges has this unit faced over the last year? (i.e. successes, failures, etc.)
How long is the orientation phase and what can I expect?
How much of the orientation phase will be spent on the shift I will be working?
Is there support staff on the unit to assist nurses?
In what ways are nurses held accountable for high qualities of practice?
How much input do nurses have regarding systems, equipment and the care environment?
What professional development opportunities are available to nurses?
Why did you choose nursing?
What part of your course did you enjoy the most / least?
How do you feel about shift work?
What have you done that shows initiative?
Are you aware of your limitations and prepared to ask for help when needed?

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