Conduct Ombudsman Jaco 2 Dec 15 Redact

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Conduct Complaint Form

Use this form to particularise the details of your complaint to the Ombudsman about
how the Judicial Complaints Investigations Office (JCIO), a Tribunal President or
Magistrates Advisory Committee handled your complaint. You can complete this
form online or by sending it to us at the address at the end of this form.
Final Checklist
1. Have you complained to the JCIO, a Tribunal President or a Magistrates Advisory



Please state the name of the judicial office holder you complained about:
District Judge Daniel Curtis
Please provide the details of the person/office that dealt with your complaint:
Mr Langworth

2. Is your complaint with one of the above finished?


3. Are you unhappy with how your complaint to one of the above bodies
was handled?


page 4)
page 5)

Only if you have answered Yes to all these questions are you ready to complete this form
You should make your complaint within 28 days of receiving the letter from the JCIO, Tribunal President or
Magistrates Advisory Committee, notifying you of their decision about your complaint. The Ombudsman is
not required under the Constitutional Reform Act 2005 to consider complaints outside this period, and will
only do so in exceptional circumstances. These should be explained in section 4 of this form.
1. Your Details





Other (please specify):


Postcode: AAAA AAA
If you provide us with an email address we will use it as the main source of contacting you unless you advise us otherwise.

Contact phone number(s):

2. Permission
If the Ombudsman decides that he is able to deal with your complaint, he will need your permission
to contact the JCIO, a Tribunal President or Magistrates Advisory Committee. In most cases it will be
impractical to proceed with an investigation if you withhold permission.
I confirm that I am content for the Judicial Appointments and Conduct
Ombudsmans Office to contact the JCIO, Tribunal President or Magistrates
Advisory Committee about my complaint.



I have read and understood the Conduct Leaflet and understand that the
Ombudsman can only look at the way in which my complaint was handled by the
JCIO, Tribunal President or Magistrates Advisory Committee.


3. Your signature

Date: 2 December 2015

4. Your complaint
Your complaint must be set out concisely on this page only. You must give specific details, illustrating
exactly why you believe the JCIO, Tribunal President or Magistrates Advisory Committees handling of
your complaint fell short of the standards you could reasonably expect.
The Ombudsman will investigate the issues that you provide below if he considers your complaint
warrants investigation. He will not be able to deal with your complaint unless you particularise your
concerns on this form. You may provide supporting documents if necessary.
The Judicial Conduct Investigations Office explained that my complaint could not be accepted for
consideration because it did not contain an allegation of misconduct on the part of a judicial office
holder. I disagree completely. It was in anticipation of this view that I deliberately emphasised that my
complaint did not constitute an appeal of the courts decision, but a complaint made in accordance with
the Judicial Conduct (Judicial and other office holders) Rules 2014 about the judges conduct on several
counts which coincided with the misconduct descriptions set out on the complaint application web page.
Those were itemised as follows:
i) Professional Misconduct
ii) Criminal Allegations
iii) Inappropriate Comments / Discrimination
iv) Misuse of Judicial Powers
The Caseworker was of the opinion that my complaint surrounded an appeal I had made to the High
Court which was still to be determined. That was not my complaint. Details were only included as it was
a relevant factor in the matter.
The Caseworker gives an example where he considers a judge's bias is not a conduct matter but
something for which the victim of that bias should be put to the trouble and expense of appealing to a
higher court. There must be some incentive for a judge in the Magistrates' court to conduct himself
properly, like having an effective watchdog, otherwise the only message that is sent out is that the
hierarchical court system exists as an excuse for incompetence in the lower courts as they can claim
fairness of the system with it being open to you to make use of the casino justice system by appealing a
botched decision to a higher court.

5. What are you hoping to achieve from your complaint?

I am disgusted with how the justice system operates. There is simply no accountability for judges
making appallingly bad decisions with the emphasis on bias towards the authorities. If what I've seen of
it is typical I hope that my compliant goes some way to reforming the system which is apparently corrupt
to the core. A start would be investigate why the judge in my case granted a liability order knowing that
a false statement had been made by the claimant with the intention to defraud me.

This form can also be found on our website at and can be downloaded and
sent to us by email to
If you wish to complete this form by hand, please send it to the Judicial Appointments and Conduct
Ombudsman, 9th Floor, The Tower, 102 Petty France, London SW1H 9AJ.
If you have a disability, if English is not your first language, or if you need advice on how to complete this
form please contact us on 020 3334 2900 or email

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