Photoshoot Planner 2

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Photoshoot planner

A level photography


Maddie Bryant

Shoot/draft no:

Project title:

Photoshop Project

Your next steps from the previous shoot(s) how will you refine and develop your work?
Im extremely happy with the contrast of my last shoot compared to the rest of my them. The outdoor setting brings
a more realistic feel to the photographs following the hypnagogic feel of Kyle Thompson. For my next shoot I am
focusing on self-portraits as I believe it will make a bigger connection to Thompsons work. Also I am finding a more
simple, subtle location like the ones in his photographs.
Description of aims and ideas for your shoot what do you want your photographs to communicate?
I really want my photographs to have the same dream-like feeling as K.Ts. The feeling of not knowing whether
youre awake or asleep. Also I really want to focus on the quality of my photgraphs so theyre easier to photohsop.




Location notes permission, studio, booking, transport and weather

I am going to take the photos in the fields leading on from behind my house as they have a forrest which will look
good in the background of my photographs. The sun should be rising at 7:58am so I am hoping to get there for
about 7:30 so I can capture pictures before, during and after because Im unsure of which will give the best light.
Photographer/artist inspiration
Kyle Thompson

Techniques/processes you will use to achieve your aims

At the moment all I have planned is to take the photos, I havent thought of any ideas on photoshop yet except to
enhance the pictures. I will be doing some drawing of my plans and I will include any ideas I have in them.
Equipment notes
Camera, tripod, props and outfits.


Camera Y/N?
Models Y/N?

Tripod Y/N?
Props Y/N?

Lighting Y/N?
Crew Y/N?

Camera checks:

Battery charged (the day before) Memory card Y/N?

File type Y/N?
Correct white balance Y/N?

He who fails to plan is planning to fail - Winston Churchill

ISO setting Y/N?

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