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The Evolution of Video

Games and The Impact

By Andrew Sample, Dakota Bartish,
and Jacob Driscoll


Illustrate how video game industry has grown

Talk about how video games impact people
Show how consoles and video games have changed
How video games have impacted you?Directly or indirectly

First Generation Video Game consoles

graphics consist of dots, lines, and also blocks

colors very limited
consoles sold between 100 - 250 dollars (440 - 1011 dollars in todays
Popular game was pong.
Popular game console was the Magnavox Odyssey

Second Generation Video Game Consoles

Graphics include blocks and simple sprites

colors are still very limited and very basic, but include 1 - bit and 4 - bit color
(between 2 and 16 colors on a screen)
launch prices for the consoles range between 169.00 and 300 (488 - 859
dollars in todays terms)
popular game was pac-man
popular console was the Atari

Third Generation Video Game Consoles

More detailed sprite graphics, bigger in size also

Up to 32 colors on the screen now instead of 16
D-pad game controllers now in use
consoles sold between 140 - 200 dollars (300 - 450 dollars in todays terms)
popular game was Dragons Lair
popular console was the Sega - 1000

Fourth Generation Video Game Consoles

Graphics upgraded to flat - shaded 3D polygon graphics

Between 64 and 4096 colors displayed on a screen at one time
Popular console was the Sega Genesis
consoles sold between 189 - 650 dollars (347 - 1,150 dollars in todays
Popular game was Sonic the Hedgehog

Fifth Generation Video Game Consoles

graphical upgrades such as lighting and shading

up to 16,777,216 colors
consoles sold between 200 - 700 dollars (302 - 1147 dollars in todays
Popular game was Gran Tourismo
Popular game console was the PlayStation

Sixth Generation Video Game Consoles

graphics become more life like

The amount of colors stay the same
consoles sold between 79- 299 dollars (110 - 412 dollars in todays terms)
Popular game was Grand Theft Auto, San Andreas.
Popular game console was the PlayStation 2

Seventh Generation Video Game Consoles

graphics steadily become more humanistic and realistic

colors are the same
consoles sold between 99 - 599 dollars
Popular game was wii sports
Popular game console was the Ps3, the XBox 360, and the Wii

8th Generation Video Game Consoles

graphics are very realistic

colors are the same
consoles sold between 299 - 499
Popular game was Mario Kart 8
Popular game console was the Ps4,
the XBox 1, and the Wii - U


Average of 8 hours a week gaming

Averaging 12 years of gaming experience
Mid to late 30s average buyer and gamer
2 gamers per household
(How Much)(Galarneau)

Fig.3."How Much Do You Know About Video Games? Share."

Male vs. Female Gamers

Frequent gamers

more 18+ female gamers and -17 males
Preferences?(How Much)

Fig.4."How Much Do You Know About Video Games? Share."

Fig.5."How Much Do You Know About Video Games? Share."

Parents and Children

Smallest percentage
Game together
Greater limitations on time
Restrictions to game types and purchasing
(How Much)


Game groups
Zealous gamers
On the rise
Slightly over of population


Mobile Games

Japan and China - most prominent

Quickly increasing market
Mobile time division
Overtaking consoles


Fig.8."Mobile Game Revenues Set to Overtake Console Games in 2015."

Growing Market

Rapid Growth
Quadrupled U.S economy(Taylor)
Industry worth billions
Large employee base(The U.S. Video)

Fig.9."The U.S. Video Game Industry's Economic Impact - The Entertainment Software Association."


Mobile games
Worth more
Increased pricing
More jobs
Continual advances

Video Games: The Controversy


One of the biggest evolutions that have been caused by video games is in
the area of public opinion.
As video games have become more violent and graphic, there has been
increased attention, and debate over how they affect behavior and actions.
Over the past few decades there have been studies that go both ways on the
subject, along with big associations and credible organizations.
Such as the American Psychological Association, American Academy of
Pediatrics, and American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry.

Why are the effects important?


It is important to know because of how much we spend playing them.

According to this article on the Nielsen website, in 2014 from a survey
conducted reported that people 13 and older spent on average 6.3 hours per
week playing video games. (Newswire.)
That is a whopping 327.6 hours in a year.
Do you believe what the media says about violent video games?

Events of Importance

One of the other reasons why knowing the effects of video games is
because of the horrific events that have been blamed or at least linked to
Such as:

Navy Yard Shooting September 2013

- important to note that the gunman had reported anger issues, and ptsd.
- ("DC Gunman Obsessed with Violent Video Games, Reports Say.")
Virginia Tech 2007
Columbine High School 1999
Aurora, Colo. 2012

Media & Video Games (0:00 - 1:00) (1:20 - 2:00) (2:153)

Associate Professor at Villanova University Patrick Markey

important points:

playing violent video games does not directly lead to violent acts, or real world violence.
generalizing the data from studies on regular people, to those with mental problems
find that the average effect of violent video games is less than movies

it would be unusual for you to find a 30 year old, or a male between 20-30 not playing video

parents should not expose their children to violent video games, but not because it would
cause them to be killers.

Media & Video Games

- (0:30 - 1:30) (3:30 - 4:

Important points:

juvenile crime statistics have gone down

american academy of pediatrics says that the connection between game violence and
aggression is very strong.
anxiety over interactivity of video games

gaming has its own rating and self policing system: ESRB rating, retailers do their job in
not selling to minors who do not have a parent, as well as console parental control
FTC reported that the game industry does a great job not marketing to young children

The Facts
Fig 1.

This is a graph on the amount of arrests since


From 2003-2012 there was a 37%

decrease in Juvenile arrests.
From 2008-2012 there was a 34%
From 2011-2012 there was an 11%
In 2012, U.S. law enforcement agencies
made 1.3 million arrests of people under
the age of 18. Which is the 37% percent
less than 2003. ("Estimated Number of Juvenile
Arrests, 2012.")

I was productive..??

you can finally say that hour you spent wasnt a waste of time!!

From the article, Horizon: How video games can change your brain on the

BBC website; there are actual benefits from playing video games, and video
games that are made specifically for doing so.
Some of the benefits mentioned in the article include:

motor skills
visual abilities
brain growth
keeping sharp

The benefits explained


Motor Skills:
- In the article a Keyhole Surgeon made a game, called Underground, that uses controls that
mimics the tools used in surgery to help improve motor skills.
Visual Abilities:
- The BBC article talks about Prof Daphne Bavalier from the University of Geneva, and her
visuals tests with Gamers and Non-gamers.
- She found that in a test that required the subjects to track moving objects, Gamers
performed better than Non-Gamers.
Brain Growth:
- Prof Simone Kuhn from the Max-Planck Institute of Health Development, ran a test where
she used an fmri to study the brains of subjects while they were playing and found that three

core areas grew: the prefrontal cortex, right hippocampus, and cerebellum. navigation and
fine motor movement
Keeping Sharp:
- Looking into helping the elderly. A test was run that used elderly individuals to play a karting
game over two weeks, and they tested better in working memory and attention span.


Effects on other industries

Aytm. Web. Nov 18 2015.

"22 Charts & Graphs on Video Games & Youth Violence - Violent Video Games -" ProConorg Headlines. Web. 5 Nov. 2015.

"CNN: Adam Sessler on Violent Video Games." YouTube. YouTube, 28 Dec. 2014. Web. 24 Nov. 2015.
"DC Gunman Obsessed with Violent Video Games, Reports Say." FoxNews. FoxNews, 17 Sept. 2013. Web. 19 Nov. 2015.

"Estimated Number of Juvenile Arrests, 2012." Estimated Number of Juvenile Arrests, 2012. Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency
Prevention, n.d. Web. 19 Nov. 2015.
"Expert: Video Games Don't Trigger Violence." YouTube. YouTube, 18 Sept. 2013. Web. 24 Nov. 2015.
Galarneua, Lisa. "2014 Global Gaming Stats: Who's Playing What, and Why? | Big Fish Blog." Big Fish Games. Web. 2 Nov. 2015.
Gaudiosi, John ."Mobile Game Revenues Set to Overtake Console Games in 2015." Fortune Mobile Game Revenues Set to Overtake Console Games in 2015
Comments. 15 Jan. 2015. Web. 2 Nov. 2015.

"Horizon: How Video Games Can Change Your Brain - BBC News." BBC News. BBC News, 16 Sept. 2015. Web. 24 Nov. 2015.
"How Much Do You Know About Video Games? Share." Video Game Industry Statistics. Web. 2 Nov. 2015.

Fig. 1 Juvenile Arrest Rate Trends." Juvenile Arrest Rate Trends. Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention, n.d. Web. 19
Nov. 2015.
"Mind Blown: Video Games Graphics Evolution In The Last 30 Years."GamingBoltcom Video Game News Reviews Previews and Blog
Mind Blown Video Games Graphics Evolution In The Last 30 Years Comments. N.p., n.d. Web. 03 Dec. 2015. <http://gamingbolt.
"Newswire ." Multi-Platform Gaming: For the Win! Nielsen, 27 May 2014. Web. 19 Nov. 2015.
Suen, Michael. "How Video Games Are Strengthening the U.S. Economy." The Mary Sue How Video Games Are Strengthening the US Economy
Comments. Web. 2 Nov.


Taylor, Rich. "Video Game Industry Adds Billions to US Economy." The Huffington Post. Web. 2 Nov. 2015.
"The U.S. Video Game Industry's Economic Impact - The Entertainment Software Association." The Entertainment Software Association. Web. 2 Nov. 2015.

More Dang Sources

Wolf, Mark J.P. "The Video Game Explosion." Google Books. N.p., n.d. Web. 03 Dec. 2015. <

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