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Letter from the EB

Greetings Delegates!
I am Spoorthi Thota, your co-chair for the Futuristic SPECPOL committee. I
am looking forward to working with all of you in the coming month and am
immensely excited to be part of this MUN conference. I am currently studying
in tenth grade and I love to read and write, and listen to music.
This committee is a futuristic take on SPECPOL and will work differently from
the traditional way SPECPOL works. This is the future delegates. It is up to
you to decide the fate of the human race. In this background guide, we will
provide the basic information that you need for this committee. This
background guide consists of a basic timeline of what has happened over the
years and the status of each country and where it stands in the world today.
Keep in mind that this background guide will only be a starting point of
research and should be used for reference only.
This committee is one of a kind and acts as an opportunity for you to think in
the future. The committee will also test your skills as a diplomat in the most
unique and a newer, never-before-done way.
I expect to see quality debating and I hope you all have a great time
researching and debating in this MUN conference. I look forward to seeing all
of you in committee. Do not hesitate to contact me or your other co-chair if
you require anything using the contact information provided below. I wish
you all good luck.
Yours truly,
Spoorthi Thota
People Combine Model United Nations 2015
Email ID:

Letter from the EB

Hey future Martians!
Im Shivani Parepally and Ill be serving as your co-chair for this exciting
journey. Im looking forward to meeting you all in the coming month, and
providing you with a MUN experience which you will cherish for a lifetime. I
hope we can provide you with breathtaking committee sessions, which I
promise will be a combination of both learning and fun. We as the PCMUN
team, being MUN enthusiasts will be putting in a lot of effort and dedication
towards this conference and if you all replicate, we assure an enriching MUN
I hope each and every one of you does vigorous research and are able to
showcase the knowledge youve gained by participating in a fruitful debate.
We hope that the timeline we have provided you with in this background
guide is helpful and if you have any further queries, feel free to contact us at
any point of time.
This being a futuristic committee, provides us all with a platform through
which we can utilize our creativity to our fullest and think of this universe as
a bigger, brighter and better place. All delegates, we are the SPECPOL, the
Special Political and Decolonization Committee, the fourth committee of the
United Nations and we play a very vital role. For our committee to execute
our responsibilities efficiently and to function properly as a whole I request all
member nations to cooperate and keep in mind the idea and aim of world
Keep in mind that the country you have been allotted to does not wholly
matter however, your effort and dedication towards this conference does. Ill
be leaving you on this note. Good luck delegates!
Best Regards,
Shivani Parepally
People Combine Model United Nations

About the Committee

We humans were born with the intellect to explore and dwell further and
further. So it is only natural that we take our footprints somewhere else. It is
now 2100 AD. Mars has been spoken of as our second habitat for a few
decades now and the time has finally come.
This committee will be set in 2100 AD- when we are at the brink of the
biggest human expedition there has ever been. The world has faced
catastrophic changes and has evolved into a dangerous habitat for the rest
of humans and other organisms alike. It is predicted that in a few more
years, we would have to face the wrath of climatic changes that could
potentially kill us and wipe the human race off the face of the Earth. For the
past 50 years now, we have seen drastic changes in the climate, a
humongous rise in the sea level, the extinction of several different species
and a great incline in a pandemic.
Technology has evolved and advanced and so have humans. It is now
possible to live and colonize Mars. Living on Mars is not to be taken lightly. It
is our new, and maybe our last, home. We must keep in mind that
maintaining peace is our utmost priority and that this means that rival
nations should cooperate to some degree while still maintaining their foreign
policies. Member nations should keep in mind that clashes whilst resource
distribution or land allocation on the surface of Mars are unavoidable,
however, countries are expected to come to a compromise. We do not expect
to see another war in outer space. Countries are expected to adapt and
tackle any of the sudden problems hurling their way. Remember that we do
not have much time and that we must act as quickly as possible. We must
also remember that things work differently there than here, on Earth. So it is
also our duty to develop a good establishment for the future of humanity.
Another thing to keep in mind is the importance of other organisms. Is it
advisable to take animals on board too? How will we employ people once we
get there? Whos to manage the people there? Should new government
policies be introduced? These are only some of the questions the delegates
in committee are required to answer.
Before he began his fateful expedition to Mount Everest, George Mallory was
asked why man kept trying to reach the summit of that mountain. "Because
it is there," he said. Mars is a potential home for the following reasons. Mars
is much like Earth. It has been recently discovered that there is evidence for
water on the red planet. Thats where we all evolved from anyways. Water
plays a huge role, not just in our ecosystem but in our daily lives as well. It
has made life possible. Mars has water, frozen underground and at the polar
caps. There is evidence that this water has, in the past and present, flooded
the surface in liquid form. Signs of erosion can be found on the slopes of
craters and volcanoes. Geological features resembling those on Earth

suggest that Mars was once a wet and hospitable planet. A day on Mars is
24.5 hours long. Mars is a third the size of Earth, but it has as much land
area as the seven continents combined. Its gravity is 2.7 times less than that
of Earth: enough to remain flat-footed on the surface, but a low enough
escape velocity to make launching from Mars relatively simple. Remember, it
was much easier for Apollo to lift off from the moon than it was to leave
Earth. Construction materials would be lighter as well, facilitating labor in the
early colony. The health benefits of such an environment are unknown, but it
is theorized that Mars might prevent and relieve forms of arthritis and back
pain. Also, Martian-born children might be taller than their terrestrial cousins.
Both planets have seasons and similar rotational patterns. Mars is roughly in
the same heat-range as Earth, being next-door in the solar system, and if it
had a thicker atmosphere it is likely the two planets would share the same
Of course, it is with great difficulty that humans might be able to colonize
Mars. However, it is on the brink of happening in reality. And that will be one
of the biggest achievements humankind has ever attained. Its pushing us to
our limits and thats never a bad thing.
Note: We request the delegates to accept the assumptions made in
this background guide at the face value. We are making eighty
years of assumptions based on assumptions based on assumptions.
Please note that the timeline is strictly to be followed. Do keep in
mind that an Extended Information Guide will be posted on the
website shortly. Do not conclude your research after going through
the background guide. If you feel the need to clarify anything,
please do not hesitate to contact us.


2015: Satellites, and rovers have been sent to Mars by various space
agencies around the world. People on Earth have started intriguing
about Mars and the inhabitation possibilities.
2026: MarsONE, an organization from Netherlands invests billions of
dollars and lands on Mars in the hope of colonization. However, due to
insufficient resources to sustain life, the mission fails and there is loss
of human life.
2030: Following Netherlands, ISRO again invests billions of dollars and
plans a mission. This time, due to faulty calculations, they havent
been able to enter the Mars orbit, and there has been no further
2035: After repeated failure, France brought about a ray of hope by
making a public statement announcing the sighting of running water
on the surface of Mars. After substantial research is done, it turns out
the French were right, water was found on the red planet!

2037: the US makes a public statement in the United Nation meeting.

All member nations, it is time for us to finally inhabit mars. We
humans are not known for giving up. It is time we succeed. And for
that, dear countries, we must all work together! We must pool in our
technological resources, and we must pool in our human resources. All
this is for the benefit of our citizens! The United States suggests that
each and every country should pool in a certain amount of money
based on their economic conditions. After this, we all shall work
together and send our citizens to Mars. All those in favor, please do
sign the first Mars Inhabitation Treaty.
2040: All the countries start working together, sharing information and
2045: The people around the world are slowly becoming skeptical with
their respective governments. The governments are levying higher
taxes on the people in order to collect money for Mission Mars
2047: The worlds eyes are wide open, ready for the mission Mars
Conqueror to bring hope and glory to the people of Earth.
2048: Successfully landing on mars the astronauts set up camp. But
soon enough bad luck followed. Due to the small-scale size of the
basecamp the establishment got wiped out by a storm.
2050: With a heavy heart, Russia makes a statement at the United
Nations pleading countries not to withdraw from the Mars inhabitation
treaty Member nations of the world, Russia believes that after
spending extensive money, effort and resources, we shouldnt give up
at this stage. After coming so far we, instead of losing hope, shall strive
for success. And the only way to make this possible is if all of us come
together yet again and try harder! This puts the underdeveloped
nations are in a dilemma. They werent sure if they could invest so
much of their income on this. However, for the betterment of their
people, they decide to once again levy higher taxes on the public and
pool in money.
2055: Riots start in many parts of the world. Civilians were unhappy
with the repeated failures and the heavy taxes being levied.
2060: However, despite this mayhem, all Nations go ahead on their
second attempt for the betterment of their citizens.
2066: With renewed efforts all space agencies came together the build
The Mars Conqueror 2.0.but due to technical difficulties the hopes of all
the member nations got crushed. The Mars Conqueror 2.0 fails at
2067: All the nations once again come together in a United Nations
conference and China makes a statement. We need to understand
that overdoing things causes a lot of damage. We need to understand
that it is the time to stop now. I not represent my country here but also
all other countries who have no money to even feed their citizens. We

have spent billions of dollars. Time has come where we work on earth.
We make earth better place. No country tries to go to Mars and all
countries contribute to make earth a better place. All those nations in
favor please sign the Non-Habilitation treaty. All the member nations
including the P5, sign the treaty without hesitation.
2070: All the nations are working hard to rebuild their country and
assess grievances.
2075: Meanwhile USA with the help of UK, France and India continue
building spacecraft in secrecy. This angers many fellow nations
especially The Russian Federation.
2078: Russia joins hands with China who declare a World War III. France
and United Kingdom are upset with the United States behavior,
however they support USA, in hope that they would be able to give
their citizens a better life on Mars.
2080: Russia collaborates with the ISIS promising them Nuclear
weapons in return for their help. ISIS joins hands with Russia and China
and part by part start tearing apart The United States. USA retaliates
with great fury.
2085: The world is facing the worst ever situation man has ever seen.
With a deadly virus spreading through India, and the collapse of many
nations, the world is in crisis. Also, with ISIS having access to nuclear
weapons as well as the Middle East under its commands, the world is
at fear of a cold war turning to a nuclear war. No nation except Russia,
China, ISIS and a select few can come back to normalcy if a nuclear
war does take place. Scientists also say that a nuclear war could
potentially crack the atmosphere and make the world an impossible
place to inhibit almost instantly.
2088: The USA having very few allies is completely broken down. It
does not wish to fight the war any longer as it is losing valuable money
and wishes to use its remaining resources in the Mars missions. The
United States President makes a public statement. Nations of the
world, The United States does not want to take part in this battle any
longer. Nations please remember we have succeeded! The United
States has finally succeeded! And we are willing to share our secret of
success. Provided, the Nations give us funds. The more money, the
more information shared.
2093: The countries of Japan, Sweden, Switzerland, Brazil, China,
Canada, Denmark, Greece, Australia, Italy, Spain, Belgium, Ireland, The
Russian Federation, Poland, Portugal, Turkey, Egypt, Vietnam,
Venezuela, Vietnam, Algeria, Mexico, Finland and many other nations
agree to this and start collaborating with the United states by giving it
2095: All these nations are working together, building mass transport
ships which can take billions of people to Mars. All these Nations plan

for their middle, higher-middle and upper class to leave the Earth. The
mission FREEDOM will be set to take place on the 23rd of April, 2099.
2099: The Launch FREEDOM is set to take place. All countries eyes are
wide open in hope.
2100: We have reached Mars!

Global Status
Countries have seen numerous changes taking place, not just economically
but climatically as well. Our world now holds a total population of 11.2 billion
people. These are some of the global statuses of some of the major

Section 1- Europe

Europe has seen a continuous downfall since the Debt Crisis. One of the
worlds largest currencies, the Euro, has dissolved into debt and has been
abandoned. Greece was forced out of the Union for triggering huge amounts
of loss and debt. The EU also didnt wish to repay Germany back and
Germany has, till date, been trying to regain its original power back again.
Europe also suffered because of its population and demographics- there were
not enough young to develop the country.
The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland have now
separated. United Kingdom now consists of England, Wales, Scotland and a
newly formed United Ireland. Netherlands has contributed a lot to colonize
Mars by introducing the Mars ONE mission and so has France. However, in
when World War III takes place, UK and France face difficulty due to the loss
in money not only because of the amount of failed missions over the
decades but also due to the war. UK and Ireland have maintained a good
relationship, despite the separation and France and UK remain faithful allies
of the United States of America.

Section 2- The United States of America

The United States of America, a prominent role in the space race, has set its
target on the colonization of Mars for military uses of date. The United States
has launched numerous rovers and devices to inspect Mars, and were the
ones to discover the presence of water. NASA has funded and operated many
missions to Mars, however, this has happened with a success rate of 0%.
Near the beginning of the 2090s, USA has managed to launch a successful
mission to Mars despite the fact that it signed the Non-Habilitation Treaty
in the year 2067. This treaty had stated that no country will further waste
any resources or money on any missions relating to the colonization of Mars.
However, when the USA continued its efforts to take the human race to the
next level, many countries including the Russian Federation and China were

angered. This begins the dreadful cold war, also known as World War III [A
detailed description of this historic event is given below]. The Russian
Federation also joined hands with ISIS, asking for their help in exchange of
nuclear weapons, to oppose USA. USA, being a powerful country even after
all of its Mars mission failures, retaliates with equal fury through means of
propaganda and threats. India, UK and France pledge their full support in the
cold war. However, USA manages to win the hearts of the rest of the world
once it gains the secret to the success of colonizing Mars. All nations are
back on board for colonizing Mars and help fund the USA for mission
FREEDOMs launch.

Section 3- The Russian Federation

The Russian Federation has worked well with USA, or at least in terms of
colonizing Mars. Though Russia and USA remain natural rivals, they seem to
go hand in hand with the concept of colonizing Mars. With their combined
forces, they are bound to reach their goals even before their expected time.
The Russian Federation has expanded on an extremely large scale and has
developed many new technologies that may make colonizing Mars possible.
However, due to failed missions, all hope has been given up. Russia doesnt
want to waste any more money in a false dream which is why it is completely
in favor of the Non-Habilitation Treaty. However, when USA, being one of
the countries that signed the treaty go against it, Russia along with many
other countries are angered. Russia and China feel that USA has no authority
doing what it did and join hands with ISIS immediately to take down USA and
use up all of its resources and money with the excuse of a war. However,
they the Russian Federation is one of the first countries to fund USAs Mars
mission FREEDOM as soon as USA reveals its success. Russia too begins
taking the help of USA just like old times and begins their own mission to
Mars. The UK and France too have gained support from the US and are
working on their missions as well.

Section 4- India

India has experienced a triggered speed in terms of development but is

crashing down at the introduction of a genetically engineered virus,
nicknamed the X-Worm. India, like did other nations in world, introduce
high taxes to fund their Mars missions as well as find a cure for the deadly
virus that is estimated to wipe out at least half the population of India in five
years if it continues at the same rate. India wants to save as much money as
possible and is pushing all the limits. India has half of its costs for its
missions covered as they work with USA and the UK and France in secrecy
for the success of the future of humanity. India has, once it has gained
success to the Mars missions, shifted all of its money and resources into
saving its population with help from the World Health Organization to design
specialized masks to prevent any further spread of the X-Worm disease.
The World Health Organization has also requested India to take extra
preventive measures as the spread of this disease could ultimately be the

end of mankind. India also threatens to tear down whoever spread this
disease in their nation and vows to take revenge.

Section 5- China

China has lost a lot of money in World War III however has enough resources
and money left to start up its own missions to colonize Mars when USA
reveals its secrets to success. However, during the war, China, Russia and
ISIS have been strictly moderating USA and have tried to limit its space
agency to stop it from going against the treaty of 2067. China is also facing
fears and the public is at unrest due to the spread of the unknown disease in
India. China has, along with Russia, been one of the first countries to applaud
USA in its achievements and has accepted to fund it heavily for their
missions at the cost of higher taxes. Riots have been prominent in China due
to these high taxes as the public doesnt trust any nation anymore and does
not believe that humanity can ever colonize Mars. China, despite the
opposition from its own population, has continued on with the mission and
has appointed a special police force and security department to control its
public. The only way China can regain the publics trust is by succeeding in
the mission. India faces the same problem but at a much lower degree due
to the increase unrest of Indias population due to the spread of the disease.
Looks like China has more on its plate than it can handle. Or thats what its
citizens think anyway.

Section 6- The Middle East/ ISIS

ISIS and the Middle Eastern countries wish to remain on Earth and not move
their civilizations to outer space not because they dont want to, but because
they simply cannot. However, when Russia made the grave mistake of
handing nuclear weapons to ISIS, it has shaken the world with terror.
Although it has supported Russia and China in the cold war, it has taken a
different stance altogether as soon as Russia and China joined hands with
the USA, in terms of colonizing Mars at least. ISIS has already taken over the
Middle East and those countries seek help from the rest of the world. Some
of its richest countries such as Saudi Arabia have crumbled beneath ISIS due
to the lack of oil to fuel its revenue and expenditure. The Middle East has
also seen traces of the virus spreading in India but is helpless unless ISIS
does anything about it. The world is terrified of ISIS because they have
already taken control of the Middle East, and now with nuclear weapons by
their side, they could terrorize the rest of the world as well as no country is in
a position to handle the aftermath of a nuclear war except a select few.
However, as those select few countries are using most of their money to fund
their respective missions to colonize the red planet, it would be extremely
difficult for them to regain their balance after a nuclear war, especially since
their citizens are already disapproving of the high taxes levied on them.

Section 7- Africa

The rest of the world speculates that Africa might be ISISs next target as it is
one of the poorest places in the world. Africa has not even had the thought of
colonizing Mars and is terrified of ISIS. They have crumbled to almost a

worthless continent. Africa cannot do anything but just accept the fact that
ISIS will inevitably take over them and hope that nothing bad happens. Africa
has not received any help at all from any other member nations and feels
that other nations are making the second largest continent feel insignificant
and cry out for help. However, countries do not notice Africas pleas and
Africa is highly offended and angered by this. Africa hopes that there will be
a change in heart of at least one nation and hopes that ISIS is merciful
towards them.

General Information
What happened to planet Earth?

Earth has seen so many drastic changes from climatic ones to other physical
ones. These are only a few of them:
Our planet is an old one and it has seen a lot. However, what Earth has seen
in the last few years has been more than enough to damage its protective
atmosphere as well as our ecological balance and environment. Our
environment is a dangerous one to be in. Most species have become extinct
due to these sudden changes in climate. The last remaining tiger was
spotted in the 2050s and the lions are at the brink of extinction. What used
to be blue skies are now almost always grey and dark, covered in industrial
smoke and ash from the super volcano eruption almost three years ago.
Many countries such as Mexico and USA have faced a lot of trouble clearing
up their atmosphere and have lost billions in the process of doing so. Disease
was everywhere and almost all countries have made it mandatory to wear
masks specially designed under the supervision of the World Health
Organization that purify the air we breathe to some degree. Many cities have
been submerged underwater due to the melting of the polar ice caps. These
cities include Mumbai, Honolulu, Rio de Janeiro. Cities that are in potential
danger of being submerged include Vancouver, Barcelona and New York.
The damage done to Earths atmosphere is mostly due to the exhaustion of
all of our resources. The waste gases such as carbon monoxide and carbon
dioxide have accumulated in our atmosphere and have made it dangerous to
breathe it in. Deforestation, global warming, soil erosion, water and air
pollution have, ultimately, led to a dangerous planet which we may not be
able to survive in. Plants too have faced difficulty in photosynthesizing as
experts predict that the oxygen levels in our atmosphere have seen a
constant decrease since World War III. Scientists predict that it would be
almost impossible to live on Earth in a few thousand years, however as we
do not have any other nonrenewable resources left to exploit the
atmosphere, we may have a chance, even if it is a small one.

The Mission

Countries that wish to colonize Mars are expected to have already launched
their rockets and set up base. It is also advised that countries do not take
more than ten to twenty people at one given time as we do not want to

overcrowd our new home. Member nations are also expected to carry the
right amount of resources and make sure that the colony is set up properly
for future generations. The background guide will provide some basic
information below but delegates are requested to come up with more ways
of expansion and enabling a sustainable life on Mars. The most recent UN
conference has allocated the amount of resources each country is allowed on
space. Including the basic necessities, we have also provided defense
equipment, energy sources, transportation devices such as rovers for
exploration etc. Military surveillance equipment has also been provided,
hoping that countries use these resources wisely. As your first task, you are
required to set up a proper base and establish a temporary border for your
safetys sake. The permanent borders can be decided later, upon the UNs
discretion or an alternative way if thats what the member nations want.
Also, it is important to develop new policies that govern your country or just
continue the old ones on Mars. This is a choice the EB leaves for the
delegates. Militarization must be kept strictly under control and no harm is to
be done to the red planet or the other astronauts that have arrived with yoube it from the same country or a different one. Marss resources are rich and
are sure to attract the human mind. Though it is inevitable that we exploit
them, it is vital we control the consumption of the resources so we do not
change the climate their uncontrollably. It is advised that countries are to use
their own resources and can only use Marss resources for experimental and
observational purposes and it is to be strictly monitored. The arrival of
civilians from Earth presents a number of challenges. For instance, will
settlers have to buy their own land on Mars, or will the concept of private
property be abolished/modified for the sake of simplicity and sustainability,
with the government determining land allocation? You must decide how
many people should be allowed to join the settlement, whether to gradually
increase the scale of immigration, and how freely settlers can move between
the bases established by different Earth-nations among other considerations.

Mars- Our New Home

Mars is often cited as being the most Earth like planet in the solar system it
has basins, plains and highland regions that are recognized as continents. It
is tilted on its axis to a similar degree to earth, which endows the planet with
four seasons. Its day is 24 hours and 37 minutes long. Like Earth, Mars has
polar ice caps and it retains some semblance of an atmosphere...but that is
where the similarities end.
The Martian atmosphere is thin equivalent to an altitude of 140,000 feet on
Earth, and consists of 95% carbon dioxide. Although carbon dioxide is a
greenhouse gas which helps keep a planet warm, Mars' atmosphere is so
tenuous it retains little solar heat. As well the planets highly elliptical orbit
accentuates seasonal differences, and as a consequence the climate is
extremely harsh, with temperatures ranging from 193F in the polar winter
to 62F in the southern summer. At some locations on Mars it is cold enough

for Carbon Dioxide to freeze out of the atmosphere as dry ice. Furthermore,
its surface is dry and desolate, with no eco system or oceans.
Four and a half billion years ago Mars was a very different planet- it had a
thicker atmosphere and enough heat left over from its formation to melt
water ice at the planets water. Judging from the main rivulets, channels and
canyons that have been seen by space probes, and by analysis of the
composition of Martian meteorites found on earth, abundant water must
once have flowed across this planets surface. Where is the water now? Well
water still exists on the planets polar caps and atmosphere. In 2000
planetary scientists analyzing images from NASA's Mars Global Surveyor
space craft reported gullies in crater walls that suggest ground water may
lay at depths of 3301,300 feet. Other space craft findings pointed to thick
deposits of sedimentary rocks, possibly laid down in now vanished lakes and
Mars consists mainly of silicate rock and it retains a modest metal core. The
surface is a desert of rusty rocks and dust racked by intense surface winds
that on occasion whip up immense dust storms. At other times, particularly
as the planet approaches perihelion when it is closest to the sun, the storms
take on global proportions, engulfing the entire planet for months at a time.
Such a storm occurred in 1971 at the beginning of the Mariner 9 mission, and
again in 1977, during the Viking mission. The Mars pathfinder space craft has
also seen evidence of recent dust storms.
This planet has some spectacular features, one of the most prominent being
Olympus Mon's, potentially the largest volcano in the solar system. It rises 13
miles above the surrounding plains on the planets western hemisphere, and
covers an area as a large as Arizona. Three other large volcanoes lie at the
south east in a region of ancient volcanic activity called the Tharsis bulge, or
ridge. The Valles Marineris, just south of the equator, is also remarkable. This
system of canyons is up to four miles deep and forms an immense gash
stretching some 2500 miles across the planet. Scientists think that activity in
the Tharsis bulge broke open the crust and widened the canyon as ice
washed out of the canyon walls.

World War III

World War III is the fight between USA, UK, India, France and Russia, China
and ISIS. It has happened due to the fact that despite USA signing the treaty
in 2067 and promising to no longer fund any Mars missions, has worked with
UK, France and India and has hit the jackpot. However, most of the other
nations were angered about this and have tried opposing USA but have
joined hands with it immediately after it hit success. ISIS however has
different plans. It doesnt wish to colonize Mars and nor can it colonize Mars
due to money constraints however, it might or might not intend on
continuing this World War III with ISIS and its captured countries on one side
and the rest of the world on the other. What ISIS is planning on doing may

remain unclear but not for long. Meanwhile, countries are busy funding their
missions and taking humanity to the next step- and a new home.

Questions to be answered in committee:

How do you plan on allocating the land for your country?

What policies do you wish to follow? Will they be the same as Earth or
be different?
What do you think will happen if you fail this last try?
How will you feed future generations once you reach Mars? Earth will
run out of resources eventually.
What energy sources, apart from the Sun, do you think you might
benefit from?
What resources do you think are needed if you get to Mars?
These are only a few of the questions. Delegates are required to be fully
prepared. An extended information guide will be put up shortly and it will
include details about the treaties mentioned in the timeline and other
technologies that could potentially help the countries if they ever get to

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