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Financial Plan

A. Your Pricing Plan: Our prices match our competitors store. Stomping
Grounds is in the main building close to the cafeteria at the high school.
The competitors are charging the same amount of money for the same goods
we sell. Costumers will pretty much pay the same amount at Elephant
Central, the vending machines and Stomping Grounds.
B. Sales Revenue Forecast: In a month we made at least $200, by the end of
the school year, we should have made around $2000.
C. Major Costs: All of our money goes back to the school store since the
employees do not get paid. The money gets spent for more and newer
supplies for the school store.
D. Break-Even Analysis: Our monthly sales are around $300. We have a
break-even of a $100 since we make about $200 in profit monthly.
E. Debt/Equity Investment Needed: We needed $500 to get started that we
received from Stomping Grounds.
F. Use of Investment and Equity Capital: Instead of Elephant Central taking
out a loan of $500 from a bank, Stomping Grounds gives us $500 dollars
for the start.
G. Return to Investor: Our only investor is the school store on the main
campus called, Stomping Grounds. They will receive their money that
Elephant Central borrowed which is $500.
H. Exit Strategy: To close Elephant Central, we would have to sell
everything that is in the store and pay off the debt that we owe.

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