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9 Kayla Tucker rite Exploratory Essay Good Hey try (@WOrding ib { 9/10/35 My biggest passion in life is doing everything | di bilities. [believe thatasa ; student, employee, daughter, friend, and so much more, | must do everything the best I can. Ido not have to be successful in everything, but | need to try my hardest. Successes only come after you have Very wise! failed. No person is successful in everything they d WHat CRE ¥ oy HO “REAL At the start of my senior year of highschool, | decided to redefine my Ife was going to be Yar Kee healthier and happier. | started exercising and eating right. | started to pursue school with a deeper passion, and | started to learn to love myself. {realized that my passion is being myself. | was competitive in learning, which allowed me to care more about my academic success. ! was becoming, stronger in who | knew | should be. ‘This was true until | hit my biggest setback in life thus far: being diagnosed as a type 1 diabetic. | ‘was in the emergency room getting my blood drawn when | was diagnosed. The tall, blonde nurse was © C@/ ‘taking some blood samples when the doctor came in. He told me they would be transferring me toa Pn ‘ larger chilsren's hospital in downtown Charltte, My mother simply ask, “Why?” The doctor said, “Because your daughter has diabetes.” | was Sitting on the bed, and | had no idea how to respond. | was ee / a month and a half from turning 18, and had diabetes. He said they were going to do more blood tests ©¥E0 Hresgs, to find out if | was type 1 or type 2. Within the hour, we found out | was a type 1 diabetic. | remember rene, sitting in the cold room as my mother stepped out to call my father around midnight. I started tocrv.1 € iq 449 was confused and hurt. | had been so healthy. I was exercising and had lost 50 pounds. How could Ibe yay | , ont G}) sick? How could this happen to me as soon as | started to get my life back on track? 2 TL Repe ‘received this news in March of 2015, and i was completely devastated. felt ke Thad lostall amy yay control over my body and that | was no longer good enough for the people argund me. Istruggled with FAS Heacady, out Wiksiy le Se £ s understanding why it happened to me instead of someone else. | soon came to realize that even though Dg this was my greatest challenge, it was going to hake me a success story. 1 was not defined by my illness, < om 5 and | quickly started living by these words: “Diabetes does not define me; | am going to redefine e > diabetes!” | learned that I could share my experiences with others around me and encourage them to n keep pursuing their passions not matter what stands in the way. My passion was made so much stronger after | realized my health was not going to hold me back. | was still going tobe abletodo = — CS anything | wanted to do, and | was going todo it with excellence. ET, Maiaen Pr, 1) amazing! | feel each person struggles independently with their worth: With this being said, my worth is not found in my successes, but in trying the best can to do the best | can. | heard a storyyfrom a ‘successful woman who works for an independent busines he has said that she never felt GRO ny THEA YE ve ay0R ng, successful until she succeeded in her career. | could not agree less. abel ‘mystifasa student and iF Sia he mag employee, but that does not define me. | am defined by my hard work and dedication to everything I do, Every person struggles with who they are, but as for me, I know | am doing my best and that is my greatest passion. Te % SWS ym yt? Remak § Wan OVER thous, PAYERS Ew Frvty Steen og b SAPER FRR a Wate eu aL Yous y, i YEE Wat and enneqcee § Ww Healy 1b Gear job ‘. Mat brew Kang K voite is CLeaw + trieemphant J Thank you for pty oe head a l +s pare Some [de confor CWision — Yywr 3 GE geome rushed. Tris Wao a formers, pourt, a enews. CAvsd you Slow rh Adon + Aeih us mew? Chad mere . bg Fodogus € (nnr-dralogu? | also wanted be Krav me alot Yoru pruauct + fw | pt eae trying ym best L@k Ori, pew — nn eeen 3 ot work + In Onan wu ye, mor im 2” Whert ay yo Lavkens forvad Waking for you emaist hoping Uy ast hy i ~ St

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