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Whitney Andersen

November 16, 2015

BUS 160 Section 3

60 Day Paper
In this course we have spent a chunk of time focusing on Christ, the perfect leader. He
performed many miracles, expressed love and grace toward everyone, and lived selflessly to the
will of His Father. Out of everything he did, the most miraculous to me is that he led by example.
He never expected anything he was not willing to do himself. If we strive to become like Christ
and lead others the way he did, we will accomplish more than we could ever imagine. When we
come unto Christ we find the best version of ourselves. In order for me to build and strengthen
my capability to lead others I will first focus on becoming my best self, then reaching out to
In the article Leadership That Gets Results, by Daniel Goleman, it discussed the
different types of leadership. Coercive leadership has damaging long term effects because
employees sense of responsibility evaporates. Authoritative leadership maximizes commitment
to the organizations goals and strategy. Affiliative leadership involves effort to create harmony
and keep each employee happy. Democratic leadership is flexible and allows workers to have a
say in things for themselves. Pacesetting leadership destroys working climate because of
extremely high performance standards and overwhelming demands. Coaching style leadership
helps employees identify their unique strengths and weaknesses, establish goals, and accept
instruction and feedback. The most positive form of leadership outlined in this document was the
authoritative style. I plan to incorporate authoritative leadership into my life by leading by
example, remaining enthusiastic and finding vision. If I know where I am going and what I want

to accomplish then I will have better direction in my own life and a better ability to lift others up
to my personal high expectations.
168 hours, thats all I have each week. In class we had a discussion on time management.
This assignment gave me time to contemplate how I spend my time. I would like to become
better at taking advantage of every available moment I have. I used to be really good at making
the most out of each day and filling my time with necessary and fun things. Since then I have had
to exert more time and energy toward homework, school, or work, resulting in lazy free time
activities. I would like to become more productive again. I feel that by doing so, I will come
another step closer to leading others in the way that I live.
I have enjoyed reading and learning out of the book From Values to Actions, by Harry
M. Jansen Kraemer. In this book the author teaches the four basic principles of leadership: selfreflection, balance and perspective, true self-confidence, and genuine humility. He also discusses
the essential elements of a values-based organization. My favorite chapter in this book was
Leading with Values because it talks about how important it is to express your values as a
standard in the workplace. I think it is just as important at home, school, with friends, etc. We
need to be a standard among the nations and have high expectations for ourselves and for others
in our lives.

The LDS Church Leadership Pattern has three core talents. These are lead like the savior,
act under the direction of the spirit, and align with the brethren. They also hold a select set of
nine operational traits that are especially unique and important to the organization. These include
define direction, build capability, organize the work, render an account, accomplish the work,
and counsel together. Members of this team are encouraged to strive to achieve these goals in all

aspects of their work and home life. They are responsible and accountable for their ability to
reach these goals and provide results. The core talents are things I want to apply as priorities in
my own life.

Overall I just want to work on improving who I am to ultimately improve how I lead. By
becoming a better person people will be more willing to follow my example. The elements or
talents I want to incorporate in my leadership diagram are direction, improvement, values,
communication, genuine, achievement, determination, vision, happiness, and example.

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