Exploratory Essay - Draft 1 With Comments

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Kayla Tucker Exploratory Essay 9/10/15 My biggest passion in life is doing everything | do to the best of my abilities. | believe that as a student, employee, daughter, friend, and so much more, | must do everything the best I can. Ido not have to be successful in everything, but | need to try my hardest. Successes only come after you have failed. No person is successful in everything they do. , My biggest setback in life thus far is being diagnosed as a type 1 diabetic. | received the news in March of 2015, and | was completely devastated. felt ike | had lost all control over my body and that | ‘was no longer good enough for the people around me. I struggled with understanding why it happened to me instead of someone else. | soon came to realize that even though this was my greatest challenge, it was going to make me a success story. I learned that I could share my experiences with others around me and encourage them to keep pursuing their passions not matter what stands in the way. My passion ‘was made so much stronger after I realized my health was not going to hold me back. I was still going to be able to do anything | wanted to do, and I was going to do it with excellence. | feel each person struggles independently with their worth. With this being said, my worth is, ‘not found in my successes, but in trying the best | can to do the best | can. I heard a story from a very successful business woman recently. She has said that she never felt successful until she succeeded in her career. | could not agree less. | label myself as a student and employee, but that does not define me. |1am defined by my hard work and dedication to everything | do. Every person struggles with who they are, but as for me, | know | am doing my best and that is my greatest passion. t a EVR Fhovdy ati s Shorter SHUM Amar i99 Mate ling

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