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Adoption Definitions:

Dossier - The collection of paperwork used in an international adoption

that has been properly authenticated and translated.
Decree of Adoption - A legal order that finalizes an adoption.
Closed Adoption - Adoption in which confidentiality of both adoptive
parents and birth parents are protected under the law, the courts seal
all records.
Open Adoption - Usually, an adoption where birth parents and adoptive
parents meet, names and addresses may be exchanged and
communication may continue indefinitely.
Foster-Adoption - A child placement in which birth parents' rights have
not yet been severed by the court or in which birth parents are
appealing the court's decision but foster parents agree to adopt the
child if/when parental rights are terminated. Social workers place the
child with specially trained foster-adopt parents who will work with the
child during family reunification efforts but who will adopt the child if
the child becomes available for adoption. The main reason for making
such a placement, also called legal-risk adoption, is to spare the child
another move.
Public Adoption Agencies - Governmental adoption agency or social
services department providing adoption services, primarily dealing
with older children in foster care.
Private Adoption Agencies - Non-governmental agencies licensed by
the state to provide adoption services, primarily dealing with infant
Independent Adoption - An adoption arranged privately by a nonlicensed third party (i.e., doctor or lawyer) or between the birth family
and adoptive parents.
International Adoption - Adoption of a child born outside of the United

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