Letter of Recommendation-Rossolo

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Whom It May Concern,

I would like to recommend Kathleen Foley for a Social Studies position. She
did her student teaching with me in World History during the fall semester of
2015. As we worked together throughout the semester, she was always
punctual and very well prepared.
Kathleen is very knowledgeable in the Social Studies curricular area. Her
command of the World History material was extensive. She always
facilitated the class discussions with an eye on accurate historical content.
She would bring in many different and interesting presentations highlighting
important facets of world history. The variety of her presentations and the
creativity of her projects kept the students interested and involved.
Although Kathleens content knowledge is commendable, it is really her
talent to work with the students that cause me to write this
recommendation. She has the ability to bring out the best in them. Her
show of concern and care are evident throughout her lessons. She makes
students feel comfortable and safe in the classroom and allows them to grow
into becoming willing learners. Her rapport with everyone indicated respect
and friendliness toward all. Thus the students worked hard for her because of
their total respect for her.
Working with Kathleen was a great experience for me as her lead teacher.
She was always professional and positive and worked very hard to insure the
students had the best experience possible. We often planned together and
she would volunteer to do much more than her fair share. It was my good
fortune be able to work with her. I highly recommend Kathleen for a
teaching position. She would be an amazing addition to any staff.

Hugh Rossolo
Social Studies Educator
Lead Teacher
Bishop Manogue Catholic High School

110 Bishop Manogue Dr. Reno, NV 89511

P (775) 336-6000

F (775) 336-6015


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