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Alyssa Finkelstein

UWRT 1102-017
Mrs. Thomas
September 17, 2015
Prompt: What are your experiences with racism as an observer, the target, etc. Do you think our
culture has made progress? How, or how not?
I believe that racism is still a big problem that we have in our country today. It has been an issue
for centuries now and it goes back and forth between being a huge issue to a rather minuscule
issue. In our country today I still believe there is racism and a lot of it comes from what
happened centuries ago. People have not lost the views that their parents, grandparents or even
generations before them has on other races. Our country is still very quick to judge an African
American, Middle Eastern and Hispanic person based off of what a few people done a long time
ago. People often do not that think they are good people that deserve the success they receive.
They often view them as taking it away from the majority race or that they are just receiving
handouts. I noticed when I walk around people often stare at the minority groups and I know that
they are judging them in their mind whether they are doing something completely normal or
something a little wild. I believe that racism will continue to be an issue for our country for the
next few decades because of our narrow-mind view about each other. When there is a crime that
occurs one of the first few things people look at is what race was he or she. Sadly, if it is a white
person people do not think as harshly of the person, but if it is someone of a different race the
comments made and views about the person and their ethnicity is negative. Until we learn how to
treat each other fairly and believe that we are all people, we will not have a change our views.

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