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Title of Lesson: Cultural Competence in the Classroom

Grade Level: Adult (High School Teacher Professional Development)

Duration: 45 minute faculty meeting
ASCA National Standards for Students:
Academic Development Standard A: Students will acquire the attitudes, knowledge
and skills that contribute to effective learning in school and across the life span.
A:A 1 Improve Academic Self-concept
A:A1.5 Identify attitudes and behaviors that lead to successful learning
A:A2 Acquire Skills for Improve Learning
A:A2.4 Apply knowledge and learning styles to positively influence school performance
A:A3 Achieve School Success
A:A3.1 Take responsibility for their actions
Standard B: Students will complete school with the academic preparation essential to
choose from a wide range of substantial post-secondary options, including college.
A:B 1 Improve Learning
A:B1.4 Seek information and support from faculty, staff, family and peers
Career Standard A: Students will acquire the skills to investigate the world of work
in relation to knowledge of self and to make informed career decisions.
C:A1 Develop Career Awareness
C:A1.4 Learn how to interact and work cooperatively in teams
Personal/Social Development Standard A: Students will acquire the knowledge,
attitudes and interpersonal skills to help them understand and respect self and
PS:A1 Acquire Self-knowledge

PS:A1.2 Identify values, attitudes and beliefs

PS:A1.6 Distinguish between appropriate and inappropriate behavior
PS:A2 Acquire Interpersonal Skills
PS:A2.2 Respect alternative points of view
PS:A2.3 Recognize, accept, respect and appreciate individual differences
PS:A2.4 Recognize, accept and appreciate ethnic and cultural diversity
PS:A2.5 Recognize and respect differences in various family configurations
PS:A2.6 Use effective communication skills
PS:A2.7 Know that communication involves speaking, listening and nonverbal behavior
Standard B: Students will make decisions, set goals and take necessary action to achieve
PS:B1.7 Demonstrate a respect and appreciation for individual and cultural differences
New York State Learning Standards:
Health, Physical Education, and Family and Consumer Science
Standard 2: A Safe and Healthy Environment
Students will acquire the knowledge and ability necessary to create and maintain a safe
and healthy environment.
English Language Arts
Standard 4: Language for Social Interaction: Students will listen, speak, read, and write
for social interaction. Students will use oral and written language that follows the
accepted conventions of the English language for effective social communication with a
wide variety of people. As readers and listeners, they will use the social communications
of others to enrich their understanding of people and their views
The College Board National Office for School Counseling
Competency 8: Transition from High School Graduation to College Enrollment
Connect students to school and community resources to help students overcome barriers
and ensure the successful transition from high school to college.
Learning Objective: Teachers will be able to define cultural competence and evaluate
how it impacts their interactions with students in the classroom. Teachers will feel better

equipped to engage with students across different groups and cultures in meaningful and
positive ways that fosters a safe and productive learning environment and values
difference. Teachers will assess their own values and biases and have an understanding of
how they affect their work in the classroom. After the presentation and self-assessment,
90% of the teachers participating will be able to define cultural competence and will
assess the inclusivity of their own classes by providing their students with Student
Assessment of Classroom Climate handout.
Co-Leaders: Dean of Students
Name tags
Lap top
Overhead projector and screen
PowerPoint presentation on Cultural Competence and Resources
Teacher Self-Assessment Inventory on Inclusiveness Handout
Blank paper for group notes
Action plan sheet
Student Assessment of Classroom Climate Handout
Accommodation: Physical Disability- The school counselor must consider the following
to accommodate an individual that has a physical disability and is in a wheelchair:

The meeting will take place in a space that is wheel chair accessible.
The room will be organized so that the person in the wheelchair can sit
comfortably in the front of the room and engage in the conversations actively.
A desk/table that can accommodate wheelchair accessibility will be provided.

Developmental Learning Activity: (45 minutes)

Introduction: (3 minutes)
The PowerPoint and overhead projector will be set up with the first slide displayed and
the room will be set up with various tables that can accommodate groups of six. School
counselor and Dean of Students will welcome faculty to the professional development
session held during their regularly scheduled staff meeting. Teachers will be directed to
take a name tag, write their name and find a seat at one of the tables. Once everyone has
arrived, the counselor will begin by explaining that this session will build upon their
knowledge of multicultural awareness in the classroom. The concept of cultural

competence and how it intersects with the student experience will be introduced as the
focus of this discussion. The counselor will state understanding cultural competence
begins with understanding your own beliefs and customs. We will now distribute a SelfAssessment Inventory designed to provide you with some insight on your personal
practices, beliefs and the way that you engage with others. The counselor and Dean of
students will then hand out the Self-Assessment Inventory on Inclusiveness.
1. Self-Assessment Inventory on Inclusiveness: (7 minutes)
Each teacher will be given a Self-Assessment Inventory on Inclusiveness form and will
be asked to answer the questions honestly. They will be told that they have 7 minutes to
complete part 1 of the form. As teachers are completing the form, the facilitators will
walk around to ensure that there are no questions or concerns about the exercise.
2. Large Group Discussion: (10 minutes)
A facilitator will then redirect the groups attention by asking the group what is your
understanding of cultural competence and how do you think this exercise is connected?
The school counselor will be attentive to the responses as well as those that seem to be
disengaged in the activities. After a few members have discussed their understanding of
cultural competency and its relation to the self-assessment, the facilitator will go to the
second slide in the PowerPoint which contains a definition of cultural competence
provided by the National Education Association. The facilitator will read the definition
out loud and ask the group what their thoughts are on the definition and if they have any
questions. After the facilitators have ensured that the definition is understood and that
there are no questions, the next slide will be presented. A member of the group will be
asked to read the quotation on slide four describing the role of cultural competence in the
3. Small Group Discussion: (15 minutes)
The school counselor will then introduce the small group discussion that will occur at
each table. Teachers will be asked to take a moment to introduce themselves to their
group and to state what class they teach. Co-leader will hand out a blank sheet of paper to
each table. The groups be asked to select one person in the group to write notes on the
discussion and the counselor will also announce that the note taker should not include any
names in an effort to honor confidentiality and to spur honest conversation. They will be
asked to discuss the question posed as part 2 of the Self-Assessment Inventory on
Inclusiveness which states Consider your responses in the context of your classroom

interactions. Is your behavior different in that setting than in your day-to-day

Large Group Discussion: (3 minutes)
Slide number five will be presented. The school counselor will ask the group why do
you think cultural competency is important specifically at Ladders Academy? Again, the
school counselor will gauge the understanding of cultural competence and its relationship
to the classroom by the responses provided. After a couple of responses, the co-leader
will read slide number six.
Conclusion: (7 minutes)
The school counselor will reiterate that the purpose of this professional development
session was to build on their knowledge of multicultural awareness and how it impacts
their relationships with students and their work in the classroom. The co-leader will also
state the positive relationships with students and a welcoming environment in the
classroom leads to better academic performance and encourages productive behavior.
The co-leader will then hand out an Action Plan sheet to each teacher and ask them to
write down three things they intend to do in their classrooms and engagements with
students based on the sessions discussion. The school counselor will highlight the
intersection of personal awareness and cultural competence and then will read slide
number seven which includes suggestions for how to build cultural competence in your
classroom and work with students. The counselor will also mention that the slide show
and other resources on cultural competency will be available to teachers upon request and
that a follow-up meeting will take place in the following weeks.
1. The school counselor will evaluate the understanding of cultural competency
through the discussion and responses to the questions posed. If 90% of the
teachers are able to display an understanding of cultural competence and
participate in the self-assessment and group conversations, the learning objective
will have been met.
2. The school counselor will collect the notes taken during the small group
discussion as a pretest measure to gauge the understanding of how teachers felt
their assessment impacted their work in the classroom.
3. The school counselor will also collect the Action Plan sheet to gain insight on
what the teachers acquired from the session and how they integrate it into their

4. Attendance will be taken in an effort to assess how many teachers participated in

the session to evaluate the percent of faculty members present.
5. The number of discipline referrals and reasons associated with them will be
monitored and assessed in an effort to evaluate the climate and relationships
between students and teachers.
6. The number of violent offences will also be closely monitored and assessed. This
data will be compared at the end of the year to determine whether the number has
Teachers will be provided with a guideline of the following sessions that will be
conducted with students with the understanding that this comprehensive plan is designed
to foster a safer and inclusive learning environment for students that will lead to less
violent offenses. They will be provided with a Student Assessment of Classroom Climate
form which they should provide to students as a means to measure how inclusive and
welcoming they are in classrooms. The student assessments and the Action Plans will be
collected by the school counselor, assessed and shared with other stakeholders in the
school including school staff and school board. In addition, the school counselor will
hold a follow-up discussion to see how teachers have integrated their understanding of
cultural competence in their work.

Self-Assessment Inventory on Inclusiveness

Part I: Using the continuum below, please identify your response to each of the
following statements. Write the number that corresponds to your response in the blank
preceding each question. In order for this inventory to be useful, it is important that you
answer as you believe you truly are.
5 Almost Always

4 More often than not

3 Sometimes 2 Not usually 1

Seldom, if ever
___ 1. I am comfortable interacting with others who are not my age, race, gender,
religion, economic status, sexual orientation, or at my educational level.

___ 2. I am mindful of my speech and behavior in an effort to avoid offending others.

___ 3. I recognize the unique influences that my upbringing and education have had on
my values and beliefs.
___ 4. I ask questions until I am sure I understand what others are saying.
___ 5. I am attentive to others reactions when I am speaking to them.
___ 6. When I need assistance, I am comfortable asking for it.
___ 7. I listen with interest to those whose ideas differ from mine.
___ 8. If I were at an event with people who differed from me, I would make every effort
to talk with them.
___ 9. I make a conscious effort to recognize when I stereotype.
___ 10. I like hearing all sides of an issue before making a decision.
___ 11. I adapt well to change and new situations.
___ 12. I enjoy people watching and try to understand the human dynamic in interactions.
___ 13. I can readily identify the personal biases I have toward others.
___ 14. People are generally good, and I accept them as they are.
___ 15. I try not to assume anything.
Part II: Now consider your responses in the context of your classroom interactions. Is
your behavior different in that setting than in your day-to-day encounters?
Petrone, M. (n.d.). Supporting diversity with faculty learning communities: Teaching and learning across boundaries.
New Directions for Teaching and Learning, 122-123.

Slide # 1

Slide # 2

Slide # 3

Slide # 4

Slide # 5

Slide # 6

Research Article The Relationship Between

School Multiculturalism and Interpersonal
Violence: An Exploratory Study
Le, T., & Johansen, S. (2011)

Personal ties and connections have been well

documented to influence attitudes, beliefs, and
behaviors. Accordingly, youth who felt that their
schools and teachers supported and provided
opportunities for positive social interactions
across different groups and cultures would be
less likely to engage in interpersonal violence p.

Slide # 7

Action Plan Sheet

List 3 ways that you will integrate cultural competence in your work



Student Assessment of Classroom Climate

Directions: Circle the number that corresponds to your response to each of the following
5 Almost Always
4 More often than not
3 Sometimes 2 Not usually 1
Seldom, if ever
1. I felt welcome in this class
2. The course policies and procedures were clear to me.
3. The teaching methods help me to meet my learning needs.
4. I was treated as an individual in this class.
5. There were assignments that matched my learning style.
6. The examples were relevant to my life experience.
7. The instructor encouraged the expression of different perspectives and worldviews.
8. I felt able to express my own views openly.
9. The language used in this class was appropriate and inclusive.
10. Insensitive behavior or language was addressed appropriately.
11. Conflict was handled in a constructive and respectful manner.
12. I felt I could by myself in this class.
13. The classroom atmosphere contributed to my ability to learn more effectively.
14. Group work encouraged me to work better with those who are different from me.
15. I felt a part of a community of learners in this class.

Petrone, M. (n.d.). Supporting diversity with faculty learning communities: Teaching and learning across boundaries.
New Directions for Teaching and Learning, 122-123.

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