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Midterm Book Report Projects

The students will need to complete one of the following book reports for
their midterm project grade. The project is due Friday, January 15th and
any oral presentations that the students would like to give (not mandatory)
will be completed the week of January 18th-22nd. If there are any questions
or concerns they should be brought to my attention BEFORE the due date.
Projects will be marked down by 50 points if they are handed in late. The
student needs to begin working on these projects now. Any form of
plagiarism will not be tolerated and will result in a zero.
Thank you.
Mrs. Bergeron

1. Make your own test
Students create their own test with essay questions about the text. It
must include an answer key.
2. Executive summary
Take a 3x5 card and summarize what happened on one side. On the
other, analyze the importance of what happened and the reasons it
3. Collage
Create a collage around themes or characters in the book.

**All projects must contain the Title, Author of the book they read as
well as the Students Name on it.
**Have fun and be creative.
**Spelling, punctuation, capitals where appropriate, as well as content
of material will be evaluated in your grade for this project. Make sure
you demonstrate that you have read the book well through your

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