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‘A Wonderful Time to Be Alive’

When I was at Weber College, I was a member of the Institute of

Religion Board. We had daily classes and we also held a Sacrament
meeting each Sunday. We would plan the Sunday services. Easter
was coming up soon and we wanted the best speaker we could
possibly get. In our planning meeting, someone suggested, "Why
don't we ask George Albert Smith, the President of the church?"
We all thought that was a great idea, but we wondered if it could
be possible. We wrote him a letter, inviting him and to our great
surprise, he said, "Yes." We were all very excited and wondered
how we could make it special for him. Someone said, "Let's have a
dinner after the meeting." Again, we thought, this was a
wonderful idea, but where would we have it and who would do the
work? After a few minutes, I thought about it and I volunteered
my mother! I knew she would do it. She very graciously accepted.

The venerable leader told his colorful audience they were "... the finest looking group of young
men and young women I have seen," and encouraged them to remember the promises made to
the worthy and to renew their determination to live worthy lives.

"This is a wonderful time to be alive, and we are fortunate, indeed, to live

here among these beautiful mountains. We should manifest our appreciation
to be alive," the president continued.
"We are all children of God, and Jesus Christ has made it possible for us to
live again in the presence of our Father." The existence of resurrected beings
has been proved in our own time, and the beauties of the Earth at their best
do not begin to compare with that which awaits the faithful,” he added.

After a beautiful Easter service, President Smith, his daughter,

the Institute Board, and a few special guests, (Don was included)
all went to my home where my mother had prepared a marvelous
turkey dinner, with hot rolls, pumpkin pie and all the trimmings.
It was fabulous. My father and sisters served the dinner.
Everyone had questions for President Smith and it was very
pleasant conversation. The Prophet shared his wisdom and his
testimony with us. So we had a feast, both spiritually and
I will never forget that Easter day and I am forever grateful to
my parents for providing this amazing experience for all of us. I
am overwhelmed at my parent’s goodness and generosity.

Experience in the life of LaDona Gammell Russell

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