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By Alexis Garcia, Sam Benner, and Ian Pugh

Gentrification Overview
Gentrification- is the buying and renovating
of houses and stores in deteriorated urban
neighborhoods by wealthier individuals,
which in effect improves property values but
also can displace low-income families and
small businesses.
Families worry about losing their homes
Worry about high property taxes
Families are forced to relocate to a different
part of town

Our Plan
We decided to film a mini 5-7 minute documentary where
we gather footage around the East Austin area and
looking at how the area has changed, in hopes of showing
others how it has impacted the lives of many residents
and small businesses around the area.
Also hope to have a small few interview with a few of the
residents that live around the area in hopes of getting
their story and how they feel about the whole
gentrification situation that is going on around them.

What does that entail?

We hope to film 3-4 different individuals who each have their
own unique perspective on the issue to provide context to the
B roll of the East side of Austin to use during the VO
Audio Equipment to maintain high quality production
Editing together a cohesive and informative message that is
relatable to a wide audience

Why we think it's going to

be Effective
In today's world very rarely comes a day when an individual
does not view some variety of video media. For this reason we
decided to make an informational video about the
gentrification of the east side. We feel that this approach is
relevant and will most likely remain relevant into the future.

Who we hope to work with

Members of Councilman Renterias office

Nicholas Solorzano
Communications Manager/Policy Aide For:
Health and Human Services
Economic Development
Government Relations
Small and Minority Business Resources
Ashley Fisher
Policy Aide For:
Neighborhood Housing and Community Development
Planning and Development Review
Austin Energy
Austin Water Utility
Austin Parks and Recreation
Office of Real Estate Services
David Chincanchan
Policy Aide For:
Public Safety
Public Works

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