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Grade __________5_________________

Library_ch. 3

Activity _Guided Reading - Granville

Goals/Key questions
Goals: Students will gain an understanding of the mystery genre and retell events
from the past chapter.
Objective (connected to PofS):
> Grade 5 GLO 3: Students will listen, speak, read, write, view and represent to
manage ideas and information
SLO 3.1 Focus Attention
summarize important ideas in oral, print, and
other media texts and express opinions about them

** As we read, we are going to stop and reflect on events of the chapters and compare
them to the basic elements of mystery novels.

Pre lesson Considerations

Lesson overview of main ideas to be learned and pre-learning required:
Students will have basic reading and comprehension skills- ie. making connections
to text, identifying unfamiliar words.
Students will be familiar with the elements of the mystery genre.
Students will be familiar with retelling and summarizing stories.
Students will be able to summarize what they know about the book so far.
Materials needed/preset up required/logistical considerations needed
(seating arrangement):
__Pre Made Story Map______

__Post-It Notes____________

Granville Book for each student


_Entrance slip Ch. 2_________


30 minutes
5 minutes

> We will be going back to Mrs. Vanhalas room for guided reading.
> Highlight the important elements of retelling - summary. You do not include every
single detail, but just the important parts.
> Have students summarize the chapter from before using the A-Z sheet as their
entrance slip. Students did do this yesterday so they are familiar with writing 2-3
sentences about what they read in the previous chapter.
> Place the pre-made sticky notes from last chapter on the story map so students can
use it as a prompt for their entrance slip. Students will retell/summarize the chapter
from yesterday.
Story Map:

Title - Birth Dates and Family Trees

Characters - Daniel, Bennett, Yuri and Mystery Writer
Setting - Library,
Mystery - Writing in Book, Clues/Messages
Predictions - keep following clues, Who is the mystery writer?

5 minutes

> Hand out the book, review elements of mystery genre and the importance of
> Why is it important to retell what we have read? What is the most important part of
> Ask students to make predictions about what they might be reading in this chapter.

15 minutes

> I will start the reading for today. Today I will be focusing on summarizing and
making connections.
> We will quickly go over the elements of a mystery genre and how this book fits into
the mystery genre.
After we finish reading, if there are any words that students
are unfamiliar with, we will (as a group) look them up in the
As I read, I will be stopping at various points to ask the students to make quick
predictions and connections about what theyre reading.
Today, students will be given slips of paper that have different moments from the
chapter written on them. Students will have listened carefully while I was reading so
that they have a firm understanding of what they listened to.
Students will take the piece of paper and read it out loud to the group.
Students will then stand up and have to organize themselves into the correct sequence
of events from the story. This allows for students to get up and move but also involve
them personally into the elements of the story.

5 minutes

> We will go over the order of the students to ensure that they are in the correct
placement for the story. This will be demonstrated as a form of retelling when events
are properly sequenced. Knowing the sequence of events helps in mystery books to
ensure that the reader is better able to understand the mystery as it begins to unfold.

Assessment: Formative assessment will be taking place through conversation and

> I will be collecting the entrance slips and keeping them in the folder with the
books. I will be looking at the different summaries from the student.
> I will also be collecting anecdotal notes on the students. Yesterday felt a little off
for everyone so hopefully today the students are back into their usual high spirits.
Accommodations/Modifications: The main focus of this breakout guided reading
group is to help meet the needs of students who struggle with reading and
Extension and extra time activity: We will be discussing mystery books and
what types of books they have read that fit into the mystery genre.
Conversely, we can also discuss the importance of predictions and surprise when
reading a mystery book.

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