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Syllabus- Spanish 1 Seor Rush

Bienvenidos! Welcome to Seor Rushs Spanish 1 Class! I am very excited to have you in my
class and cant wait to get started. You are going to be learning Spanish! Learning another
language is a great way to learn to express yourself in different ways. Its also a valuable skill to
have when you enter the workforce. Spanish is one of the fastest growing languages spoken
within both our country and our state. Learning Spanish will help to connect you with cultures
and people that would otherwise be unavailable to you. Learning a new language is fun and
rewarding and we will be having a lot of memorable experiences in class as we learn together.
These experiences in class will help us learn basic Spanish grammar and vocabulary, and they
will help you to begin to read, write, and speak in Spanish!

Classroom Rules and Procedures

Daily Expectations
At the start of class students are expected to read the posted agenda and answer the posted warm
up questions.
Students are expected to be prepared for class by bringing a notebook with paper and at least two
sharpened or mechanical pencils.
Talking is to be kept to a minimum during this time, and during the entire class students are
expected to respect when others, the instructor or fellow students are talking by giving them their
full attention and refraining from side conversations.
Class participation is an important part of this class! Students are encouraged to participate in
class and speak, but in Espaol! It is important to speak as much in the language as you possibly
can in class.
Homework is due at the beginning of class the day that its due. The days assignments will be
passed to the front at the beginning of class after the warm up. Graded assignments, tests, and
quizzes will be handed back during warm up.
Late Work
Late homework will be accepted for partial credit up to one week after it is due. After one week
from the due date late work will not be accepted. Late assignments should be placed in the late
assignment bin at the back of the class.

Students are expected to email the instructor if they are going to be absent. When students miss
a class, they should use the class blog page to find the days agenda and assignments that were
missed. Students are responsible to make up any missed work. If students are absent on the day
of a quiz or exam, they are responsible to contact the instructor to schedule a time to take it.


Students will receive grades based on the following scale:

59% and below


Contact Information
Both parents and students can contact me via email at:
Parents with any questions can reach me by my phone and voicemail at:
(480) 827-1310
Class schedule, agendas, assignments, and more can be found on our class blog page:
Class Rules and Expectations
-Cell Phones
Students are expected to respect the instructor and the time of their fellow students by not texting
or using cell phones during class. All phones are expected to be on silent/vibrate and not to be
out during class time. Students using a cell phone in class will be given a warning. The second
time will result in detention.

Students are expected to sign in and out when using the bathroom. If you need to go during class
time, raise your hand with the letter R sign explained in class so that interruptions can be kept
at a minimum.
Students are very much encouraged to talk in this class, but in Espaol! It is expected that
students will raise their hand and wait to be called on when they wish to participate. Talking out
of turn or about off topic subjects during instruction and work time is not appropriate. If this
becomes a problem the student will receive a warning, and if the student has another incident it
will result in detention.
These rules are important in order to create a learning community based on respect. This
includes not only respect for the instructor but each member of the class. Following these
expectations will make the class run a lot more smoothly and make things much more fun for all
of us.
Students are expected to follow all school wide rules as well as the rules of our classroom.
Students who fail to meet these expectations will be given detention or be referred to
administration as is appropriate.
These steps will be taken if students are unable to follow the rules and meet expectations:
1st offense: Verbal warning
2nd offense: Change of seat in class
3rd offense: Detention
4th offense: Removal from the classroom and referral to administration
Diverse Learners
I am willing to make all possible accommodations and modification to the learning activities that
will take place day to day in class. Students should refer to the school handbook which contains
the policies and laws applicable to students with specific needs and disabilities.
These rules and procedures reflect the ideals that I believe will make for a successful and
enjoyable class for everyone. In these ways we will respect everyone and their time, and be able
to create a safe and enjoyable learning environment.

I have read and I understand the procedures, expectations, and rules of Seor Rushs class and
agree to abide by them in class.
Name: _________________________________________ Date: ____________________

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