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Main Point of Paragraph

What You
Added/Omitted and


Initial Submission

Final, Revised


In this case, I
examine three
sources that Molly
may have found to
prove that the
suitability of any
given genre in a
certain discipline is
dependent on the
audience as much as
it is on the writer.

In this case, I examine

three sources that Molly
may have found to prove
that the suitability of any
given genre in a certain
discipline is dependent
on the audience as much
as it is on the writer. For
Molly to be able to
decide which source is
most suitable for her, she
must be able to identify
the authors purpose,
which she can do by
examining the content,
structure, rhetorical
features, and surface
features of the material.

Made two sentences

because there needed
to be first a
comprehensive point
and then a specific
attack of what the
paper would look like;
this helps readers
know what to expect
and look for


description and
analysis of front page
of source 1

specified that I would

be talking about the
cover page and its

readers now know that

thats what theyll be
reading about for the
next 3 paragraphs


description and
analysis of front page
of source 2




description and
analysis of front page
of source 3




structure of source 1
and how it is a move


remained an
appropriate main
paragraph topic for
lead-in to description
and analysis for next
few paragraphs


diction of source 2
and how it is a move




tone of source 3 and

how it is a move




analysis of content of
source 1

added that rhetorical

devices play a great

fits the content of next

few paragraphs better

role in the way content

is presented

because they focus a

lot on emotional
appeals to the audience
by the authors


analysis of content of
source 2




analysis of content of
source 3




all three sources and

both genres are
effective, just in
different contexts


reframes thesis nicely,

still works with
changes made

Instead of changing the structure of my paper to better fit my thesis, I changed the
structure of my thesis statement to fit what was in the body of my paper because my thesis was
lacking specific analytical qualities. I did make a few changes regarding how I presented sections
of my essay. For example, when talking about the content of each source, I was more specific in
the topic sentence of that first paragraph by stating I would be looking at rhetorical features that
contribute to the way the content is presented. The reverse outline helped me see that my thesis
needed to better encompass the rest of my paper more than anything.

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