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Arming our Children for the Future

My Teaching Philosophy

Education is the most powerful weapon we can use to change the world.- Nelson
In my opinion, this quote by Nelson Mandela is one in which I want to base my
teaching off of. I completely agree with this quotethere is not a more powerful
weapon than education in this world that one can possess. No sword, gun, tank or
missile, when it comes down to the truth of the matter, can be more powerful than an
education; this is the weapon we want to arm our children with for the future. With an
education, the possibilities are endless. You have the potential to be anything, from a
doctor to an astronaut to a writer. With that type of power, you are seemingly invincible;
this is why education is the most powerful weapon we can give to our children, in hopes
that they will understand the value of education. With education, the children of today
can make a difference for tomorrow. My goal as a teacher is to instill a love for learning
in my students, and to make sure they never forget the importance of education; that after
my class, they will continue to strive toward academic goals in their lives. I do not want
my students to give up on any of their hopes and dreams because they believe school is
too hard, and that they arent smart enough. I do not believe school is about being
smartI believe the main point of education is that you as a student must have drive
toward what you want. Again, this is what I plan on instilling in my students-something
that will carry them throughout not only school but their real lives as well.

One of the educational theorists I agree with and feel strongly toward is Lev S.
Vygotsky, who came up with the concept of social cognition. The social cognition
learning model asserts that culture is the prime determinant of individual development.
Humans are the only species to have created culture, and every human child develops in
the context of a culture. Therefore, a childs learning development is affected in ways
large and small by the cultureincluding the culture of family environmentin which he
or she is enmeshed (Lev Vygotsky and Social Cognition. (2011, May 11). Retrieved
November 15, 2015). Therefore, Vygotsky is saying that culture and the environment one
is surrounded with is what shapes a person the most with their social development. I feel
strongly toward Vygotskys concept because I believe the culture and environment of
ones classroom can make or break a student. If you have a hostile or uninviting
atmosphere in your classroom, then students will struggle at learning. However, if you
have a welcoming culture in your classroom, then your students will be able to truly
retain the material you are teaching and respond in a positive manner to you, rather than
Vygotsky also developed the zone of proximal development (ZPD) theory. This
has been defined as the distance between the actual developmental level as determined
by independent problem solving and the level of potential development as determined
through problem solving under adult guidance, or in collaboration with more capable
peers (McLeod, S. (2010). Zone of Proximal Development - Scaffolding. Retrieved
November 15, 2015). In other words, the zone of proximal development is how much a
student can perform a task and learn on their own, and how much they still need help
with. In my personal opinion, it is extremely important for teachers to understand the

zone of proximal development, and that each student will have different zones of
proximal developmenttherefore, you as a teacher must cater to each and every student
individually. While one student may be gifted and their zone of proximal development
may be advanced for their age and hardly need any assistance on their work, another
student in your class may have a very low zone of proximal development, and rely
heavily on your guidance through their work. I strongly believe as a teacher, you must be
fully conscious of the fact that each and every student in your class will be different and
will require different things from you. You have to be able to provide individual care and
support for all of your students. I am extremely adamant about this, because not all
children have the care and support they need at home. If they are coming to school and to
your class everyday, you need to take the time to provide what each student needs. You as
their teacher may possibly be the only role model that child has in their lifeit is up to
you to make an impact on them; not just for your class, but also for the rest of their lives.
I aspire to be that teachersomeone who changes that childs life forever.

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