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Do not sell this pattern or any product made from this pattern

Knitted Turtle
By: Alexandria Batista

Materials Needed:
Size 2 double pointed needles
Size 4 yarn Light brown, dark brown, light green, a little black
Tapestry needle
Stitch marker

Finished Size

Length: 6.5 in
Width: 4.5 in
Height: 1.75 in

Shell Top
Using dark brown; cast on 4 stitches and join in a round.
Rnd 1. [KFB]4x (8 sts)
Rnd 2. [KFB, K1]4x (12 sts)
Rnd 3. [KFB, K2]4x (16 sts)
Rnd 4. [KFB, K1]8x (24 sts)
Rnd 5. Knit
Rnd 6. [KFB, K3]6x (30 sts)
Rnd 7. [KFB, K4]6x (36 sts)
Rnd 8. Knit
Rnd 9. [KFB, K2]12x (48 sts)
Rnd 10. [KFB, K3]12x (60 sts)
Rnd 11. [KFB, K3]15x (75 sts)
Rnd 12. Knit
Rnd 13. [KFB, K4]15x (90 sts)
Rnds 14-18. Knit
Rnd 19. K3, KFB, K8, KFB, K6, KFB, K12, KFB, K6,
KFB, K10, KFB, K6, KFB, K12, KFB, K6, KFB, K8,
KFB, K3 (100 sts)
Rnd 20. Knit
Bind off all stitches, leaving a really long tail for sewing the shell pieces together and the limbs
to the shell.

Shell Bottom
Using light brown; cast on 4 stitches and join in a round.
Rnds 1-13 follow the same steps as the Shell Top instructions.
Rnd 14. [KFB, K9]9x (99 sts)
Bind off all stitches.

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Rnd 1. [KFB K1]6x (18 sts)
Rnds 2-7. Knit
Rnd 8. [KFB, K2]6x (24 sts)
Odd Rnds 9-19. Knit
Rnd 10. [KFB, K3]6x (30 sts)
Rnd 12. Knit
Rnd 14. [K2tog, K3]6x (24 sts)
Rnd 16. [K2tog, K2]6x (18 sts)
Rnd 18. [K2tog, K1]6x (12 sts)
Rnd 20. [K2tog]6x (6 sts)
Break yarn and draw it tightly through the remaining stitches using a tapestry needle. Stuff piece
through the neck end.

Legs (Make 4)
Using green; cast on 14 stitches and join in a round, leaving a long tail for sewing to shell
Rnd 1-11. Knit
Rnd 12. [K2tog, K1]4x, K2tog (9 sts)
Rnd 13. [K2tog, K1]3x (6 sts)
Break yarn and draw it tightly through the remaining stitches using a tapestry needle. Stuff the
piece through the back end.

Hole Covers
These are just to sew over the holes you stuffed the head and leg pieces through to keep the
stuffing in. They are knit flat and you can use any color you want because they wont be seen!
Head Cast on 4 stitches
Row 1. KFB, K3 (5 sts)
Row 2. Knit
Row 3. K2tog, K3 (4 sts)
Row 4. K2tog, K2 (3 sts)
Row 5. K2tog, K1 (2 sts)

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Break yarn and draw it tightly through the remaining stitches with a tapestry needle, leaving a
long tail for sewing. Sew to the back end of the head.
Legs (Make 4) Cast on 5 stitches
Row 1. KFB, K4 (6 sts)
Row 2-3. Knit
Row 4. K2tog, K4 (5 sts)
Row 5. [K2tog]2x, K1 (3 sts)
Break yarn and draw it tightly through the remaining stitches with a tapestry needle, leaving a
long tail for sewing.

Using green; cast on 5 stitches, leaving a long tail for sewing. These pieces will be
knitted flat.
Rows 1-4. Stockinette stitch beginning with a knit row
Row 5. K2tog, K1, K2tog (3 sts)
Even Rows 6-8. Purl
Row 7. K2tog, K1 (2 sts)
Row 9. K2tog (1 sts)
Break yarn and draw it tightly through the remaining stitch using a tapestry needle.

Sew the hole covers to the back end of one of your leg pieces and head piece.

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Sew legs and head to the bottom of the shell. Bunch the excess of the bottom shell between the
back two legs. Kind of try and leave some excess in other places besides all in the back. As for
all the extra tails, I just left them all in the shell and sewed the shell top over them.

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Then sew the shell top over the legs and head so that they are sandwiched between the two shell
pieces. Leave a hole between the back two legs to stuff the shell. Sew on the tail to the shell
bottom piece before closing up. Stuffing the piece really helped make the shell fit better!

Using a small amount of black yarn, embroider eyes with three stitches per eye, weave in any
extra tails, and you are done!

Do not sell this pattern or any product made from this pattern

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