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Abdullah Aljeraiwi

Abdullah Aljeraiwi
English 113A
Professor Altman
17 November 2015
First Draft
For the past few years, increasing amounts of people have started to engage with
technology .They follow the latest news about technology and buy it immediately after it
released. New technologies invited to make humans live better and easier. Technology has helped
most countries and societies around the globe to grow and to be more modern .Without
technology we cannot commute to different places and we cannot connect with others. The
problem here is that some people are against modern technology because it is not a good
influence to the society. They think that technology is harming the society. On the other hand , I
and most of the people around the world think that technology is very useful to the society in
many aspects not just one and I think all of the technology are effective and good for the people
but it just depend on how people are using these technology . ISTE survey in 2013 shows that
77% of teachers say technology use in the classroom motivates students to learn (
People claim that technologies are harmful for kids and they are saying parents should
not allow their kids to use devices because it hurts their eyes. According to, wearing
glasses that protect your eyes leans will help keep your eyesight level the same even when you
are watching the TV or any other devices.

Abdullah Aljeraiwi

Technology use include the internet and a variety of consumer electronics. While
technology use definitely makes ones life easier, its broader effects on the society are both
positive and negative.
One of the benefits of technology is communication. The of the internet and several
social networks makes communication very convenient and easy. This is beneficial to the
members of the society who can easily communicate with each other. This feature proves
extremely useful in the face of disaster. Case in point is the recent terror attack in Paris, through
Facebook Parisians could let other members of the society know whether they are safe or if they
needed help. Technology also makes it very convenient to access information. The internet,
television and other forms of technology allow one to become more educated. This type of
information access makes the society more educated, because technology makes life easier
society benefits from an increase in productivity. Technology enables one to do more work, for
instance if there were no vehicles people would have to walk to work, it will consume time .
Because of technology this time can instead be spend with ones family or increasing
A society is described as a group of individuals who are engaged in constant social
interaction. The range of groupings that can be termed a society is large, from whole nations to
tiny neighborhoods. A society exists because of the interactions between people. For this
purpose, technology is very beneficial to society; it allows the society members to achieve
advanced levels of interaction. Social networks create place where people can connect with each
other. Because of social networks, it is much easier to keep in touch with friends and colleagues.

Abdullah Aljeraiwi

Technology also raise the voice of societies, giving them power. People use technology to
prepare themselves for social and political activities. Before the use of technology was common ,
it was difficult to change people opinion because many people have the same opinion and ideas .
Technology and social networks provide people with an opportunity to voice their opinion and
call for change, change that is good and beneficial to the society. In this way, technology increase
democracy by increasing the power of the voice of the people.
The easiness of access to massive amounts of information provided by technology
enhances creativity and innovation. Technological innovation has transform all aspect of life.
Through technology, schools work better from easy access to knowledge, healthcare works better
through improved medication and diagnosis, the list is endless. Innovation and creativity makes
the society a better place, by encouraging people to do more projects , which in turn creates more
jobs within the society.
Technology play big part in students learning . Giving students the access of the
technology in classroom make them more interesting in learning it also let them interact with
their classmates more by encouraging collaboration. According to Lopez Perez in his article The
Influence of the Use Of Technology On Student Outcomes In A Blended Learning Context It
showed that the technology skills possessed by the learner influence the range of their learning .
Using technology in the classroom also help the students to be prepared for the future because
the students when they grow up they will have to deal with this kind of technology in their daily
life . Many researches shows that technology is improving students ability in learning , it also it
did not show the using technology in learning is harmful or not useful for the learner .

Abdullah Aljeraiwi

Technology, despite all its benefits to the society but it has some disadvantages . People
have been known to grow increasingly attached to technology at the expense of social activities
and work. In addition, because technology increase communication, it encourages criminal
behavior. These are negative effects to the society. The overall effect of technology on the
society is positive otherwise, people would not use it. Technology allows for greater interaction
in the society improves living standards and increase creativity and democracy. Even though
there are well-documented negative uses of technology, its presence makes everyones life better.

Abdullah Aljeraiwi

Haugen, David M, and Susan Musser. Technology And Society. Detroit: Greenhaven Press, 2007.

Lopez-Perez, Maria, Et Al. The Influence of the Use Of Technology On Student Outcomes In A
Blended Learning Context. Educational Technology Research & Development 61.4 (2013):
625-638. Academic Search Premier. Web. 12 Nov. 2015.
Pamela DeLoatch, The Four Negative Sides of Technology, edudemic N.P.,
n.d.Web May 2, 2015

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