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12182015 ‘College of Education - Cooperating Teacher College of Education - Cooperating Teacher student Teacher supervisor Coop Teacher Sade Schoo! District, TERELAEESTON PETZ, THOMAS — AOWRLL ANC 12)_—_RAYTOWNCZ SCHOOL a WeRNDa Aveta) DISTT buntan Dae RAYTONN C2 SCHOOL 4 DISTRICT Page Menu: SuudeniList » Exalustons » Evakiaion Summary Cooperating Teacher Evaluation Summary Indicator ans: 2 Plans and debves developentaly appropri nsrucion 2itsts TNA CConsuts a varety of sources (2.9, student reaords, counselors, resource specallis, parent conferences ee eee ee eee er Difereniatosnsructon appropiate fer speci needs of earners wanda 2 "3 Brings mulple perspectives to the discussion of contont, uding atlerton to earners personal family and community experiences and curl norms 2” Dasign insruction to bud on learners ror knowledge and arperincas : aie Diepaye consistency in deaina wih behavior inthe leat derunve manner. ung eoproprate posiive and negative consequences wee uepahe Coneedeaes a te foe Understands and respeds a dveree studertparent population and helps a students eam respect ortho {cadiions and eulures of others 3 3 2 Uses appropriate nonverbal communication no 3 3 2 Provides a earning envronmant whith indudes high tno-on tack and actve engagement a3 Siete ee Promotes @ dossroom environment thet scaring and supportive ool students - a3 3a 2 Organizes and maintains the physica envtcnment ofthe dassroom in a plkasant and orderly manner conducive to student earning and safety “43 8 2 Monitors students behaviors and adhitesinihe dasxroom talimes 15,3 3.2 Handlesmutile tasks inbustns and dsractons whie maintaining the fow ofthe lesson 2 Teaches ond renoassdasstoon expectations, ues, routines and procedures ay Indicator Demonsiates cortent area knowledge Keeps abreast of nw leas ard understandings nthe fet Efiectvely uses muple represertatons and explanations that capture key deasin the discpine, gues leamers trough laeming progressions and promotes each learner's achevements of content stendarés Engages suns in learning experiences in the dscoine() that encourage Karners fo understand, question and analyze ideas rom diverse porspectves ung standard of evdonce ‘Creates opportunites for students to learn and pratice content language Provides areal world cone! for lesson content £ pitstte edu coefooe. coop teachar 2a Od HHUsksySTUDENT.ID=VIJTYWxOZWQUSN Jb&OnFSVB)Tb MiCi.d 8FORM=VIEW.EVALU... 3 . Instructional Practice Meranda Adwel BREB BEBR B bee &B BBR E ‘Ratings Mid Final 3 3 tt D. Professional Responsibility ‘Meranda Adwell Darr! Duncan Ratings ‘Ratings # Initial Mid inal Initial Mid inat BERRE BB BRE 3 3 2 3 College of Esveation - Cooperating Teecher ‘Domonsirates pedagogical knowledge relevant tthe dscipine indicator (Creates lessons that encourage students fo tink oeathely and ciicaly ato soe problems Develops clear lsson plans which incu objectives, mater, actles,adaplalonsimodiications and ‘evaaton tecmiquos Based on the curriculum Develops clear Inger insructon plans (o. units andlor modules) whch incude objectives, ates, ‘civic, adaptatonaimocieatione and evaluston tecrigues basea onthe coum ‘Selects materials and activities consistent with the objectives ofthe lesson and students diverse abies ‘esting in appropriate adaptations and modicatons ‘Apoles the appropriate scope and sequence of objectnes for teaching the curculum (national, tte ‘endfor lea standards) Uses availabe educational technologies for effective instruction Proves opportunities fora students to successtuly apply or practise knowledge and skis armed Designs assessments that aign with learning objectives Effecthely uses mutible and appropriate ypes of assessment dsta to Monty each students leorring needs and to develop dfferentated learning experiences Malntains dear and reasonable work standards and due dats Makoe changee in inerucion based on feedback rom multiple caseroom aseosement sourens ‘Gives constructve and frequent feedbackto students on their earring Balances the use of formatve and summative assessment as appropriate o support, verify and document rearing ‘Accomplishes smooth and orderly tranetons between parts of the lasson ‘Communicates clearly toa students the cbjactve and purpave af each lesson ‘Conducts class with poise, confitonco and enthusiasm ‘Mearns instructional learning time by workng with students indvidualy as well asin smaltor whole ‘oreupe {Ghes doar dictions Proves focus on mportant ponts and cveds for understanding Uses a varity of ffecve and appropriatonctructonal trtagios and resource Encourages partnation from al students through effocve questoning strstoges (29. equal distribution, level varation, adequate wat Une, probing and cus gg, and appropriate covrecives nd feedbacx) Presontslosons in @ dear, logical and sequential manor Indicator Models and teaches sae, legal and ethical use of information ane technology Domonstrotes meturty and aocops eanevucte cram ina postive mannor Knows end folows school okies and shares inthe general responsbities and dutes associ wit) Teaching (@9., attandance, ceopine, hal duty) LLstone caretuly to al studonts thon responds ina professional mannor Practices sef evaluation and rflocion Maintains condendoty at al eves Imploments the recommendators from evalistens of profesional performance Demonstrates elective interpersonal sll Maintains a consistently postive and professional demeanor Communicates effecvely, appropriately and professinaly in al forms anc to all audiences nipigaptstate-ecuss/ teacher 2afWOalH HUsksy8SSTUDENT JD=VTUTYWxGZW/QUEN JOGrOWFSVE)TC b MrCi. 4 SFORM=VIEW.EVALU.... 2 {287015 ros:tgnptstte eon. coop teachin ?a4WOBCW cy YigSF ORM =OF FICIAL PRINT&STUDENT ID=VTJTYWxIZWSEOWT cw HawaPecqM| PITTSBURG STATE UNIVERSITY COOPERATING TEACHER FINAL EVALUATION SUMMARY OF THE STUDENT TEACHING EXPERIENCE Keeston M Terry Location of Student Teaching Experience: RAYTOWN C-2 SCHOOL DISTRICT Subject: PHYSICAL EDUCATION Grade Level: ALL (K-12) ALL (K-12) INDICATOR RATING SCALE: 5-Distinguished 4-Effectively Competent 3-Competent 2-Minimally Compotent ‘-Needs Experience 0-No Opportunity to Observe Indicator Category ‘A.The Learner and Leaming Professional educstors must understand that learning and development patterns vary among individuals, that learners bring unique indhidval differences tothe learring process and that earners need supportive and safe leming environments to thrive. B. Content 3.00 Professional educators must have a deep and flexible understanding ofthe fiid and be able to draw upon the antral concepts and ‘structures oftheir discipline as they work with learners. They integrate cross-d'scipinary skils (9. erica thinking, problem solving, ‘reativty and communication) to help learners apply content te propase solutone, forge new understandings, sok problems and ine possibile, Professional educators coniec. information to focal, stat, national and global Issues, “C. instructional Practice Professional eduestors understand and integrate assessment, planing and instructional strategies in coordinated and engaging \ways for effective practice. They understand how to design, Impiement, interpret and communicate resuts from a range of assessments, Professional educators craato and support safe, product learning environments. They must engage in meaningful and intensive professional karning and sel-renewel by regulrly examining practice through ongoing study, sel-reflecton and colaboratio. Professional educators contrbuto to accomplishing their schoots mission and goals and demonstrate leadership by modeling ethical behavior, contributing to postive changes # pracies and advancing tek profession STUDENT TEACHER I've leamed a great deal from Keeston as his supervising teacher. I'm rigid and very task oriented. At times, that gets me in trouble, especially in my teaching environment, with the type of kid Raytown ‘School District has in attendance. Keeston has shown me how to be less rigid but still have kids on task. He is more go with the flow than am & has taught me to listen more to my students. At times, teachers get caught up in, “this is what | ‘asked for, now | need it done." Keeston has shown me how to take a step back and realize every kid ‘comes from a different situation, we don't know their circumstances and grace in the classroom is a must. Knowing this is one thing, putting it in to practice daily is hard, Keeston is a leader, professional, willing to leam and has the desire/talent to be a successful physical education teacher. He gets involved with the kids and builds relationships, he lets the kids see the real him and they have acted positively to him. Having Keeston in class has been especially helpful with my kids who believe they are a collegiate type of athlete. Keston was able to show the kids what it takes to be a colleigiate athiete and help my students see how hard it is to do that. Keeston will be a success as a physical education teacher and | look forward to what he will do with his career. (ate) (Bignalure of Cooperating Tas nipilgopltstate-edulcoe cop teachin WV O8cWayYigS8FORM=OFFICIAL PRINTSSTUDENT ID=VTJTYWXOZWS2E2Ow7IcowHgwgPecgMIK d &.12

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