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Elementary Case

Name: V C.
Age: 6 years 9 months
DOB: June 26, 2009
School/Grade: Home Schooled 1st grade
Location: Rexburg, ID
Family: Mom, Dad, one brothers, four sisters, a soon to be baby, V
Examiners: B, Brittany, S
Referral Question
Where is Vs knowledge compared to those in public schools? Using the Woodcock Johnson and
interviewing her mom, we can see where she is compared to other 1st graders.
Developmental History
Vs mom reported a normal pregnancy delivery with no complications. She was able to
make all benchmarks during development and has had no medical problems. She communicates
well with her siblings and her parents. Also is able to do schoolwork with her brother and sisters.
Family Information and Social/Emotional History
V has a very supportive family. She has five siblings, one on the way, and is the middle
child. V likes playing with children from their church and neighborhood area at the local
playground. She usually places on the playground with her friends and they imagination play
(make believe play). She does not have many close friends but when she is with friends she is
usually the leader of the group. She isnt bossy or demanding according to her mother. When it
comes to someone that has a similar personality as her, they butt heads and she will usually walk
away and find new friends to play with. Her mother says that she has a routine that the
children are on. It was also said that there are some differences between V and her siblings. Her
mother does know that she might be a little behind in her reading abilities but she was not too
worried about it. Her other children struggled around this age as well and they are doing good
and at or above grade level now.
Medical History:
V is reported to be a healthy girl that has no medical problems that are known at this
time. She is reported as having good vision and hearing and does not take medication at this
time. She has had the standard screenings and all of her shots for Idaho.

Educational History
V is homeschooled with two of her siblings and has been through her education career. V
does have some educational experiences outside of the home but usually with small groups or
family members. V has group piano lessons on the BYU-I campus and activities within their
church: activity days and group play dates.
V demonstrated how to solve math problems. During the interview, V was asked to tell
us what time it is. She looked at her mom and shook her head no. Her mom talked her through it
and was able to tell us the time (10:30). In the Woodcock Johnson, she would count on her
fingers to answer some addition and subtraction questions. She had some answers that were
addition and subtraction questions. She would also get to a point in the assessment where she
would put down her pencil. When asked, Can you do the next one? She would look at down
then back up and say, No, or shake her head from side to side. Then when asked if she can do
the problem after that, she would give the same response.
V demonstrated print awareness skills. When interviewing with mom and V, V was asked
to bring out her favorite book. She said, There is one book I know to read, and one book I like
to read. She brought out Dick and Jane. She showed us her favorite story in there when asked.
She told us the title of it (Something Funny). S asked her why she liked it. Vivian said, Its
about how they make stuff like a ship and cat. She then processed to show us the pictures of the
objects Dick and Jane made. During the Woodcock Johnson, V would sound out the letters in the
words in the nonsense word section.
V showed writing and spelling skills. During the interview, Brent asked her to get a
pencil and write hi on the paper. She got the pencil and wrote hi. She held the pencil correctly
and wrote hi neatly. When asked about her favorite class, V responded, Handwriting, because
I get to draw pictures. She told us that she likes to draw pictures of girls with dresses. She draws
stick figures then adds clothes. During the Woodcock Johnson, V wrote sentences in the written
section. She had three words and a picture that the sentence had to be about. After the first page,
she put her pencil down. When asked, Can you do the next one? She would look at down then
back up and say, No, or shake her head from side to side. Then when asked if she can do the
problem after that, she would give the same response.
Oral Language:
During the interview, she was asked to get a cup of water for mom. She looked at her
mom and said, Why? Her mom said, You can do it. There was another time V followed

directions. B told her to get a pencil and write hi on the paper. She got the pencil and wrote hi.
Then V was told to bring out her favorite book. She said, There is one book I know to read, and
one book I like to read. She brought out Dick and Jane. She showed us her favorite story in
there when asked. She told us the title of it (Something Funny). S asked her why she liked it. V
said, Its about how they make stuff like a ship and cat. She then processed to show us the
pictures of the objects Dick and Jane made.
Test Administered

Woodcock-Johnson III Tests of Achievement

This is a norm referenced achievement test that is designed to measure a student compared to the
rest of the country of students of that age. The test is for reading, writing, and mathematics to
help diagnose if students are on grade level and if not what areas are deficient.
Vs math skills were scored at a high kindergarten to early 1st grade. She performed in the
tests of broad math, math calculations skills, and math fluency. She struggled a lot with math
reasoning. Mental math showed to be a struggle for her. When she tried to do mental math, she
would redo the problem and count with her fingers and get a different answer. When timed, she
does not perform as well as when she is not. During first grade, fingers are usually used to do
math. Her skills will continue to develop as long as she continues to work on them.
What V can do:

Tell time

Add basic math equations

Knows to double check work

What V sometimes can do:

Uses fingers to do math

Gives up on a problem

Adds instead of subtracts

What V cannot yet do:



Mental math
Vs skills were scored at high kindergarten level with basic reading skills at a mid-1st
grade level. The alphabet was not hard for her; she knew her letters and sounds. Sounding out
words that she struggled with was a very skill she had and got majority of the words. Because of
her struggle with decoding the simple words, her fluency will not be as high it could be.

What V can do:

Decode words

Sound out words

Say her sounds

What V sometimes can do:

Answer comprehension questions

Gives up on words

Has automaticity
What V cannot yet do:

Read fluently

Have all of her automaticity words

Know all the phonics rules/sounds

V scored at grade level for her writing skills. She didnt show much struggle with understanding
of what she needed to do during the testing. With her handwriting, staying in between the lines
and keeping the letters eligible was a very good strength. She is also able to hold her pencil
correctly. Making connections of writing to pictures was something she likes to do. She
mentioned writing as her favorite subject because she gets to draw. With her skills being at grade
level, she would not need any help with this subject.
What V can do:

Write legibly

Hold pencil correctly

Make connections from writing to pictures

What V can sometimes do:

Write using capital letters

Spell words correctly

Inverts letters
What V cannot yet do:

End a sentence with punctuation

Use commas appropriately

Cannot revise her own work

Oral Language
V scored at the beginning stages of Kindergarten level. This is one that we could see that she
struggled with throughout the test. Her attention span was very short and we could tell that she
was losing interest over the time test. Because of her disinterest, her comprehension was very
low. When we werent testing, we could see that she uses complete sentences. There were
sometimes where she used improper verb tenses, but we were able to understand what she was
saying. She also is very expressive when speaking, especially when she talks about things she

really likes. With her short attention span being able to respond to something said oral will be
very difficult.
What V can do:

Express emotion while speaking

Use complete sentences while speaking

Express what she is thinking

What V can sometimes do:

Use correct tenses while speaking

Ask questions when she was confused

Makes connections to real life situations

What V cannot yet do:

Understand verbal instruction

Self correct

Understand meanings of words

Reliability/Validity Discrepancies
We showed up at their house at 8:50. V was just finishing breakfast, which was toast and
milk. We talked to her mom when V was finishing, and we set up the test. The test was started at
9:00 am. Vs siblings were in their rooms playing. Mom was in the living room watching us
administer the assessment. The testing took an hour and a half. After each subtest, V and B
would do some exercises. V would sometimes not attempt to go to the next question in some of
the subtests. We also gave the test straight through. We also did not administer the reading
sections, which required the tapes, because we do not have a tape player. In the writing section,
Vs baby sister started to cry. That distracted V for a little bit. After that, she stopped doing
questions in that section.
Parents: V needs more time to answer questions when processing responses for both reading and
math. Need to have time in between asking questions to come up with the answers and frequent
breaks to stimulate thinking of a new subject. V ensured have concentrated efforts in reading
books at home aloud and understanding the reading that is being done through comprehension
Teacher: needs to concentrate on intense spelling and sentence structure. Give more time
between question answer for processing. Give multiple CBMs and reading records to help
increase fluency and speed. V should also be asked more verbal questions and help with her oral
comprehension of stories. Timed math facts would also be of benefit to her.
Since Vs mom is her teacher, she can help in home life as well as school with her academic
subjects in various ways.

V is a typical six year that is doing first-grade work. She is homeschooled and has a typical
developmental history of most six figures. V has most of her math critical thinking skills and
calculation skills grade average. Her written expression and academic skills are also on grade
level. Her reading fluency, oral comprehension, editing, spelling of sounds, sound awareness,
punctuation and capitalization all need some interventions to bring them up to grade level. She
also needs help with her time to math facts and quick calculations. She currently does not need
special accommodations or modifications however, intense intervention program is highly
recommended to help her with her reading comprehension sounds and speed on math tests.

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