Uwrt Bibliography - Book Source

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Krakauer, Jon. Into the Wild. New York: Anchor, 1997. Print.

Jon Krakauer was born in 1954. He had four siblings and grew up in
Corvallis, Oregon. Krakauer graduated from Hampshire College and went
on to be a carpenter and salmon fisherman between Colorado, Alaska, and
the Pacific Northwest. He reached the top of Mt. Everest in 1996, but had
four members of the hike who were killed in a storm and fell from the peak.
He eventually wrote a book called, Into Thin Air, and it became a #1 New
York Times bestseller. Also, he wrote, Into the Wild, which was a major
commercial success.
This is a book source: This book is a true story about a young graduate,
Chris McCandless, who was found dead in the Alaskan wilderness in 1992.
Christopher was 24 years old when found dead in an abandoned miner bus.
He was very intelligent and showed deep passion and a strict moral
compass. He felt frustrated and unloved by his family and set off on a
expedition into the wild to reach the Alaskan frontier. Christopher gave up
all the material things in life to set out on an adventure to find happiness
through the inner beautify of life and nature. He eventually finds out that
happiness is only real when shared. He fended for his life for many weeks in
the wilderness and started to realize how to obtain happiness and who he
was as a man. By the time he realized these things, he had ate poisoned
seeds and made him starve to death.
This book relates to my topic because Christopher set off for a journey to
find the meaning behind happiness. He gives up all of his materialistic
goods for a journey of nature and self fulfillment. Chris finds happiness
through spiritual things without materialistic needs and wants.
This book focuses on the issue of materialistic wants are not as important as
spiritual needs to find happiness. This piece of literature appears to have
evidence through actual life events from siblings and friends. Also, Chris
wrote a journal which had great influence in this book. This book was not
very opinion swayed, but it did spark a lot of questions on whether
Christopher was very selfless or was he arrogant and mentally unbalanced?
This article provides a basic overview of a young man searching for inner
happiness through non material ways. This book was directed towards
fellow hikers, adventurous people, and people who are curious about
happiness and self fulfillment. This text helped me understand the topic

greatly. It did change my thinking. I was on the border of whether or not

material things gave you life-long happiness, but this book proved to me that
they aren't as important as spiritual possessions.

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