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Concept Proposal
For A Safer UNM Smoking Area
The purpose of this proposal is to suggest a renovation and relocation of the designated
Smoking area in the parking lot of Laguna, Devargas, and Hokona dormitories to UNM
residential Life. Unfortunately, the state of the smoking area is neither accommodating nor a safe
place to be. The location produces much discomfort among the smoker community and is an
unsuitable facility of UNM. Black widow spiders are now inhabiting the bottom sides of two
benches, one of these benches was damaged and hasnt been repaired. At night the smoking area
lacks security, this puts smokers in danger from the wandering drug addicts, alcoholics, and
homeless who tend to visit this location. This proposal aims to renovate and relocate the smoking
area to a more suitable and much safer location. This will be a major improvement concerning
campus living and security for smokers and non-smokers alike.

Current Situation Regarding Designated Smoking Area

The current situation regarding the smoking area does not meet the standards met in the
UNM Residential Life mission statement. The following issues should be recognized and
addressed. The location of the current area is on the corner of the parking lot behind the
dormitories on the north side of campus. The only shade
near is out outside the smoking area where smoking is
prohibited. This causes great frustration for the smoking
community. It is very difficult to socialize and relax
during hot days.
All the issues concerning designated smoking
area contradict the UNM residential life mission
statement. To foster inclusive, community-based living
environments consciously designed for our residents'
personal growth and academic success in wellmaintained facilities. This designated smoking area in
particular lacks general maintenance. Black widows
have taken residence in and around the benches in the
smoking area. Having spiders such as these crawling
around a frequented area by students is not suitable. The
motorcycle parking area is adjacent to the smoking area.
Recently one of these motorcyclist flipped and damaged
the bench. The student has not been reprimanded for
vandalizing UNM property and the damage has not been
repaired. One of the major factors for this proposal is the lack of security in this area. Students
have to stave off harassing drug addicts, alcoholics, and homeless whos routes pass through this
area. The overall problem is that students do not feel safe or comfortable in this smoking area.

Residential Interviews
Students have a lot to say concerning this particular designated smoking area. During the
interviews the smoker community informed me of recent incidents. I was out smoking with my
buddy and some guy stumbles by, wearing a white shirt covered in blood. Even though security
showed up in shortly after reporting it, I still dont feel safe around this area.
Another student reports harsh words exchanged with another student who utilizes the
motorcycle parking. The student was beset by aggressive and threatening language because of
the proximity between motorcycle parking and the designated smoking area.
According to the annual security and fire safety report 2013 one-hundred-fourteen crimes
were reported to have happened on UNM campus property. With this information it is reasonable
to assume that the safety of residential students is at risk and something must be done to solve
this problem.

Project plan for Renovation and Relocation of Smoking Area

UNM here in Albuquerque has a beautiful campus so the relocation of the designated smoking
area is important. An ideal example of a smoking area here on campus is the one located by
Coronado hall and Redondo A. It is a beautiful location cool, clean and well lit at night.

1 Redondo Smoking

As you can see there is plenty of shade, grass, and is

well lit. This designated smoking area is also
equipped with a trash bin and reasonable ashtrays.
An area similar to this one would be highly
beneficial to student life.

Project Plan
Step 1. Find a reasonable location for the new
smoking area, such as the grassy areas in front of the
police station on campus. There are plenty of spaces
around the Laguna, Devargas, and Hokona
dormitories that are not too near dormitory
windows. The ideal location would be very similar
to the Redondo/ Coronado smoking area.
Step 2. Evaluate the cause and effects of having a
smoking area in that location and whether or not it is
compatible with those who frequent that location.
Step 3. Purchase new benches, signs, trashcan,
ashtrays, and then install.

Cost and Benefits of a New Smoking Area.

The cost and benefits of the proposal is very simple. $20-$50 for a new sign, $300-500 for
reasonable ashtrays and trashcan, $100-$300 for benches, and $300 for installation. A total cost
of $1000- $1200. This small amount would be aimed to providing the smoking community with
a suitable facility, and bring back a sense of safety on campus for both smokers and non-smokers
alike. If you are interested in this proposal, you will receive a full proposal with all the details.

Back Matter
Sources drawn
Residence Life & Student Housing: about Student life and residence housing. Our Mission
2015. Web.10. Sept. 2015.
UNM Police Department Annual Security & Fire Safety 2013 2013. 10 Sept. 2015.
Interviews with students explaining the recent issues about the designated smoking area.

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