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Parents Are a Contributing Factor to Criminal


Meghan Vogan

ENG3U, Semester 1
Mrs. Armistead
September, 16 2013

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Parents Are a Contributing Factor to Criminal

There is much contradict on whether criminal behaviour is nature, or nurture.
Personally I believe that nurture is primarily the cause of criminal behaviour. There are
many factors that contribute to the evidence that nurture is the cause of criminal
behaviour. For example, media, peer pressure, and trauma are subsidizing reasons for
environmental cause of criminal behaviour. Although, there are many evidential factors
for environment being the cause of criminal behaviour, but my focus will remain on the
parental factors. For example, adolescent are in the care of their caregiver right from
when theyre born. Also, if the childs parents are not good role models the child can
learn un-healthy habits from their caregiver. Parenting methods play a huge role on the
childs outlook on life.
Firstly, parents play an immense role on a young childs mind, and actions. The
moment a child is born and brought home their parent or guardian decides almost
everything they do for the first years. For example what time the child eats, sleeps or
plays. The caregivers have absolute control over the child during the adolescent years.
Although, it becomes harder for the caregivers to control what their children are doing
as they reach the teenage years. Therefore, I believe that due to the childs caregiver
has an influential role in their life. If the caregiver brings the child into a healthy home
they will grow up, and be a good citizen, and if they are raised in an unhealthy home
they will have a higher risk of showing criminal behavior.

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Another, way that caregivers play a role in their child having criminal behavior is
their examples the parents show for the child. If either of the parents shows violent
actions, the child may think it is right. Therefore the child would grow up in an
environment where they think it is alright to be abusive. Also, often boys look up to the
dominant father as a role model (Robinson). If that father is not being a positive role
model it will be more likely that the child will follow in his fathers footsteps. In addition,
if either, or both parents are in trouble with the police, or law. The child will be confused
on what is acceptable, and how they should act(Ibid). Furthermore, children look up to
their caregiver and try and act, and behave like their caregiver. This, may cause a very
unhealthy environment for the child, and may result in criminal behavior
Thirdly, parents divorcing can have a huge impact on a childs behaviour. If a
childs parents go through a bad divorce, and the child is bouncing back and forth from
home to home, and have no permanent home the child will have no stability.
Stereotypically, serious offenders come from broken homes, where parents have
divorced. said Annie Robinson in her article called To what extent does nurture cause a
child to grow up to be a criminal. This quote leads me to believe that there are many
explanations as to why a child would turn to criminal behaviour such as if they do not
have a stable home. For example, a child might search for acceptance somewhere other
than home, and it may not be a healthy place to look for acceptance. A bad place may
be trying to fit in with gangs, because a youth may be angry about their situation.
Therefore, I believe that if a child is in a broken home they may look for acceptance
somewhere else that is un-safe. This negative, unsafe environment could, in turn, lead to
criminal behaviour.

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In addition, a parents income has a large impact on the child (Ibid). If the parent
cannot provide enough food, or money to support a child the child will be more likely to
steal (Robinson). The child will be more likely to steal from stores, and other companies,
because they may feel pressured or want to help their parent or parents support the
family (Robinson). Also, the child may steal for their self, to feed their empty stomach.
Being poor may not be the parents fault, because the parent may not have the
qualifications to get a higher paying job, or may be a single parent. Although, it may or
may not be in the parents control the child will be more likely to steal things which is
criminal behavior.
Lastly, a childs environment can affect if they are a criminal or not due to
parenting methods. One parenting method that can cause criminal behavior is that the
caregivers are being too strict (Robinson). Caregivers being too strict can cause a child to
turn to criminal behavior, because the child is allowed no real freedom. The parents are
making all the decisions for the child, by saying when they can and cannot do things.
Teenagers usually do not like being told what they can or cannot do, so the teenager
may become frustrated and rebel. When teenagers rebel is often results in un-lawful
behaviour (Robinson). On the other hand, there is such thing as a caregiver not being
strict enough; a caregiver can be too lenient. When parents are lenient they are allowing
very liberal life, and giving little restriction. For example, if the child is getting in trouble
as school for fighting with another child the parents will let it off with no consequences.
This can result in the child abusing their freedom. Adolescent can abuse their freedom by
becoming active in criminal behaviour. Also, if an adolescent is given too much freedom
they may not respect authority or the law. This can also result in rebelling similar to
having to strict of parents. Adolescents who have lenient parents may rebel against

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authority because they were never taught how to properly treat, and respect others.
When an adolescent rebel they want to prove they are in control, and can do anything
they want. Therefore, a parent must find a stable mixture of both giving their child
freedom, but still having rules to follow without being too strict. This may decrease the
likely hood of the child becoming a criminal.

In conclusion, I believe that criminal behavior is a result of nurture, and that

caregivers have the biggest impact on whether or not a child will become a criminal. I
have come to this conclusion because right when a child is born it is put into the
caregivers care, and they have a huge impact on everything the child does. The
caregiver is also the one who teaches the child right from wrong. The parent may be not
doing this correctly, as the parent may be being too lenient, and let the child get away
with too much. Also, poverty can increase the risk of a child committing theft.
Furthermore, I am a strong believer that criminal behavior is greatly impacted by the
environment in which the child is raised.

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Works Cited
Robinson, Annie. "To what extent does nurture cause a child to grow up to be a criminal." (2009):

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