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Edible Film Research Paper

FOS4041: Food Science and Composition

Emily Gunn

For centuries, people have struggled to find ways to preserve their food; fruits and
vegetables turn rancid after being exposed to oxygen for long periods of time, while fish and
meats are threatened by microbial growth and protein denaturation. This problem led to the rapid
gathering and overeating of food, the production of man-made foods with long shelf lives and
less nutrients, and the recurring choice to not eat fresh foods because they cannot be preserved.
Within the past 50 years, scientists and food specialists have developed a way to preserve fresh
foods for longer periods of time without compromising flavor or nutrients. Edible films are thin
coatings made from gelatinized high-amylose starch. This starch is easily gelatinized because of
the large amount of hydrogen bonding within the molecules. In the US today, edible films are
used to protect food from damage, prolong the brightness in color, microbial activity, and
oxidation.1 They are added to foods such as fruits, vegetables, nuts, whole milk, meats, fish, and
There are three main types of edible films being used today; protein based films,
polysaccharide based films, and lipid based films. The protein based films provide structure to
food; they are made up of whey, soy, collagen, casein, or others. Canola protein films are made
by slowly dissolving defatted canola meal into water, while constantly stirring, then lowering the
pH to 3.0 and continually stirring for one hour. Then the solution is poured into molds where
they dry overnight at room temperature. This type of film is strong, not very flexible, and has an
opaque color.2 The polysaccharide based films monitor gas transmission; they are made up of
cellulose, starch, wheat gluten, xanthan gum, or others. They have the capability to increase the
shelf life of produce by reducing ethylene production, increasing the amount of carbon dioxide,
and decreasing the amount of oxygen. This type of edible film has been reported to reduce

respiration rates and maintain firm texture in fruits and vegetables up to 12 days storage.1 The
lipid based films limit water transmission; they are made of lactoferrin, fatty acids, or essential
These edible films preserve flavor, nutrient quality, and shelf life of the fresh foods they
are added to. Some films have added antioxidants to counteract the loss of nutrients from
processing. The spoilage period and shelf life are greatly increased by the addition of the films
because of their protection from respiration, transpiration, and enzymatic browning.3 However,
there are still questions about the safety of the consumption of these films.

Changes caused by the addition of Edible Films

Fresh fruits and vegetables are most enjoyable when they are ripe and crisp, however the
transport and selling of the produce causes a great deal of time, potential exposure to bacteria,
and exposure to oxygen which could break the bonds within the food causing denaturation. This
could compromise the quality of the produce before it is even purchased. When adding an edible
film to a fruit or vegetable, there are considerable changes that occur. Some textural changes
come from the addition of films; the fruit or vegetable may feel more waxy or slippery in the
mouth. The produce may also take on a different flavor. Consider an apple with an edible film
covering it, the skin of the apple is not tasted by the consumer because it is surrounded by a
flavorless covering to protect it. This may be unsettling for some consumers and may reduce the
overall flavor of the apple. There is a similar change with aroma; when the fruit or vegetable is
covered to reduce gas transmission, there is a partial or complete loss of aroma. Smell plays a
large role in our ability to taste food, so if the aroma is lost, some flavor may also be jeopardized.
However the prolonged shelf life and bright color may make up for the small loss of flavor.

Strawberries are full of antioxidants and rich in nutrients, however, they have a very short shelf
life and often go bad quickly, even when refrigerated. This makes them a perfect candidate for an
edible film. A research team in India conducted a study on the application of films to fresh
strawberries in 2013. They applied a film enriched with chitosan to four groups of 17
strawberries, and left one group as a control with no film added. Their results showed that the
edible films did act as a barrier to gases, bacteria, and deterioration. The enzymes in the
strawberries that had a film on it also stayed active for a longer period of time.4
Fish and meats are also most enjoyable when eaten fresh. However, after the meat is
processed, trimmed, packaged, and transported, there is a great deal of exposure to possible
bacteria, oxygen, and more opportunities for denaturation of proteins. Red Sea Bream is one of
the most commonly eaten fish in China, it is loved by the people because of its unique taste and
nutrients. Raw fish are very susceptible to denaturation and possible bacteria attraction, which
caused a group of Chinese researchers to study the effects of the addition of an edible film to the
fish. In their experiment, the researchers divided the fish into four groups; one group was given a
gum arabic coating, the second was immersed in ergothioneine, the third was given a gum arabic
coating mixed with a 0.2% ergothioneine immersion, and the fourth was the control group
immersed only in water. Their results showed that the combination of the edible film with the
immersion in ergothioneine. This combination had the greatest success in prolonging nucleotide
breakdown, lipid oxidation, protein degradation, and reducing microbial growth.5 The results
also showed that the control fish group had a decrease in rigid texture throughout the 16 day trial,
while the fish with applied coatings kept their form and did not become soft. The application of
an edible film onto fish or meat is not as texturally noticeable compared to the addition of film
on fruits and vegetables. This is because of the difference in texture; the produce are very

smooth, making the addition of a film very noticeable. However the fish and meat have a more
bumpy, uneven surface, making the film less detectable by consumers.
These films can protect the texture, quality, flavor, and nutrients in fresh foods, but
overall acceptance is needed. If texture, mouthfeel, aroma, or flavor are compromised in a large
amount, consumers will continue to avoid fresh foods.

Safety of Edible Films

The Federal Department of Agriculture (FDA) regulates the production and application of
edible films. Edible films have been named Generally Recommended as Safe (GRAS) as long as
the safe processing practices are continued, and all ingredients are reported. Because of their
ability to reduce degradation and keep nutrients and enzymes active, the FDA supports the
addition of films onto fresh foods.

Lipid Oxidation
Lipids are nonpolar organic compounds that are found in fats, waxes, oils, fish,
nuts, etc. They are very nutrient rich and provide texture, flavor, aroma, and structure to foods.
However, lipids are also very unstable; they are extremely susceptible to free radicals, give off
rancid aromas and create unhealthy polymers and compounds when they go bad. The process of
lipid oxidation involves the formation of free radicals, which are highly reactive molecules that
have proven to be damaging to our bodies. Lipid oxidation occurs more quickly in unsaturated
fatty acids than in saturated fatty acids. Antioxidants act against free radicals by interfering with
their reactions; antioxidants are found in many plant sources such as fruits, vegetables, and roots
like ginger. The addition of edible films can slow this process of lipid oxidation and help retain

nutrients because they create a semi-permeable barrier for the food, controlling the liquids and
gases that pass through the skin.
Because fish have a high lipid percentage, they are very susceptible to lipid oxidation.6
The muscle of fish is easily oxidized, creating an unsettling aroma, flavor, and texture. The high
amounts of omega-3-fatty-acids found in salmon, tuna, and mackerel are very good for our
bodies, however the fish are threatened by oxidation before they even arrive at stores or markets.
Phenolic compounds have been studied as a possible candidate to slow the oxidation process in
seafood because of their ability to act as antioxidants.6
Because they are not toxic and show absolutely no health concerns, researchers have
looked into the addition of natural phenolic compounds and plant polyphenolic extracts to foods
rather than using a synthetic film. The results of this addition show success in prolonging lipid
oxidation and creating a longer shelf life in seafood.6
Incorporating antioxidants into edible films may prolong shelf life even further because
of their role in preventing lipid oxidation and creating more stability in the foods.Currently, there
are two main methods in antioxidant packaging; the addition of antioxidants into the food, and
the removal of oxygen and metal ions from the food.7 The antioxidant-adding packaging may
replace the antioxidants lost during processing or storage and may be another source of nutrients
found in the food. Adding antioxidants into edible films may be a good way to evenly distribute
the antioxidants around the food. The thicker films showed longer periods of delayed oxidation.8

Microbial Growth
After lipid oxidation, microbial growth is the second most common reason why fresh
foods go rancid. There are about 75 million cases of foodborne illnesses each year in America

caused by harmful bacteria growing in foods. Researchers have looked into ways of avoiding
microbial growth, lowering the pH level of foods may be the answer. Potassium sorbate is a salt
formed from sorbic acid; it has been proven to restrict the production of mold and other bacteria.
The efficiency of this additive increases as the pH decreases, however, when adding into food,
the pH cannot drop too low without compromising the food.9 Shiga toxin-producing E. coli is
one of the most common causes of food borne illnesses around the world. A study was conducted
to inhibit the growth of this microorganism in foods by the addition of potassium sorbate into a
film. They found that the acidic film may cause changes in the structural characteristics of the
food, however when applied to ready-to-eat foods, it was effective and safe.10
Along with lowering the pH level, essential oils have also been examined as a possible
inhibitor of microbial growth. Essential oils come from plants, flowers, bark, roots, and leaves
and are used worldwide for their antimicrobial capability and healing powers. Microorganisms
cause the spoilage of meats, mold growth, and quality defects. The use of essential oils,
specifically carvacrol, eugenol, and thymol, have been shown to reduce microbial activity.
Cloves has been proven to delay lipid oxidation in fish as well as delaying the growth of
hazardous Mesophiles.11 Although they have been proven to fight microorganisms, the use of
these essential oils is not widely used because of their strong aromas.11 Essential oils offer a
healthy, plant based option for protection against microbial growth, without compromising the
structure or texture of the food. Cinnamaldehyde and carvacrol proved to be successful in
preventing Salmonella in iceberg lettuce and other leafy greens.12

Application to Dietetic Practice

Dietetics should continue to study the use of edible films applied to perishable food items
because of their suggested ability to prolong the shelf life and nutrient quality, along with their
abilities to protect against hazardous microorganisms. Dietitians should not change their current
practices or recommendations based on the evidence available about edible films.

Edible films have been studied intently and may be the answer to lowering the risk of
foodborne illnesses while increasing the shelf life of perishable foods such as fruits, vegetables,
meats, and fish. Essential oils can prevent Salmonella growth in leafy greens and may be a strong
candidate for microbial prevention in foods. Edible films may slightly compromise the mouth
feel and aroma of fresh fruits and vegetables, but they can prevent lipid oxidation and microbial
growth when applied.


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2. Chang C, Nickerson M. Effect of protein and glycerol concentration on the mechanical, optical,
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11. Salgado P, Lpez-Caballero M, Gmez-Guilln M, Mauri A, Montero M. Sunflower protein
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12. Zhu L, Olsen C, McHugh T, Friedman M, Jaroni D, Ravishankar S. Apple, Carrot, and Hibiscus
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