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182 207 53 1.0 Scope ‘Sapter provides the general requirements for ‘volving machinery design, installation and S54 in this code, and as defined in Article 1 3 Paragraph (b) of Republic Act No. 8495, known as The New" Mechanical ing Law, mechanical equipment/machinery Shall include steam engines, intemal jon engines, boilers, turbines, crushers, mixers, compressors, cranes, ‘conveyors, elevators, pipelines, line shafting, etc.; and fem “mechanical works, plant” shall. include plants, internal combustion engine plant ic power plants, pumping plants, refrigerating air-conditioning plants, mill shops, factories, 8, elc. containing any mechanical lent, machinery or process, Section 2.0 Requirements for Permit eplication = Proposed installations, additions or alterations elving machinery, mechanical equipment or ‘eres shall be covered by the following plans and Specifications prepared by or under the supervision © 2 Professional Mechanical Engineer signed and Sssled by same. Such plans in triplicate shall Secompany applications for installation and ‘speration permit. 21 General layout plan for each floor drawn to scale not less than 1:200, in heavy lines the equipment with super-imposed building outline in light or suppressed lines. Al names of machinery and brake horsepower or kilowatt rating should be noted on plan. 22 Plan elevation of at least one longitudinal and one traverse to show inner floor relations indicating how machines are Supported whether through building structure, separate ‘staging or by foundations from the ground. CHAPTER 1 - GENERAL Chapter 1 GENERAL 24 25 26 27 28 29 Piping plan in isometric drawing: (@) Assembly of pipes on racks and supports, (0) Complete individual piping system, indicating terminal to terminal valves, fittings, size and color code, ‘Separate plan for the different store rooms, fuel tanks, fire extinguishing equipment, fire fighting tools, fire doors, fire escape ladders etc., which were not incorporated in Section 2'1 For air conditioning and refrigeration installation or ventilation, plans for supply and return ductwork should indicate the location of outlet dampers, controls, filters, fire proofing, and sound insulators. Detailed plans of foundations and ‘Supports. Detailed construction and working plans of boilers and pressure vessels, if any. Location plan preferably drawn to scale Complete list of machinery showing: (@) Machinery name (b) Catalogue number, serial number e, model, (©) Rated capacity (e.g. Boilers Steam "capacity in Kg/Hr, kw, kJ) (@) Drive and Revolutions per minute (1) Direct (2) V-belt or fat bett (8) Gear reducer (4) Hydraulic

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